Job 42 : 16
Job saw his children, and grandchildren
Job 42 : 16
Job saw his children, and grandchildren
last night i ran into a former elder friend, he is in his late 70s.
he asked how i was doing and i asked how he was doing.
then out of the blue he tells me; .
just on of the perks of being an apostate who is married to a branwashed, blinded jw woman.
you know, we have been married for ~27 years....most of which we had nothing to do with the piece of shite cult.
up till the begining of 2014 was when i woke up.
i'm sick of.... ...having an elder i barely know invite himself over to my house, and bring another asshole elder with him, you know, to "see how i'm doing" f-ck them.
...having same elder with all insincerity approach me at the beeting and before inviting himself over, ask, "how are you doing?
" then when i say everything is great, go ahead and invite them selves over anyway.
due to circumstances right now i cannot leave permanently the watchtower, however i need honest advice of what to say when elders question me how come im not meeting the group out for door to door & going out in " field service"... what would be proper responses not to draw suspicions since i'm aware of ttatt.. .any serious advice please...
i hate spinal treatment days.
my son is in sedation right now getting chemo into his spine.
the hospital and people here are amazing.
I would totally take the pain, for my family, or even non family.....
I would rather hurt, than see others hurting.
the royal commission published it's redress report today.
it is a 668 page document, but it is very interesting.
all the recommendations they make are in harmony with what all other institutions will accept.
wouldnt he, with all his "god power" n able to snap his "god fingers", and like kill the demon that he created?.
who creates a monster, that they cant control?.
i would have totally invented an "off" switch on all disobedient ones.
wouldnt he, with all his "god power" n able to snap his "god fingers", and like kill the demon that he created?.
who creates a monster, that they cant control?.
i would have totally invented an "off" switch on all disobedient ones.
Its all just so damn ugly. 😡 i wish i had an answer.
All i can say, is live, and let live......but live to the fullest ☺
wouldnt he, with all his "god power" n able to snap his "god fingers", and like kill the demon that he created?.
who creates a monster, that they cant control?.
i would have totally invented an "off" switch on all disobedient ones.
OTWO.......dude.....i hear you loud and clear.....
If i had the power to stop ONE child from drowning.....i would.
Actually i would give my own life for a childs.