They build new Branches the End is Close, they close Branches the End is Close................somewhere over the Rainbowww
this is an exerpt from the aug. 15, 2011 wt p.18:.
why is down-sizing an "exciting development"?
amazing how they spin it..
They build new Branches the End is Close, they close Branches the End is Close................somewhere over the Rainbowww
wow, it's hard to believe it's already been about a year since this subject was covered in the wt study at kindgom halls around the globe... let's read it just one more time, so we don't forget just how ridiculous this sounded when we first read it.... watchtower (study edition), april 15th, 2010 issue, pages 27-29:.
"this magazine has long been used by the faithful and discreet slave as the primary channel for dispensing increased light.
... what does this explanation mean to us?
One year later Jack Barr is dead - and he was rolled out at the Annual meeting to give this talk
i know the poster lost generation made a fantastic thread on this july 15th apostate article, however - i noticed some very powerful points on pg.
17 paragraphs 9 - 11 which weren't brought out that i feel needed to be touched on.
as was brought out in his thread this article told jw's to avoid apostates because they are " mentally diseased " allegedly and to avoid their web sites, not read their literature, watch t.v.
If you tell a child "Don't put your hand in the fire' sure as hell they will. The WTBTS saying dont do this - means the brothers will - stupid idiots when will they learn - keep your f------g mouths shut.
this year alone, three wifes in my congo left their husband and da with jws (all of them have kids).
similar cases are seen in nearby congos.
its striking that far more women leave their man and the jws then man do.. i would like to know, whether this observation can be made in your area too.
Just one in our area
9:30 song no.
10:50 song no.
12:10 song no.
this is an exerpt from the aug. 15, 2011 wt p.18:.
why is down-sizing an "exciting development"?
amazing how they spin it..
so let us list the branches that have merged or closed for whatever reason
France closed -merged with Britain (10 years ago or more)
Hawaii - merged with the US
Ireland - merged with Britain
Alaska - not official yet but will merge with US
i wish i had flipper's courteousness and minimus' blitheness.. syl.
Well Terrys brain would be good - or Leolaias
finally, after 35 years without a trophy !.
champions league next season and an owner with deep pockets - i wonder what the squad will look like and how far they can go?!.
wll my sister is a Man U season ticket holder - so she was just delighted on Saturday. Anyway - a great time for MANCHESTER
LOL - I love it FHN
sorry for those who do not know spanish, but it's the only km i have access to.. .
talks about aux pioneering in the summer (ref.
organized pp.
Nothing new here then - they will do the 30hr thing next memorial for certain.