Wow...........................I'm sitting here shaking my head at myself for getting so stressed out over all this. Thank you so much for referring me to Farkel's post. Is there a Part 2???? I looked for it, but I can't find it. Anyone know where it is????
Posts by Lin
Where To Start.....
by Lin ini'm new to posting here, although i've been reading posts on this site for some time now.
i post often on silentlambs, but only now feel the desire to ask for some suggestions.
here's my situation: i was raised a jw, and i'm now 42. i left the org in '95 and was also df'd, no big deal.
Where To Start.....
by Lin ini'm new to posting here, although i've been reading posts on this site for some time now.
i post often on silentlambs, but only now feel the desire to ask for some suggestions.
here's my situation: i was raised a jw, and i'm now 42. i left the org in '95 and was also df'd, no big deal.
Thank you Larc, I've just printed if off, and I'll sit here and read it now. I'll comment when I'm finished. Thanks!!
Where To Start.....
by Lin ini'm new to posting here, although i've been reading posts on this site for some time now.
i post often on silentlambs, but only now feel the desire to ask for some suggestions.
here's my situation: i was raised a jw, and i'm now 42. i left the org in '95 and was also df'd, no big deal.
Thank you Sentinel, I really appreciate all the comments. When I had ordered Ray Franz 3rd Edition from Randy Watters site, he included in the shipment two pamphlets that I had not until now even opened. They are dealing with the question of whether the translators & publishers of the New World Translation Bible changed the Greek Scriptures to make it look like Jehovah was the one meant by the word LORD. I haven't finished them yet, but I will soon. I feel so strongly that I just MUST know if God is a Trinity or not. I mean, in my opinion, virtually all religious beliefs are based on that fundamental and basic teaching. I have no desire to consider myself a certain denomination ever again. But I feel like that old saying, Can't see the forest for the trees. I just have to have something to believe in, because right now I don't believe in anything but there is a God out there somewhere. That's all I've got, and it's not enough. Maybe it should be so simple, so why am I so torn apart? All those years of being a JW, I felt pretty good about myself, thinking I knew soooo much about the Bible, etc. But now I question the authenticity of the Bible I had all those years. This really sucks.
New Tract-Youths What Will You Do With Your Life
by Scarlet ini was wondering if any of you have read this tract that was given out at the district convention .. i found in this tract they are pushing the fulltime ministry more than ever before.
they in so many words say if you are not a fulltime minister you are not serving god.
it stated that youths today should not strive for academic success.
None of it surprises me at all. They loosened up for awhile, not when I needed it though, and now they're apparently pulling back on it again. I remember reading Ray Franz 3rd edition where he mentioned convention talks about not getting married, not having any children, working as little as possible, and spending every moment possible in field service. It loosened up some several years ago, but now they're going back to the old way again. Yawn....
Where To Start.....
by Lin ini'm new to posting here, although i've been reading posts on this site for some time now.
i post often on silentlambs, but only now feel the desire to ask for some suggestions.
here's my situation: i was raised a jw, and i'm now 42. i left the org in '95 and was also df'd, no big deal.
Hi all...thanks for the additional comments. Thanks Chris for that information. It's true, I need to calm myself and take things one day at a time and let the smoke clear, or what I refer to as Mucky-muck. I haven't prayed in so many years. It seemed so incredibly strange to me years ago when I did pray, that the *answers* I got where not what I expected. Like, I was married for 15 yrs to a witness who was physically abusive to me. All during those horrible years, I prayed and cried, cried and prayed, over and over and over to God to help me know what to do. I prayed that He show me what was right in his eyes to do, stay or leave, etc. I remember sitting in a closet crying hysterically, praying through my sobs, God...I can't take this anymore, what do I do? My next thought was Get a divorce. Well, that thought only made me feel more and more confused since JW's teach it isn't alright to get a divorce unless there is adultery. So, I suffered emotionally for so many years, praying throughout all those years, and thinking that my *answers* were probably coming from Satan instead of God. What a way to live, huh? It got to the point in my marriage where I realized that either I would hurt myself and die, or my husband would kill me. I decided then that I would get a divorce, and if God hated me for it based on JW teachings, then I'll answer to Him when the time comes. I got my divorce and moved to Texas with my kids. Wow, the freedom I felt when I walked out of that courtroom was incredible. I didn't feel hated by God, but was confused for a long time about how He would feel about me ever remarrying or so much as dating. But, I've moved on from that, and am now engaged to a wonderful, kind and loving man. Maybe I'll never have all the answers, but I can be satisfied that I am a spiritual type person who does believe in God and Jesus, and if/and/when God wants me to know the answers it will happen. Until then, I will get myself a great big study type Bible with lots of various cross references and just read it. Thank you all!!!!!
Leaving the Flock-Biggs is Almost Out!
by Mister Biggs innearly one year ago, my doubts were brought to the surface from the deepest bowels of my brain.
in fact, this site scared the poop out of me!
but, facts are facts.
I'm new to posting messages here, although I've been reading this site for some time now. I couldn't help but register once I read this post and write to you. I left the Org in '95, wrote a letter to the Elders telling them I no longer wanted to be considered a witness, and I was quickly df'd. It took me a couple years to come to the point of actually writing that letter, but I personally felt it was what I had to do. I knew ahead of time what the consequences would be as far as my family was concerned. I knew I would immediately lose all of them. That was the hardest part about deciding to leave, losing everyone I ever knew and loved, and being considered dead from that day on.
I completely understand the difficulty you feel. I've stayed close to the Silentlambs site, and I post often there. It's a great comfort to me to be amongst others like me. All of my family, except for one brother who lives in Spain, are all *hardcore* witnesses. I have virtually no contact with any of them, other than occasional calls from my mother telling me someone in the family is seriously ill or has died. Now, with the change in the recent KM, I doubt I'll even get those calls. One thing I wanted to say, that you are probably already aware of, is that now....those who disassociate themselves are now treated as though they are df'd. There is no distinction now like there was before. Those who simply tried to leave quietly were still spoken to in stores, no one walked the other way to avoid you, etc. Now things are tightening up even more, and there is no more leaving quietly. Sooner or later they will catch up with those who disassociate and get booted out too officially.
Stand tall and proud, and make the decision that you can live with. I did it, many others have done it, and we've felt much better for it. My thoughts are with you.
Where To Start.....
by Lin ini'm new to posting here, although i've been reading posts on this site for some time now.
i post often on silentlambs, but only now feel the desire to ask for some suggestions.
here's my situation: i was raised a jw, and i'm now 42. i left the org in '95 and was also df'd, no big deal.
Wow!!! I'm stunned that so many have written back to me! Thank you everyone for your comments, I appreciate them more than I can say. I really don't see myself as a *religious* person anymore, the word makes me ill. I do, though, have a spiritual side to me, which I feel good about. Part of me wishes I could read and write in the original languages of the Bible, so I could know absolutely.....what is true and what isn't. But, that isn't the case, so I just deal with it best I can. I want very much to find a Bible that is as close to the original translated version as possible, but I haven't had the nerve to go back to the book store because as I said before, all those books make me feel dizzy! The only church I ever really felt comfortable in was a non-denominational church. I quit going because I suddenly began to feel pressure to *do more* within the church. That brought back horrible memories of pressure of more field service hours, more book placements, more more more...Plus I had been asked to conduct a Sunday School class for children AND be a lead singer in the choir. Complimentary, yes...but I couldn't get out of the church fast enough. I literally ran from the front door to my car clear across the parking lot! I was like, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I plan on going there this Sunday for a visit with my fiance, who has never been there. It isn't close by at all, but it's the only one I felt happy to walk in at one time, before all the pressure started. I really can't say that pressure was intended, that would be unfair to say. But, that is how I took it and I couldn't deal with it at the time. I would like to maybe begin going back to that church more often, just to feel a kinship of some sort with everyone there. This church teaches the trinity, but I managed to ignore that then. What really gets me is the whole concept of *being saved*. JW's teach it's more about works, doing and doing and doing. So, this is totally new for me. I wish I could simply erase........everything I was taught and start over fresh. It keeps popping into my head every now and then, and I get so mad about it sometimes, I want it all to just go away.
Thank you everyone for your kind words and encouragement and the wonderful welcome. I am definitely a seeker, and I will continue to be a part of this site. Annie and Angie, thank you....I will see you both at WA.
Where To Start.....
by Lin ini'm new to posting here, although i've been reading posts on this site for some time now.
i post often on silentlambs, but only now feel the desire to ask for some suggestions.
here's my situation: i was raised a jw, and i'm now 42. i left the org in '95 and was also df'd, no big deal.
Thanks for your comments and the nice welcome here. I realize I could just sit and read the Bible, but with things I've read lately I'm not sure which Bible is the copied or translated most accurately. I don't know...maybe my questions will never completely be answered. So many different religions, different belief systems, and someone like me floundering not knowing what to believe anymore. All I do know is there is a God and Jesus. Whether they are a Trinity or not, I don't know. Whether birthdays and holidays are alright, I don't know, but I celebrate them anyway. Whether Jesus died on a stake or cross, I don't know, and maybe it's not vital that I ever know for sure. I don't know anymore.
Where To Start.....
by Lin ini'm new to posting here, although i've been reading posts on this site for some time now.
i post often on silentlambs, but only now feel the desire to ask for some suggestions.
here's my situation: i was raised a jw, and i'm now 42. i left the org in '95 and was also df'd, no big deal.
I'm new to posting here, although I've been reading posts on this site for some time now. I post often on Silentlambs, but only now feel the desire to ask for some suggestions. Here's my situation: I was raised a JW, and I'm now 42. I left the Org in '95 and was also Df'd, no big deal. I've visited many different churches over the last several years, all of which have various differences in beliefs, and I have come to the point where I just feel like my head is swimming amongst a bunch of mucky-muck and I don't know where to start to clear the crap from my head. I believe in God and Jesus etc, but where to start to figure out for myself what is really true religiously. Trinity?, Hellfire?, Cross or Stake?, Blood?, you name it and I want to know once and for all what is the real truth, nothing but the truth so help me God. But where to start? Book stores are LOADED with books, manuals, workbooks, pamphlets, and I almost get dizzy looking at them all. I keep hearing myself say that anyone I talk to about it has their own belief, their own interpretation of scriptures whether self taught or taught from childhood, etc. I don't want someone TELLING me what I should or shouldn't believe; I want to see it for myself and make my own mind up. I just don't know where to start! Any suggestions?
How Many Here Have Been Shunned?
by Reborn2002 inas most of you already know, the jehovah's witnesses are covering an article in their august kingdom ministry to be discussed the weeks of 8/19 and 8/26 which details how they are to shun and avoid those who are no longer members of their organization, even immediate family members.. .
undoubtedly this article has been written to reinforce to the rank&file jehovah's witnesses the shunning policy, so as to tighten the ranks and prevent members from having the opportunity to learn the abundant contradictions and hypocrisies found within watchtower doctrine and practice from any who may have left.. this policy also serves to divide families and attempt to shame or abuse those whom have chosen to no longer be jehovah's witnesses, for whatever reason.. that much is obvious.
in recent days this topic has been discussed in detail in various threads.
I've been shunned since 1995 when I left the Org. I only hear from family (my mother only) when there's a serious health emergency or death in the family. Out of five brothers, only me and one brother living in Barcelona Spain are no longer witnesses, and we are both considered dead. As time goes by, it becomes somewhat easier to accept and just go on with life. But, right now I'm in the middle of planning my wedding and it causes me to think about family since they won't be at the wedding. We aren't even sending an invitation, what would be the point? But, I've never been more and happy and free since 1995. I'll never set foot in a K.H. ever again. I'm a *newbie* at posting, but I've been reading posts on this site for some time now, and just felt like registering and replying to this one, for now.