This may have happend about 5 to 4 years ago. I know for a fact, as the situation brought to me by the young mans Uncle, as we are GOOD freinds. He told me concerning it, that he was telling me because he rather I hear it from him, rather tha the upcoming scuttlebutt he feared ( which never came )
His dad had taken in his sisters kids. Brother and sister. At the time 'Bob' was about 16,17 ? and his sister 14,15. 'Bob' and his sister 'Mary' had intercourse, which produced a child. And I saw the young lady a few times, and she was INDEED showing. It was kept VERY quiet. At first the young man and his sister kept in the same house,but with someone around at ALL TIMES. Last I knew the young lady frankly grew tired of the JW was and when my freinds dad had confronted her time and agin regarding her attitude, she one night never came home from work and had moved her things out. The young man I believe was made to return to his mom.
I STILL don't know what happened to that baby. And NO ONE ever speaks of it. I never spoken a word of this to anyone, except here. My friend never speaks of it, with the exception of the time he told me 'Mary' the young lady, had left and moved out.
The Irony is My friends dad was our PO when I first moved to this area.
This is the WORST thing I know of any witnesses doing, that is not heresay, or some grapevine gossip.