BAD ASSOCIATIONS.....about 20 years ago i was in southern california selling very large quantities of drugs to many so called "bad people".
A very prominent hells angel friend of mine saw how deep in the game i was getting, and asked me to accompany him on a bike ride to talk. He knew my kids were very young, and knew my path would end me up in prison. He inspired me to stop selling drugs , and to go offshore and be the crane opperating man i am today. My kids look up to me.
The friend of mine was condsidered a murderer, extortioner, and an enforcer. That man is dead now.
My point? Nobody , nobody should EVER!!! judge another imperfect person. We are all imperfect, and in my case.....someone considered the worst of the worst, gave me the best counsel i have ever gotten. Unlike the bullshit counsel given at a damn kh, or assembly by them gb goons.
Mad Puppy