I'm also curious why another poster "cry2jesus" hasn't responded to my post about Christianity as well. I'm in the middle of Atheism and Theism at this point. I respect all theists and atheists.
Before I say anything to Perry, I'll give him some time to formulate an answer to us all before I say this was a "hit and run" situation. Everyone deserves some patience and time for him to comeback with a reply. Personally, I'm rather fast at replying to someone and know others who take a day or two to respond back. Seems fair to give him some time to answer back to us.
As someone who is in the middle of Atheism and Theism, if my research concludes that Atheism is more logical, I will go with that path but still respect the theists on here. If it makes them happy to believe in a God so be it. But they shouldn't push on their beliefs to Atheists and vice versa.
Again good day to you Perry. We are all anxiously waiting to hear what you have to say. :D