It was a cold winter evening I walked nervously towards the Kingdom Hall. It was a day "special", the Judicial Committee had to decide whether I deserved to remain in his "Holy Organization". Many years of dedication to Jehovah were not served at all ... in half an hour as it was obvious and predictable ... I was kicked out by the Congregation did not need me most ... just like an old shoe. Around me made ??the total darkness, I was lost, all around had decided to do a scorched earth! All my best friends were lined up for this multinational ... even family members had concluded that I had done something serious and unworthy ... I had to repent, CRAWLING ON THE GROUND AND WAIT FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF OLDER indefinitely.
This is the story of Achilles Lorenzi, Roberto di Stefano, Rocco Politi, Raymond Franz, of so many heads that have fallen to the theocratic excellent Jehovaist theocratic madness, this is the story of so many people in this Sect causally common entry and exit out so devastating, is the story of Sandra, Sergio, Pasquale, Pico and Pallino accused of serious faults in civil society would smile well as chickens. Expelled from the sect for smoking a cigarette, because in the end of life you decide to take a blood transfusion, because you are young and you are done prematurely sex before marriage, because it is dissentiti from the fables of doctrine of this Organization stepmother who is not open to discussion and criticism. Soon, there will be 8 June 2013 in Rome Piazza del Popolo a Manifestation whose predominant theme will focus on techniques ostracizzanti of this sect. There are ten thousand reasons to participate in this event I put together this video that explains these well-motivated.