Gracias, Merci, Thank you, Utopian D
We've been through a lot. I think WE need reparations. Verdad?
looking for folks in the waukegan, north chicago and south side of chicago area.
also los angeles morningside congregation.
Gracias, Merci, Thank you, Utopian D
We've been through a lot. I think WE need reparations. Verdad?
this country was barely populated when slaves were brought from africa.
are you going to hunt down every descendant of slaves, many of whom took on the names of their owners families and have thousands upon thousands of descendants?
Here, here, Jst_me!
I totally agree. I am of the Creek Nation. When I lived in Illinois, the Ojibwa and Potawatomi are there. I worked with and sat on the Potawatomis committee. I honored the land by performing, working and participating in the Pow Wows.
Now, I am back home in Georgia. But when I am on the land of another Nation. I recognize.
Edited by - sableindian on 21 January 2003 21:16:23
this country was barely populated when slaves were brought from africa.
are you going to hunt down every descendant of slaves, many of whom took on the names of their owners families and have thousands upon thousands of descendants?
Well there is one thing for sure....many people who are in association, Black, White or other, with JWs know very little about Black history.
For instance, to quote you" Bigboi- .... I think this whole reparations thing was started by lewis farakaun a man I happen to despise not because of his color but his attitude and political agenda . It does look like after all the efforts to put the differences and problems from the past behind us as a nation we have to deal with crack pots who only want to serve their own interests ."
Well, at least you said you think...but here is a bit of history that you may not be aware of.
"Bishop Henry Turner of the African Methodist-Episcopal Church and the International Emigration Society in Atlanta, Georgia was probably the first African-American to demand reparations from the federal government. Bishop Turner was attempting to raise money to send blacks back to Africa. He estimated that America, in 1896, owed approximately four million African-Americans $50 billion in back wages. For re-settlement purposes however, he only sought $500 million from Washington. It is believed he received not a penny. Bishop Henry McNeil Turner was elected bishop of the African Methodist Church in 1880."
this country was barely populated when slaves were brought from africa.
are you going to hunt down every descendant of slaves, many of whom took on the names of their owners families and have thousands upon thousands of descendants?
I would like to see a little more truth in history and in the media. In order for country girl to talk about the things her family did makes it clear that she did not think Blacks did these things. And if she didn't, it is not her fault. It is the historians and the media that give a distorted image. How many Whites, or Blacks for that matter know that slaves were captured from Africa who either worshipped Jesus, recognized Jesus as the Messiah or knew Jesus as a prophet. I'm talking Jews, Christians and Muslims.
How many know that Blacks fought in wars against Americans as Indiginous people, Canadians and British? How many know that Haitians were asked to come and help fight in the Revolutionary War as soldiers? Blacks who were free were stolen from their homes and sold into slavery. Blacks were trail blazers and heros. Intelligent and some well educated before slavery.
Some good reading is the history of the AME church. 100 Years of Lynchings by Ralph Ginzberg. (Something no other race in America had to face before or after slavery!)
And of course, there was a Black History BEFORE America existed!
And what's up with the seperation of Egypt and Africa in museums. LOL I just can't get over that.
Maybe we should seperate the conquered South and the Conquerers in museums. (DUH) See how stupid that sounds. But just as there are old folks in the WTBS who are set in their ways, this country is set in their ways about race. One great example is how Egypt, although on the continent of Africa, is seperated from the continent.
Remember the O'Jays song about Love Train? "All of you brothers over in Africa, tell all the folks in Israel and Egypt too" And by the way, older maps with the Atlantic Ocean as the Ethiopic Ocean, before the 19th century, had Israel in Africa.
If anybody needs any scholarship. "E" me.
this country was barely populated when slaves were brought from africa.
are you going to hunt down every descendant of slaves, many of whom took on the names of their owners families and have thousands upon thousands of descendants?
My family didnt own slaves. My Mothers family came from Sweden after the Civil War and they fought hard to have their homestead on the hard, cold prairie. They worked the land themselves, sometimes fighting blistering snowstorms to stay alive. My Fathers family came here in 1950 from Greece. They were given asylum because the Nazis destroyed their farm.
That's great! Now, after they did all that hard work, did anyone get their farm burned down? How many sons got lynched? Any body jailed or killed for looking at a Black, Native or hispanic woman? How many of your relatives were given syphillis, just for the heck of it? When was the last time someone told your ancestor that they were not allowed to read or get an education.
And if there were Blacks in their state, how many did they defend? Or hire? Of help? Yet, during slavery, Blacks, as slaves, helped the Irish and Native people.
Blacks were here before your ancestors. And guess what, they too worked the land in the blistering cold. The south was not the only place that owned slaves.
Your family was fortunate to have gotten asylum from the Nazis. Many Germans were not given that asylum. Your family is fortunate to not have come to America and later be put into concentration camps. You are a very fortunate little country girl.
As far as reperations are concerned there will never be enough money for the blood lost by many Americans, whether Indiginous Americans, Jews, Muslims or Christians with African ancestry. Give them what was stolen from them. Land, education, jobs and dignity. You can have the money. Just make sure that once they get it, it's not taken away by jailing innocent men, burning or steeling property, not hiring, etc.
I think when all people are freely able to be the best they can be. Everyone will have freedom. Freedom from fear. All will feel safe when all are educated and productive members of society. Why would you want to see anyone down, if they would possibly be your neighbor, workmate, or just a person you may possibly pass on the street. There is always a potential altercation. Even for country folk.
My idea is let the families have a free college education. For at least 3 generations. That way they can earn their own money. I suggest they do what they did in the early 1900s in Georgia, Oklahoma, California, etc. Own their own property and own their own businesses. This time, let's not burn them down. Ok?
the others got shrunk in transcit.
edited by - sableindian on 21 january 2003 21:49:44.
Can you see this one??
The others got shrunk in transcit
Edited by - sableindian on 21 January 2003 21:49:44
i went to a racially mixed congregation in the northern suburbs of illinois.
i found that things done in the congregation if done on a job would cause a person to get fired.
(in fact i know a jw who was fired for sexual harrassment.
I must say that it is not the WTBTS that is promoting this kind of thinking. But certain brothers who are looked at as "the word" and thus create a "cargo cult" within the society.
If you look at the pictures and the information on wigs (hair), the society has always promoted hair texture and styles as close to natural as possible for health. And boy did the brothers get upset when the pictures of the sisters came out with braids. It was hillarious, the words that came out of their mouths trying to explain THEIR interpretation of the WTBS's rendition of beauty. It was horrible in a sense, because the sisters began carrying around the magazines to justify their stance. And it became a committee matter if you were a pioneer and questioned the elder's position. DEEP!
last night we were discussing the "new light" that was revealed to the gb recently from jehovah.
many of us recall all the co talks and elder parts based on the bible text of how a true servant of jah would not be "inactive or irregular" for years one was required to have at least one hour to be considered a servant of jah.. as the sec in my hall i recall so many times calling up friends to get thier time and hearing them break crying cause they didn't have 60min only about 45min- and they knew that it meant they were not servants of jah.
now with the new light from jw a person with only 14 minutes of time will now be disqualified as being a servant of jah.. it is amazing how many jw will view this arrangement as a "loving provision from jah" instead of realizing that thier service to thier god has been reduced to whether they get 15min or 14 min.
Good post! I hate to nick pick. I don't know how old you are but if you are speaking of a Pip as part of Gladys Knight and the Pips, you are speaking of well groomed men in suits. If this man looked like this, then he did not look like the Ohio Players or EW&F.
I think you are younger than I am and just didn't know. The Pips are much older that the other groups also.
Otherwise, a quite thought provoking peace. I am curious to see your other threads.
Take care
just recently she had a married sister over to her house with a "Worldly" for drinks . My mother in law knows that this man and sister are sleeping together- he looks like a leftover Pip from the 70's in the days of the the OHIO PLAYERS, Earth Wind and Fire and Cun-Funk-Shun.
looking for folks in the waukegan, north chicago and south side of chicago area.
also los angeles morningside congregation.
Did you know the McDonalds, the Youngs(big family), Althea Turner, Philippe Gills, Carol and Joe Wade, Randy and Sue Dick.
North Chicago on Argonne. I can't remember which is East or West.
You might want to take a look at
#'s 1-5 happened at NC congregation.
(personal comments removed - Simon)
Edited by - Simon on 21 January 2003 16:6:45
i went to a racially mixed congregation in the northern suburbs of illinois.
i found that things done in the congregation if done on a job would cause a person to get fired.
(in fact i know a jw who was fired for sexual harrassment.
I don't understand this at all, sableindian. Herd is supposed to be the "token black" on the GB. From your description, his comments don't sound like the good natured kidding that lots of people do to one another. Do you have any ideas?
Mr. Herd was not kidding around. He was disgusted, not because of the moral decay of the person but because of the hair style. His term, "nappy hair" was not a term of endearment as in the speach of the lady you studied with. But a feeling of disgust for the styles women preferred. It was not HIS preference. He was not MARRIED to these women. Yet, he felt compelled to express his views on the platform in front of hundreds of people. Also unlike the woman who was studying, he was an elder. Your lady friend may just as well had the views of a Klansman. But she was not a pioneer, elder, circuit overseer, district overseer, male family head, or GB aka "annointed". I wonder if Mr. Herd has a name for the child molestors in the congregation. I guess not, as long as the LOOK ok.
I still have J.R. Brown's recordings. Dynamic speaker. Had a HUGE following. They had to lock him up in Bethel to bring him down. The man could have started his own religion. Scary LOL
Some of your descriptions triggered memories. I grew up in a Long Island area where the JW congregations were quite mixed racially. I remember where I and my best friend (a young man of extremely mixed racial background; we were only 18 and terribly naive) held Bible weekly studies with a black woman who was a real character. She was a grandmother and was from the deep south. One day she had her grandkids at the house while we did the study. I remember laughing after she told one of them, who was acting up, "Git yo nappy haid outta heah!" She also had a big German Shepherd named Nick that she had to put away when we came because he'd bit us otherwise. One time she was telling us about Nick's having gone after a neighbor. She commented, "He bite me! Ah kick his ass!" And she would, too.
A guy who posts on this board from time to time (JT) often gives some personal glimpses of some of the black JW officials he knew when he was at Bethel years ago. He knew J.R. Brown, and in some private conversations with me indicated that Brown may have some of the same kinds of issues as Herd seems to. It seems that they try to imitate their white masters too much. Of course, any Bethelite has to do the same to get ahead there, "walking the walk and talking the talk" quite literally. I keep in mind that the older GB members are mostly old white males raised in the U.S. or other English speaking countries, and have many of the traditional stupid mores and prejudices that so many of such people have.