A terrible loss
JoinedPosts by stillajwexelder
Rick Fearon And Those Who Knew His Wife Inez
by minimus ini've known the fearons for many years.
i've known their cousins, uncles, daughters, nephews, etc.. i know that rick can't post here and i understand the reasons.. i just wanted to say that rick has suffered a terrible loss and he dearly loved his ill wife, inez.. i want to thank mouthy for letting us know about what happened to inez a couple of weeks ago!
and i hope that we can show kindness and caring for rick during his time of grief and sorrow..
What Watchtower Got Wrong with Their Child Molestation Policy
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inin the style of stephen lett, i'm trying to come up with an exhaustive, enumerated list (without his crazy eyebrows, goofy facial expressions, and nutty voice).
what watchtower has gotten wrong isn't just their 2 witness rule.
it goes much deeper into other failures of jw dogma that has allowed this injustice and others to flourish in their organization.
OK I have to be crude here because it has pissed me off for > 20 years. What business do elders have in the bedroom of a married couple. NONE,. ZERO. It may seem off topic but it is not. Elders pry into matters that are not their concern, but dont get involved when they absolutely need to -as in protecting children. Surely to God, if a proeprly married couple engage in mutual oral sex or similar - how the hell is that the elders business?. And yet they will invoke the two witness rule and not protect a child -TOTALLY MIND BLOWING.
Watchtower's Billion Dollars of Property Cannot Be Sold until Outcome of Conti Appeal
by Dogpatch in30 minutes ago i just got off the phone with some important players in this case, and some things were relayed to me concerning a lot of details of the outcome of the last two days of court.
i am passing this on.
cynthia hampton, one of the main players in the candace conti case (and a close friend of 28 years), just informed me of a further, far more powerful move by the state of california against the watch tower bible and tract society of new york, inc.. by order of the superior court of the state of california - county of alameda (see documents below), until the watch tower's appeal, which won't begin until august 13th and will take up to two years to settle due to due process of law, has forbidden the watch tower to sell any more of its $1 billion in assets in the borough of brooklyn until the appeals case is finished, to assure they won't shelter their monies in the light of this most huge and devastating sexual abuse scandal ever to hit the watch tower society, and perhaps any other single-victim lawsuit.
I do not wish to throw a spanner in the works, but British tax laws are very favorable to religions/charities. I know for certain "assets" have been moved over there for the last 10 years. I admit you can not move real estate. They will survive but will have to morph. I still think they will make everything a "conscience " issue and move to be less controlling. It is one of their few ways forward.
Is the Borg "really" guilty in the Candace Conti case ???
by RubaDub infull disclosure:.
i am an active (2-4 hrs/month) 3rd generation jw hovering under the radar.
been posting here for 10 years.
It's not that simple. Will they hold a Judicial meeting on the accusation/ testimony of one lone child?
The two witness rule is crazy. No pedophile (unless it is a ring) is going to have another witness. Almost as crazy as there must be 4 muslim males witness a rape of a girl. Not going to happen.
5.1 Eathquake hits near Melbourne Australia last night...is the end near? Or should I just have another beer?
by Witness 007 in9pm i was sitting in my recliner when i literally felt my ass vibrating....as there was no other reason for this i turned to my wife on the couch and said: "did you feel that...i think it was a tremor..." "yeah i did feel something.".
i guess this is a huge sign that the the end is near or......we live on a planet that has shifting plates and australia is slowly moving north.
jesus said earthquakes, pestilence and wars would increase, but isn't that like saying "the weather will be hot....and freezing cold....then it will get very hot again...." very obvious "signs" from a carpenter in the first century.. alot of witnesses will be going out in field service this morning..
Enjoy a Fosters I say.
Is the Borg "really" guilty in the Candace Conti case ???
by RubaDub infull disclosure:.
i am an active (2-4 hrs/month) 3rd generation jw hovering under the radar.
been posting here for 10 years.
When did the elder arrangement come in . . . ?
Is the Borg "really" guilty in the Candace Conti case ???
by RubaDub infull disclosure:.
i am an active (2-4 hrs/month) 3rd generation jw hovering under the radar.
been posting here for 10 years.
It is simple. You hold a Judicial Committee. If he has not/will not report to the police - he is not repentant. You disfellowship and never let him back until he has confessed.
The two witness rule is crazy. No pedophile (unless it is a ring) is going to have another witness. Almost as crazy as there must be 4 muslim males witness a rape of a girl. Not going to happen.
Watchtower found guilty ruled to pay 7 million to 1 victim? wow
by yourmomma inis this recent?
i havent seen anyone post about it, the link has a pdf on it of the court documents, and it looks like the stamp is from 5/12 but its blurry.. .
I don't know of many elders that were able to maintain confidentiality, so even if WTS tells them not to discuss, everyone in the congregation will be talking about it at the next meeting.
Yes sir !!
Watchtower found guilty ruled to pay 7 million to 1 victim? wow
by yourmomma inis this recent?
i havent seen anyone post about it, the link has a pdf on it of the court documents, and it looks like the stamp is from 5/12 but its blurry.. .
They'll be told that this is just more persecution that was foretold in 2 Hezekiah 37:14.
Watchtower found guilty ruled to pay 7 million to 1 victim? wow
by yourmomma inis this recent?
i havent seen anyone post about it, the link has a pdf on it of the court documents, and it looks like the stamp is from 5/12 but its blurry.. .
yknot: "Instead of DOs bullying victims.....now they will bully known (possible suspected) pedos into submitting letters of disassociation before officially cleaning house..... that way they can claim 'holy spirit' removed the wicked and not Caesar"I think you're on to something there. The WTS opening the door to this approach with the Bulgarian blood issue. The WTS can stand there and say "What, WE didn't punish anyone for taking blood. When they took blood they were DISASSOCIATING THEMSELVES."
If they can take that stance when people take blood, what's stopping the WTS from taking that stance with every disfellowshipping offense? Then they can stand there and say "Nooo lite! WE don't kick ANYONE out of the congregation, people kick THEMSELVES out, demonstrating by their actions that they no longer consider themselves as one of Jehovah's Witnesses!"
And in fact, if you truly want to prove you are repentant, turning yourself in to the authorities would be a real sign you are repentant to the judicial committee.