Accept her. If she starts to preach to you, or get all preachy on your wall with comments, simply defriend her. I have several dubs on my facebook page. I probably only speak to one regularly. He is a former bethelite, now married to a non-JW. The other, also an former bethelite, was always very open-minded. He has his four-year degree and like the first guy, makes no mention of being a JW.
The guy with the four-year degree, I'm not surprised went off to college. He was always smart, and when we pioneered, it was obvious that the whole JW scheme of things was not that 'crucial' with him.
But yes.......I limit my contact on there with UBER know..the ones who need to post EVERY day whether they're in service, when they're studying for the meeting, how GREAT the meeting was that day/night. Uuugh. What happened to that scripture about praying publicly and making a big scene ? Am I the only person who gets sick of that on FB ??
Accept her,but you can always de-friend her or set what you want her to see and do regarding your profile.