Multiple changes on the Generation. It has become a JOKE.
JoinedPosts by stillajwexelder
Please Post Reasons For Not Believing The Witnesses Have The "Truth" Anymore
by minimus ini see a few want to believe in the watchtower's view of bible prophecy, scriptural understandings and the view that the "anointed remnant" dispense the "spiritual food at the proper time".. how would you refute those views?.
Were Jehovah's Witnesses Correct In ANYTHING They Taught?
by minimus inor are they as correct as any other false religion?.
Religion is a snare and a racket
No hellfire
No Trinity
Certain holidays have Pagan Origins (so does the wedding ring but we pick and choose which we want)
College is dangerous -it MAKES YOU THINK!
JW Manhattan Project
by Red Piller ini received this and am passing it on email.
(nyc) area by jehovah's witnesses.
god in this project, too.. .
Not heard this - as usual the best source for information in JW land is this board!!
Gathering summaries for class action lawsuit..... Six Screens Conference call
by koolaid-man informer jehovah's witness mark palo featured on free minds, who claims when he was a young boy was raped at the world headquarters of jehovah's witnesses by a governing body member named leo greenlees and says his life has been adversely affected by the watchtower org.. he has lost most of his family, over indulged with alcohol and has faced unrelentless problems both physically and emotionally.. marks therapist is willing to speak up in a court of law and expose the evils of the watchtower society.. mark will be our guest in the 7 pm to 9 pm hours.. .
the first amendment (freedom of religion) has always been on the watchtowers side in stopping class action lawsuits against them but a stunning new twist has emerged that may open up the flood gates for scores of new lawsuits.. if your life has been turned upside down by the watchtower organization and would like to participate in and perhaps be compensated for the life altering damage caused to you then dial into the six screens of the watchtower conference call sat.
nov, 19, 2011 7pm.est.
Mouthy - an Eastender - bless her - you guys sure as hell took one helluva pounding during WW11.
My father-in-laws job was to load up the Lancasters (with bombs) for revenge.
WWI and Beer
by Farkel inin april, 1917 the united states declared war on germany.
the german u-boats had sunk a bunch of american ships and the war declaration was justified, even though woodrow wilson was basically, a total asshole.. anti-german frenzy hit the american shores.
sauerkraut was renamed "freedom cabbage" and dachshunds were stoned to death.
All Japanese were bad after Pearl Harbor.
All muslims were bad after 9/11
nothing changes sadly. The human race seem to be haters
Are You Sick Of The Witnesses?
by minimus in.....sometimes they just are irritating to think about..
I am sick of their "holier-than-thou" attitudes and all the " ooohing and aaaahing " every time there is an earthquake or similar.
Do You Honestly Believe ANY Politician Will Make YOUR Life That Much Better?
by minimus ini have to believe that in this day and age, they all suck.. and in the thousands of years of politics, i don't think there's any person or party that made life all that much better.
(except maybe during fdr's reign)....but i'm not sure if all those programs that were instituted didn't produce the mess we're in now..
No - here is why. Take Obama - elected on Change we can believe in. No matter how sincere and sensible the policies -it requires CONGRESS to get its act together. So no ONE person can - it needs great minds to come together and do what is right for the majority.
Funny story by an ex-missionary/ ex CO mentioned in COCÂ…
by Alfred inso a few months ago, i had dinner with an ex-missionary/ex-co (mentioned in coc and pentons apocalypse delayed) and he had some really interesting and funny anecdotes about his time in brooklyn bethel and spain.
(i will ask him permission to reveal his name at a later time) but i just wanted to share one particular story that really made me laugh as it shows how ridiculous elders can behave after theyve been thoroughly dumbed down by the wt leadership.
he explained that while he was serving in spain, a trivial matter came up in one of his visits to a congo in barcelona sometime in the late 70s.
holding glands - now that would be different!
Yes and no. I just got to a stage where I did not care. Then I got woried about not being able to attend my childrens weddings etc. Then I got to meet some people and talk to some on here and quite frankly, I trust the people on this site more than I trust JWs at the hall - sad but true.
Popularity Contest
by Voices ineverywhere i've gone, no matter what, there's always a 'popularity contest' (which i'm a loser to)... whether it was in the organization (based on how high you went up the chain of command or who you married for the sisters), the school system such as high school, college, etc.. or job.
who does the hardest work, who does what, when how.
even on this website.
Well minimus is still going strong after all these years -and has by far the most posts of anyone