You just can not make this shit up
JoinedPosts by stillajwexelder
2012 annual meeting notes
by lostinthought insorry for the wait guys.... .
part one.
moorse had the opening comments talked about historic annual meetings.. .
Cedars article on new Governing Body changes
by MrsCedars infor those who are interested.... .
Did I miss something - 8 members of the GB - has a new one been appointed?
We will decide who is a predator! New Watchtower Instructions to Elders on Child Abuse
by Jaime l de Aragon inmust read on jehovahs witnesses watchtower arrogance in failure to warn of congregation pedophiles..
OMG -bookmarked
Did You Know A Lot Of Elders That Simply Weren't Too Bright?
by minimus ini did.. most of the elders were decent men but i'd say a third weren't the brightest bulbs in the sky..
Post 32 of 36
Since 9/2/2012Not a surprise ,most elders in most Kingdom Halls are below average IQ .
Reasons :
- They are chosen on not how bright or how well versed are in the Bible but for how loyal they are to mother organisation
- 70% of the time they come from the same family i.e. if your dad is an elder you will find it twice as easy to become one compared to one who has no such affiliations
- Critical thinking left the building after '75 ,so you will find JW's are become more stupid every year
- GB is against higher education so things will get worse
EXACTLY my thoughts - I have met some extremely loyal but just cant think. They were never allowed on a JC
Dang: 9 years
by FlyingHighNow ini just realized this is my 9th jwd/jwn anniversary.
what a long strange trip it's been.
i am very grateful to simon and ang for providing this site.
At This Point In Your Life Would You Care If You Were Disfellowshipped or Disassociated?
by minimus ini'm curious..
too many family in so yes
What's The Worst Thing About Being A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus infor me, i think it's that the witnesses teach they are god's spokesman.
they represent his "faithful & discreet slave"....and that they alone are expounders of the only truth and that if you disagree with anything they teach, you are considered worse than vomit.. it's unbelievable because these people are wrong so many times, it cannot be excused!.
as a witness, you must accept every viewpoint and if you (and your family) do not accept it all, hook, line and sinker, you are "apostates"!!!.
Not being allowed to be oneself
I Want Proof Jesus Even Existed
by Farkel indon't bother me with the josephus addendum.
i've already seen that debunked.. i am quite aware of the fact that the only evidence of jesus comes from his own followers who didn't even bother to write down his life for decades after jesus "died.
" don't know about you, but if i saw all that shit, i would have gone home and written three books about it that same day!.
I think ANECDOTAL evidence is the best you will get. Hard evidence - forget about it.
SAD news about OOMPA......
by redredrose inour friend, oompa, has passed away.
just recieved the news a couple of hours ago, and have almost no details.
it happened today or yesterday, he took his own life.
A tragic loss indeed
Stevie Nicks thread
by littlerockguy ini have always been been a huge stevie nicks fan even when i was a kid when she came out with rhiannon.
i dont go to many concerts but if there is a way to see her when she tours next year i will be in the audience!
it's hard for me to pick a favorite song by her but if i had to choose it would be storms.
Absolutely love Rhiannon but of course it is about an "Old Welsh witch" so as I am a good JW (god you can almost smell the b++ls++t through the electrons) I have never heard or listened to the song.