Eva Cassidy
Louis Armstrong
TuPac Shakur ... where're the singers gone?
ok with the death of nina simone today at 70, i got to thinking about other great artists who have died.
many would say elvis, but he wouldn't feature if i had to pick just 3. mine would go something like this.
3. tammy wynette (stand by your man was a song that'll always remind me of my grandad who died 10 years ago, always makes me smile and remember him, and her collaboration with the klf circa 1992. justified and ancient.
Eva Cassidy
Louis Armstrong
TuPac Shakur ... where're the singers gone?
do you think that at least one active person on this board is working for the watchtower and trying desperately to get information on people here?
do you know who you can really trust on this site, or is everyone a potential watchtower spy?
"I always thought that that Refiners Fire acted a bit odd...... "
Of course, Prisca, you're kidding again, no?
should we ask simon to put a singles page on here?
like: "male seeks female with boat and motor.
must be able to clean and cook fish and remember to keep refrigerator stocked with beer at all times.
Thumbs-up, Francois! Nice idea. I'm gettting to that point where it seems only an ex-dub can understand it all. Simon?
for the memorial service i went with my girlfriend.
she's the jw.
i also brought my best friend.
Hi Playdrums. Just keep your head up. And my regards to Carmen.
john 2:18-21 - then the jews demanded of him, "what miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?
" jesus answered them, "destroy this temple, and i will raise it again in three days.
" the jews replied, "it has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?
But the *** w73 6/1 pp. 350-351 Questions from Readers *** is long on spewing narrative and short on addressing the issue. Merely saying Jesus meant his expression to be prophetic (the italics notwithstanding) answers nothing. Have the Writing boys come up with something more interesting since 30 years ago?
so said my mother about my research of the bible and the society's publications.
i read "too much", especially because it's information that imperfect men thought was correct that came from jehovah, "but they were wrong.
Much like the elder who told a friend to "leave the researching of JW history alone".
since the elders are always spoken of as being "a refreshment for your souls" and "loving shepherds", did you ever find yourself afraid of them?
I should say, not all elders are like that. Many of the guys I met aren't like that.
since the elders are always spoken of as being "a refreshment for your souls" and "loving shepherds", did you ever find yourself afraid of them?
No. By the time I started to get into trouble, I knew the rules fairly well; that was after my first trouble (smooching with some girl, a non-JW); it was shortly after my baptism. Went to my favourite MS, some cool guy. I was jelly. He said no trouble; said I may not have to tall some elder unless it troubled me very very much. Said it wasn't a dfing offence; man,that was news. Said I wouldn't even get reproof of any form either, only some cute word about being careful next time. Ha! He was right. Cute guy, this guy. And I started learning the rules real fast. It was tough to be afraid of the elders on that level...
some truths in those quizzes!
i know this has been discussed before but i think a fresh thread on this will be enjoyable.
Sperm Donor.
Big Tex, you Irish?