May the Lord forgive me, I had no faith in Andy at all! Am I overjoyed he proved me wrong. I'm ashamed of myself. That last game! Giving birth was easier to handle.
JoinedPosts by abbasgreta
Andy Murray - Woop woop!!!
by not bitter inmy voice is sore from shouting this afternoon.
i'm so so happy.
did all you brits watch?
Introducing Myself
by DilloTrace ini'm new to this forum and wanted to give everyone a shout out.
i've been a silent observer of this forum for a long time, but now i feel it's time for me to break the silence and get involved.
i've been inactive since november of last year.
Hello, your'e among friends here, even if we have differing views on a number of things. But after an initial struggle (it will ease in time) you will be able to grab YOUR life in YOUR hands and realise freedom from the cult equals sheer joy and happiness because YOU are in control of it. I wish you increasing inner peace and contentment.x
Interesting quote from the DC
by GoodGuyGreg ini don't know if anybody else has mentioned this, but i'm currently at a dc in sweden, and this morning, during the symposium on different kinds of service, it was mentioned that 40% of baptisms are the result of informal witnessing.
if you add the number of baptisms of children of jw parents to this, how many are left that are baptized as a result of the door-to-door work?
doesn't sound very effective at all....
In our area in Nottinghamshire, England, 90%ish of homes all have a sticker in the window or on the door which says" NO UNINVITED CALLERS" with like a no entry sign or similar (don't pay much attention to them now as I don't engage in cold-calling any more!) On one street (the KH street, which we as newbies in the cong (moved from another one) ALWAYS got the slip for, we were legitimately able to call on 2 houses out of perhaps 40 who did not display such a sign. I mentioned to an elder, look if they have this sign up we SHOULD NOT be knocking. He said, "Oh don't worry about that, we have been told(?) to knock anyway, and just disregard it".We never bothered these householders and just walked around looking at pretty gardens or whatever. Whilst pioneering NEVER went on Christmas day, Boxing Day etc. This was just a test to see who had the leeming mentality.One elder said on the platform "OOh, sometimes you get a mince pie and a sherry, and I ask them to put the Panda tract up with their Christmas cards". There were a few gasps and even...... not a few - shaking of heads. This was about 1998 tho.
Hello and my exit story from WTS
by free2Bme13 ini thought it was fitting for me to share my freedom from the witnesses story on independence day weekend.. i dont have any secret info, just experiences that happened to me and started to open my eyes.. i was a third generation, raised in the truth kid who was never supposed to be born, and then never supposed to graduate high school.
ive now been out of high school longer than i was in school.. the beginning of the end started a little less than a decade ago.
i was late 20s at the time.
"Beat Up"!" Oh, what a great expression. Love your story. Welcome to the joy that is life away from the Borg. I wish you real contentment and inner peace. x
Hi! I'm new here.
by abbasgreta ini have so enjoyed all your threads and input this last year!
i really feel like i know you all.
very briefly, all four of us left da troof exactly one year ago and dissed ourselves within days.
Mornin' all! Beautiful here today in Notts, England - got to make the most of it. Wonderful comments, thanks so much. Just wanted to say don't worry that we "rushed" into "another religion" too soon. There was a lot of spaced out soul searching and prayer in that three month interim period. Without going on about it, we just knew where the Spirit was leading us. The first hymn we sang with the Church Band (all uner 20 - amazing!) was Amazing Grace. The words went to my heart. At the end and enjoying a warm (genuine) welcome from the Vicar, YES THE VICAR! on the walk home I was just enthusing. My younger daughter said "Don't get so emotional mum, THIS IS ALWAYS HOW IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN". What a staggering comment from a 16 year old born-in who was baptised at 14. We then enjoyed 6 months of one-to-one shepherding from the VICAR at THE VICARAGE (I still find it so hilarious!) who just blew our minds with his insight, calmness and overwhelming bible, I repeat BIBLE knowledge. I realised that jws are kept bible-ignorant on purpose because there are such gaping holes from Genesis to Revelation in the NWT.HUGE pieces of the puzzle missing. This deceit will not go unpunished, I really feel its the real meaning of "grieving the Spirit". I was a jw for 55 years and he showed us things, for example, from the Gospel of Matthew that I never, ever knew. He has been a tremendous teacher and so loving, I can't tell you, he is a real brother to me. He baptised all 4 of us in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (dunked 3 times) in a kiddie pool in the Church on January 6th last. I emerged a "new creation", nothing less, it was pivotal. We had all "unbaptised" ourselves in the family bathtub from that fake baptism to the org within 3 weeks of leaving. It was just a symbolic "washing us clean" but it changed us. Just one very interesting point. Within 2 DAYS of leaving the Borg, I had noticed something quite strange whilst praying and at other times of contact with God during the day. I decided to ask my two girls if they had experienced anything different, apart from the wanting to hug perfect strangers whilst out shopping etc. (We really honestly did that, we were so wildly estatic). They shifted about a bit and then Roxie, the eldest came out with it. "Yes, mum, I can't explain it, but when I pray I JUST CANNOT USE THE NAME JEHOVAH ANY MORE, ITS LIKE BLOCKED FROM MY MOUTH, I'm just saying God, Lord or Yahweh. The younger one had exactly the same thing to relate. And yes, you guessed it, that was my startling revelation too. Incredible isn't it? I send you all hugs and a big fat kiss you luvvies. Blessings, Greta.xxxxx (ps, Greta is my pet name that I want to use, its like a new identity, I'm actually called Ingrid). I'm not scared about any possible come-back from ANYONE, heck, our baptism made the local rag!)
What piece of WT literature is worth holding onto, or have you kept? Why?
by losingit ini have basically thrown away all of my bound volumes and loose wt and awake magazines.
i kept some bpoks, the insight to the scriptures, god's love, the reasoning book, and daniel's prophecies (this was my favorite) .
i held onto insight to the scriptures after reading some of ray franz's book, crisis of conscience.
Trashed EVERTHING in 2 days. Even pio illuminators (yeh right) copy. Kept finding stuff 'lurking' up to about 3 months after, destroyed immediately. However, had great fun for about an hour checking out the subliminals in the care brochure. Who is that lurking in the garden in a shroud on the inside cover? Freaky. Had a DA invite last year and ceremonially burnt it in a tin can. Best was tearing up like a mad-woman my NWT with venom. Hubby has kept doodle of him as suited, shaven headed slave made by younger daughter at last DA sleeping with head resting on hand. He now has piercings, a rocker beard and long hair. Now we worship in shorts, vest tops and flip flops (no pun intended!)
Hi! I'm new here.
by abbasgreta ini have so enjoyed all your threads and input this last year!
i really feel like i know you all.
very briefly, all four of us left da troof exactly one year ago and dissed ourselves within days.
Ooohh just love and hugs to you all
Hi, Greta calling from sunny Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts.
Hi! I'm new here.
by abbasgreta ini have so enjoyed all your threads and input this last year!
i really feel like i know you all.
very briefly, all four of us left da troof exactly one year ago and dissed ourselves within days.
Hi there. How lovely to receive 2 replies. Cedars and Phizzy - 2 real heroes. xx I'm in touch via Youtube (i'm Aquaseventree and have posted a lot of comments, but no vids yet. My IT skills are just rubbish!) with quite a few new ex-jw Christians and am UK East Mids based. Missed the UK Witnesses Now for Jesus day at Stockport as we were busy getting confirmed on the Sunday! Yes, within a couple of days of leaving the cult we were literally hugging strangers in the street! Oh to be free of all that hatred for people, how dark is that? Talk about being transferred from the Kingdom of Darkness into wonderful light. I woke up quite instantly at the 2007 DA in Manchester England in the Sun pm session. Yes, from one second to another! I was a tired out 50 year old pio (female) who had believed the incredible hype in the 00s about soooooo clooooose. When the DO asked us to clap cos we were gonna be there next year THAT DID IT. Liars, liars liars - just like that. I nearly flipped on the bus back home, I just let all the vented up frustration and anger OUT - I called the org everything from a pig to a dog and know some bros thought I had lost it. It still took until 2012 to leave! Me, my husband and two daughters. Especially the girls had woken up by themselves in the year prior. My 16 year old said to me "if I hadn't been brought up in this religion I have to say I wouldn't be one".. But boy we were scared to leave, the mind control is just incredible. Nearly caved in the last week but all prayed together - what a prayer that was! I just think the Holy Spirit acts upon heartfelt desperate prayers like that one. The best thing I read on here was "someone only believes in what they found out for themselves". I would NOT have acted on any info from "an apostate" AT ALL - no matter how accurate the source. Dubs are absolutely brain-washed drones - I pray for them every day. Will post stuff bit by bit (need one of the girls to help me find my way round on here lol). Till then, much love, Greta.xx
Hi! I'm new here.
by abbasgreta ini have so enjoyed all your threads and input this last year!
i really feel like i know you all.
very briefly, all four of us left da troof exactly one year ago and dissed ourselves within days.
Hi everyone! I have so enjoyed all your threads and input this last year! I really feel like I know you all. Very briefly, all four of us left Da Troof exactly one year ago and dissed ourselves within days. We all felt that after doing our research we could not carry on being in Satans synagogue. Was and is painful, my mum, like me 55 years of wt history accused ME of being one of Satans' minions and especially since this year's apostate talk - has ceased all contact. But we have new family in Christ who are just the best people I have ever been around. Just sooo happy - never stopped loving God, I always knew I was more than just his friend - in my mind I was always his daughter. I just want to thank you for all your support, it has been a fast-moving and extremely unexpected journey of discovery (and research and bible study) this past year. Just one point for now, I will never forgive the wt for their NWT. As a true and faithful dub (pio) I used to defend it to the hilt. I realised that my whole faith was based on falsehoods. So I started on Boice's Foundation of Christianity and was absolutely blown away with the bible insight of the author. I was so shocked at the knowledge and wisdom of a "B the G" writer that I fell on my knees in sheer disbelief and begged God for guidance. I had told Him just before our last meeting that I knew He was being mis-represented by the watchtower. We ended up at the church down the road within 3 months. I nearly passed out upon entering, I was so indoctrinated with religious hatred. But it was like receiving a real hug from my Father. Oh the lies we have been told about church going Christians! They are just Jesus's hands and feet in our local community and beyond. I only wish I can make up for 55 years of lost time and carry on being a real follower of Jesus, it is just joyous. I appreciate we are all different and embrace every single one of you. This is just my story. Love, Greta.xx