@Apognophos Yes. This was the point I was trying to make which is "homosexuality in animals does not mean it is okay in humans because we don't base our morals on animal behavior" But I see your point as well. Thanks for your input.
@Syme I'm not racist towards gay at all. I don't know why my topic or statements are all that bad. I've been trying to be as tactful as I can like I keep saying. My statements and outlook might be naive or premature but in no way was I saying these things out of hatred, bigotry or stupidity. Since I'm encouraged to ask questions (most of them were rhetorical) and make statements I will do it here. I appreciate all your comments and don't mind all of you being firm as long as it is not sarcastic or condescending towards me. Even if a child were to ask me a so called "stupid question", I would address it with love, respect and of course honesty yet in a firm and tactful manner. I wouldn't address it in a manner that would make the kid feel stupid or wrong for making such questions.