@chaching......yeah who knows.....its not gonna happen with my dads money anymore , bank is closed!!!!😂😂
Mad Puppy
ok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
@chaching......yeah who knows.....its not gonna happen with my dads money anymore , bank is closed!!!!😂😂
Mad Puppy
ok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
Intro!!! Yes with the help of pop's lawyer, and a little nagging by me..he got his land back. He wasnt really worried about it., but i was😈
Mad Puppy
ok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
Thanks millie.....he's gettin fed up....just sucks that it took so long.
Mad Puppy
ok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
Pops just told me the congo is on its own ☺
Thats right!!!!!
Mad Puppy
@startrek......yeah elder dude should at least close his legs , ya know? I get your point.
Mad Puppy
ok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
@DB.....yup no shame....3 grown men driving around looking for handouts. Lame...😈
Mad Puppy
ok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
@bohm....it was two of the eldurrs.
Mad Puppy
ok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
OUTLAW !!! exactly why i stuck around, and actually one of the reasons im here with pops......eldurrs got shot down😂😂
Mad Puppy
ok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
@fast thanks fast....yeah he's 80 yrs old....but still sharp.
And i dont think they thought he would say what he said.
ok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
Ok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up. They come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!! This is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son". ☺ Thats right !! Pops told em . I wasnt goin anywhere anyway.😈. So as they are kissin his ass and tellin him how nice his house , and cars are, they mention that funds at the kh are low. Pops hasnt donated since they gave him a hard time about him forgettin to shave a few months back. So pops asks what the regular costs are.."small kh in puerto rico"...they say around $300 a month. Pops says his regular donation is exactly $300 a month , and has been for the past 10 years. In other words nobody donates . This is the good part....pops words again... " between the three of you young ELDERS !! you 3 cant come up with $100 dollars each? "....their faces turned red , and they had no comeback. By this time im about ready to bust out laughing ...trying to hold it in... Then i ask.." What was so confidential about that conversation?"
I never got an answer from any of them. They left and i explained to pops that they expected you to bow down , and bust out the wallet. Pops agreed. Im glad i was here, and glad pops put his foot down. No more donations.
Mad Puppy