Now, I am kind of speechless but apparently I offended certain people. I have been called among other
- "Troll"
- "dead from the neck up"
- "Dark Side of the Fence"
- " never cared enough to raise your head above the trenches"
- " sees what she wants to see"
- " avoid dealing with the discomfort of the truth"
- " your statements cannot be taken seriously"
all of which is neither true nor can I understand which of my words justified all that. In any case, fact is for sure that I offended people and that's why I say sorry. Please excuse me.
I also am happy that I have read a lot of posts of people who my feeling was understood my point and tried to build/comment on that.
I want to add 2 comments to the discussion and then I will give you the last word and not respond as a focused discussion is difficult (I tried starting a focused discussion on page 1/2 of this thread but totally failed. I asked specific questions and gave specific answers. Next thing was people would talk about something different or not respond. So I dont see any point in giving precise responses anymore in this particular thread).
1) A couple of people said I lacked proof of my "accusations" that JWs incl. GB are basically good people with good intentions. I see it differently: The proof I provide is my recollection of hundreds of encounters I had with those people. Also, generally if I say someone is good because of my experience, I believe the burden of proof should lie within someone who states the opposite saying a person/group is evil.
To recapitulate my point, I just don't see that your arguments provided any proof that the GB is evil. Please remember that none other than Ray Franz (which certain people seem to have high respect for - I literally fell off my chair when I noticed certain reactions upon my critism of him, especially that it was concluded I would be a spy?!?!?!?!?! :O) also was a GB -member and ran the show about as much as anyone else, also through 1975!! Now, you seem to agree that he was someone with good intentions (and I think he says the same of the other people in the GB) but because of the dynamics and their deep beliefs the group did what they did.
The example of Franz simply shows that people do contribute to questionable situations without being deliberately corrupt. Also remember that he precisely wrote articles/reasonings which can be – in the aftermath – be classified as (intellectually) dishonest.
2) I now understand that the loud reactions I caused are partly due to the deep feelings against the organization because of separated lives. Here, apparently I have a different point of view/philosophy. Based on my understanding that the organization is full of people with good intentions, I see myself as having been part of the machine. Consequently, I am as much responsible to any situation which might have resulted from being there as any other person might be. Of course, I fully understand that this would absolutely be NOT the case for persons which didn't join really voluntarily but were convinced to join, perhaps with false/wrong expectations.
As mentioned above, that's my last comment on that thread. Please feel free to respond and close the discussion. I am always happy to have further/new discussions but prerequisite would be that we only talk about a well-defined topic with narrow scope. Only in that way I believe is it possible to react and build on one other’s comments.
Also, for the record: You are wrong: I read CoC dilligently but I understand different people come to different conclusions based on their feelings and what they want to believe (every organization on earth, even family, has things going on in there as described by Franz - yet not all are evil). A lso, it's wrong that I am a spy/farce. I really am speechless how you could come up with that. Totally speechless and can't understand why you are using this self-confident arrogant tone when saying that.