This my friends will help in a long struggle that me and my girlfriend are having.........DOES THE TOILET PAPER UNRAVEL OVER OR UNDER
thank you for your cooperation on this timely matter..
this my friends will help in a long struggle that me and my girlfriend are having.........does the toilet paper unravel over or under.
thank you for your cooperation on this timely matter...
This my friends will help in a long struggle that me and my girlfriend are having.........DOES THE TOILET PAPER UNRAVEL OVER OR UNDER
thank you for your cooperation on this timely matter..
flipper again.
personally my all time favorite song?
stairway to heaven by led of my top favorite groups ,too.
alert..............alert.....breaking news .......... john cedars of jwsurvey has pranked called governing body member anthony morris iii at bethel .
over 2 minutes of pranking .
as i type he is editing the recording into a video .
wife ended up sick this evening.
so i'm by myself because i have talk #3 and i didn't know she would be sick.
buzzing on 4 beers and 1 bourbon and coke.
alert..............alert.....breaking news .......... john cedars of jwsurvey has pranked called governing body member anthony morris iii at bethel .
over 2 minutes of pranking .
as i type he is editing the recording into a video .
It was funny.........that was it.........funny.
BUT, letting a nerd at school know that he's nerdy, messes the whole program up. The following days after you tell this nerd of his nerdy ways, he stops wearing glasses. A coupla weeks go by and the highwater pants and pocket protector are gone. A year goes by,... and now he has all the chicks.
My point is......dont tell him what he's doin wrong......cuz hes doing a great job of it.
well if you check the new pay attention at the meeting video their hall is one of the 1st.
flat roof, lots of glass and a logo.
lucky them
alert..............alert.....breaking news .......... john cedars of jwsurvey has pranked called governing body member anthony morris iii at bethel .
over 2 minutes of pranking .
as i type he is editing the recording into a video .
since everything in life is supposed to be created by god, why did he create mosquitos, and vampire bats?.
mosquitos and vpbats live by taking in blood from other animals, and well humans too.
so my question is.....why would he forbid blood transfusions , when he made creatures who live off of others blood?
so i started dating on the internet in june and have met some nice guys.
i have put in a few recent posts that i have a boyfriend and wanted to give an update.
things haven't worked out sadly.. i was seeing him for a couple of months we were having fun and then things tailed off after christmas.
since everything in life is supposed to be created by god, why did he create mosquitos, and vampire bats?.
mosquitos and vpbats live by taking in blood from other animals, and well humans too.
so my question is.....why would he forbid blood transfusions , when he made creatures who live off of others blood?
o dang.......on worm alert......