JoinedPosts by brandnew
JW Elder Lawsuit Update: AAWA Fliers are Illegal and Uncle claims he is "Going to Kill us in Court"!
by ReligionOfHatred inhi, my uncle made the first move by taking my mom, dad, grandma and grandpa(all in good jws in standing and non have put out anti-jw fliers or speech), that's who he is taking to court.
i have left the organization but than again, i was only a unbaptized publisher.
my grandma (whom i love so dearly was shocked to learn "i am not going to marry a pioneer and i don't want anything to do with any pro-jw females, i feel this religion is one of the most hateful religions mankind has seen).
Ummmm kick his @ss ☺ -
bottom line on new generation thinking -very simple
by nowwhat? inwhen they came up with the overlapping generations new lite, they must have received alot of "where's the scriptural precedent?!
so they came up with the account of joseph and his brothers to shut them up.
still they are trying to make a round peg fit in a square hole to fit 1914 in the equation.
Im dumbfounded, bewildered, and flabberghasted.☺ -
Wow.....ummmmm.looks like they're trying to pimp ol blondie.....maybe she buggs. Or talks too much. Even this lil mad puppy does'nt want none! I will take myself for a walk....thank you. -
The Heartless JW
by babygirl30 insoooo...i have recently been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, and am scared out of my mind.
in a weak moment, i called my parents and my mom answered.
i start crying as i tell her about my disease, and this woman says to me:.
brandnew sad. Im sorry about your health. Please remember that you are very important. Parents who are brainwashed in this cult, ...lose alot of their needed main one is compassion. feels good.☺ have friends here.
by brandnew inme personally.....i think....if it was meant to be mixed would come in the bottle that way.. that said...bacardi gold.
Who remembers ZIMA's ? -
A passing thought when driving past an inactive JWs place today.
by joe134cd ini'm going to tell you of a family i knew of when growing up as a jw.
she was a solo mother who had 2 daughters and these 2 daughters were absolutely stunning both physically and personailty wise.
i remember thinking at the time how commendable it was that such beautiful looking women would choose to stay in the organisation.
Maybe ya shoulda stopped and said they are still "stunning personality wise" . just sayin.....i personally digg a woman with a cold beer in her hand ...shewt !!!! 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺 -
September 2015 broadcast Mia ?
by hoser ini tuned in to jw broadcasting to watch the september show and it wasn't there
They have to do over, or edit out all their jewelery. They got alotta bad hype about it recently. Lets wait n see how much bling is showed this time around. -
Hello world !
by Mrs. Eden inwell, here i am.. hello world, mrs. eden sending regards to everyone.
my english is limited, so please go easy on me.. mrs. eden.
GO MRS EDEN....!!!!!! GO MRS EDEN !!!!!!! YAAAAAY !!!!!
HI ☺
Thank you defender of truth.
by umbertoecho indefender of truth....thank you so much for putting me in touch with a very good expert...we are in touch and she is helping enormously.. don't you dare disappear from this are the same as all of us...and we all get upset at the things we see as cruel or unjust.
you were very very helpful to me.
all of you were lovely and i am very content inside to know i can speak my mind.
@umbrtoecho, you are appreciated, and have people who are in the same boat, and paddling as fast as they can away from that evil cult that we all have come to hate. Yes speak your all ears☺ -
by brandnew inme personally.....i think....if it was meant to be mixed would come in the bottle that way.. that said...bacardi gold.
Chukka bow.....chukka bowow.......on the beach.
Anybody know that drink😉