Jehoober better take his buick to midas......get him some brakes!!!!! Shewt....and a lil green tree.....its stankin up in that chariot.😂😂
Mad Puppy
dear brothers:.
we are pleased to inform you that a new series of short videos will be produced to emphasize the acceleration of the worldwide work of jehovah’s witnesses.
Jehoober better take his buick to midas......get him some brakes!!!!! Shewt....and a lil green tree.....its stankin up in that chariot.😂😂
Mad Puppy
dear brothers:.
we are pleased to inform you that a new series of short videos will be produced to emphasize the acceleration of the worldwide work of jehovah’s witnesses.
@sparrow.........wowsers....the way you expressed that , put me right there in the drivers seat ....whoa☺
N stuff 😂😂😂
Mad Puppy
from the time i was a small boy - i loved rock n' roll music.
beatles, rolling stones, led zeppelin, hendrix.
i started getting slighted for the music i listened to as i lay in my bedroom listening on headphones to led zeppelin's song " black dog " at age 14 with my elder dad looking suspiciously at me as i'm rocking out .
i recently installed youtube on my ipad, as i was prompted to view some videos of a non jw source.
it was more for entertainment.
eventually jw related videos showed up and i viewed some and found them interesting.
Watchtower gamblin peoples hard earned wow😡😡😡
Mad Puppy
from the time i was a small boy - i loved rock n' roll music.
beatles, rolling stones, led zeppelin, hendrix.
i started getting slighted for the music i listened to as i lay in my bedroom listening on headphones to led zeppelin's song " black dog " at age 14 with my elder dad looking suspiciously at me as i'm rocking out .
Addidas with the fatt shoelaces !!!!!!😂😂😂
That was the shiiiiiiit
Mad Puppy
from the time i was a small boy - i loved rock n' roll music.
beatles, rolling stones, led zeppelin, hendrix.
i started getting slighted for the music i listened to as i lay in my bedroom listening on headphones to led zeppelin's song " black dog " at age 14 with my elder dad looking suspiciously at me as i'm rocking out .
i was vis it in a kh last night and i just thought i try something new.
when amen was said i bolted out hall low and behold there was anot her poor soul just ahead of me so since he did not know me but i knew he was df i said a greeting to him he seemed greatabsolutely shocked and horrified thst i was speaking to him he acknowledged my greeting and scurried off in t i the night it was a great moment for humankind..
Mad Puppy
from the time i was a small boy - i loved rock n' roll music.
beatles, rolling stones, led zeppelin, hendrix.
i started getting slighted for the music i listened to as i lay in my bedroom listening on headphones to led zeppelin's song " black dog " at age 14 with my elder dad looking suspiciously at me as i'm rocking out .
Hell yeah!!!!!!! The night i got df'd ...i drove my cadillac coup de ville that was pushin like 1200 watts , and had hydraulics to the meeting. They announced, i went to my car and hopped the hell outta there bumpin "wild thang" from tone loc. Yeah........bumpin......i know everyone heard that shit cuz mom told me so at home later on that night.😂😂😂😂😂
Mad Puppy
he delivered the most cultic piece of propaganda i've ever seen in an assembly.
wife typed up the whole thing.
i will be posting when i get a chance.
Omigosh......he has theeee nerve to call other people stupid???? Say it to my face asshole!!!!!!
Thats what i thought.....hee hee 😈😈😈😈
Mad Puppy
attendance was 1200 in the morning, 1146 in the afternoon.
5 baptisms, mostly young girls (18-20 range) and one that look older (over 20).
cost of the assembly $8500.
Ok got awkward is that ?? To give a baptism talk to nobody ...... I would just forfeit.....ya know.....send everyone home n shit.
Mad Puppy