My Mom started studying when I was in Middlle School, and at that point I was heavily into football. I somehow managed to weasle may way into playing all through high school, until one sister who played in the band, opened her mouth in service one day about me playing. I did find it interesting that no one said anything about her, as I felt it was bad association. In that local area of Texas any school function or group was bad association. Tired as I was, I'd keep my fat mouth shut about being tired on Tuesady and Thursday nights after Practice. Saturdays morning after ganmes were a pain. And yes, I i'd salute the flag before the game as the coaches and staff would be wonering what the hell your problem was, all the while I was scared to death the friends would be at the game and spot me.
Well when the brothers got a whiff of my bad associations they quickly called my mom and filled her head with how it would be bad it would be for me to continue on with these boys who had nothing in common with me, yada yada yada.....Well she told me come straight home after school, tell the coach goodbye, and that was the beginning of the end. I wasn't teased, as I didn't get baptized until the second half of my senior year, but my coach thought I was psissing away a great chance at a possible schorlaship. My friends were pretty cool,but a few did start to call me church boy, and laugh at the fact that I "found Jesus" . I did develop a bad habit of accidently calling some of my teachers 'brother or sister' which would open up an avalanche of questions from ther kids, spare me,lol
School was just fine until my senior year