Somebodylovesme made a comment regarding earthquakes. I'm glad you asked! I have been waiting to share this information for a while. The first part (statistics) is from the US Geological Survey and their website address is at the top.
The second part is obviously from WTS sources and it seems that the WTS is finally admitting that their stance on increased earthquake and other earth-changing activity is flawed. Enjoy. (Bold emphasis mine)
Date Location Deaths
January 23, 1556 China, Shansi 830,000
August 9, 1138 Syria, Aleppo 230,000
December 22, 856+ Iran, Damghan 200,000
March 23, 893+ Iran, Ardabil 150,000
December 28, 1908 Italy, Messina 70,000 to 100,000
September, 1290 China, Chihli 100,000
November, 1667 Caucasia, Shemakha 80,000
November 18, 1727 Iran, Tabriz 77,000
November 1, 1755 Portugal, Lisbon 70,000
1268 Asia Minor, Silicia 60,000
January 11, 1693 Italy, Sicily 60,000
February 4, 1783 Italy, Calabria 50,000
The article is from the Awake! March 22, 2002 it is entitled, "Earthquakes, Bible Prophecy, And You"
"BEFORE his death, Jesus foretold events and situations that would give evidence that this world had entered "the conclusion of the System or things." That period, he said, would be marked by such things as' pestilences, food shortages, and large-scale warfare. He also mentioned "great earthquakes"
that would occur "in one place after another." (Matthew 24:3,7; Luke 21:10, 11) Was Jesus referring to our day?
Many say no. They assert that the number of earthquakes has not substantially increased in recent decades. In fact, the U.S. National Earthquake Information Center reports that earthquakes of 7.0 magnitude' and greater remained "fairly constant" throughout the 20th century."
Watchtower 12/1/93
page 6 paragraph 2 Natural Disasters-Is God Responsible?
In this regard, note what the book Natural Disasters-Acts of God or Acts of Man? has to say: "There is no evidence that the climatological mechanisms associated with droughts, floods and cyclones are changing. And no geologist is claiming that the earth movements associated with earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunami (earthquake waves) are becoming more violent." Similarly, the book Earthshock observes: "The rocks of every continent contain a record of innumerable major and minor geological events, every one of which would be a catastrophic disaster to mankind if they occurred today-and it is scientifically certain that such events will occur again and again in the future." In other words, the earth and its dynamic forces have more or less remained the same throughout the ages. Hence, whether or not some statistics indicate an increase of some forms of geologic or other activity, the earth has not become uncontrollably violent in recent times.