Thanks for the replies.
There is some other personal info I put in the letter regarding a situation that involved me back when I was an active witness. I didn't name anyone involved and it happened in a different congregation but not too far away.
In the later I accused the elders in my old hall of acting like the pharisees Jesus condemned in his day. LOL We'll see if that get any kind of response.
I think my sister knows witnesses from this lady's hall and that is why I asked her to keep the letter confidential.
On the envelope and on a cover page I wrote "Confidential - Only to be read by Sister _______"
Hopefully a respectful person gets my letter and respects my wishes. I know that is a shot in the dark. LOL
If they come by my house fine . . . I have two dogs including a German Shepherd who will not allow them in the yard. And we keep the gate locked. If my family finds out I know they will not give them my number. But it will strain some of our relationships for awhile.
Thankfully though with my family "blood is thicker than water" when it comes down to actual shunning.
Posts by sandy
Letter from the Witnessses
by sandy ini got a letter from a witness lady from my neighborhood.
it was addressed "dear neighbor".
we've been unable to reach you at home .
Letter from the Witnessses
by sandy ini got a letter from a witness lady from my neighborhood.
it was addressed "dear neighbor".
we've been unable to reach you at home .
I got a letter from a witness lady from my neighborhood. It was addressed "Dear Neighbor". We've been unable to reach you at home . . . blah blah blah . . . We have an important message for you and your family . . . Read our tract about the end of this world and the new system . . . blah blah blah. Then she said I can contact them at the address or tel# on the letterhead.
So, I decided to write back. I'm Sure that was a HUGE mistake but there is nothing I can do about it now. I mailed it out already. LOL
I used my first name and explained to her that I am in active and I am no longer a believer in The Governing Body of JWs, or any religion for that matter. I said I believe that most witnesses are sincere and good hearted people but I think they are misled. I was polite and thanked her for taking the time to write me. I told her I'm willing to converse with her via email or mail and that I would be happy to share w/ her reasons for my new found beliefs.
I also asked her to please respect my wishes to remain anonymous. I asked her not to send anyone, especially elders to my home. I told her that if ever she is out in my neighborhood she alone is welcome to talk to me if I happen to be out in my yard. My gate is always locked which is why they haven't been able to contact me.
Anyone think she'll write back? I guess it's hard to guess w/out us knowing her.
I used the word APOSTATE in my letter. LOL I said something like: I know most witnesses would consider me apostate and refuse and/or be too fearful to talk to me after learning of my new beliefs. I know though that I am a descent honest-hearted person. I do my best to live an honest life. I know that if there is a promise of a better future after death for good people God ( I may have said Jehovah God in the hopes of calming any fears she may have) will not forget me.
So now I'm thinking I should not have mailed the letter to her. I'm wondering what I hope to get out of it. It seems kind of pointless now. -
New York City
by sandy ini'll be in nyc this month (july) for a two night stay i won through a radio station here in los angeles.
i am so excited!
hotel and air are completely paid for.
Thanks Dagney. I can't wait. I visited once when I was about 20 but that was to see Bethel. LOL I didn't get to do much in the city that time. We can only stay the two days so I'm going to make the most of my time there.
What's Your Personal Favorite Movie Of All Time?
by minimus ingoodfellas is my favorite.
(i love gangster movies).
It's hard to choose just one. There are a few movies I'll watch over and over. . .
Steel Magnolias
As Good As It Gets
The Shop Around The Corner -
New York City
by sandy ini'll be in nyc this month (july) for a two night stay i won through a radio station here in los angeles.
i am so excited!
hotel and air are completely paid for.
I'll be in NYC this month (July) for a two night stay I won through a radio station here in Los Angeles. I AM SO EXCITED! Hotel and air are completely paid for.
So anyone have any restaurant suggestions? Mexican or Italian places? Not too expensive.
I wish I could meet up with a few of you here that live there but I'm taking my sister who is an active dub and she'd be totally freaked, to say the least. LOL
I'll be staying in NYC at a hotel on W 57th Ave. I can't think of the name of the hotel at the moment. -
Serena Williams J W quote today
by BluesBrother inserena.
"williams: ``i obviously am excited to see [ barack] obama out there doing his thing, but i'm a [jehovah's] witness, so i don't get involved in politics.
we stay neutral.
Wow! What a fine witness she gave! LOL
Do you have tofu recipe?
by asilentone ini just bought tofu recently, i thought i would try it, so i would like to have a very simple tofu recipe.
many thanks!
I also buy extra firm . . .
Cut it into 1/4 squares
Bread it w/ flower and garlic salt
Fry in olive oil, brown each side
Pour Soy Sauce w/ lemon flavor over it
Also add chopped green onions over it
I like it and my fiance thinks I make it better than a local Ramen house near us. I like mine but the restaurant's tastes better to me. -
Sex and the City Movie
by lonelysheep ini saw it on friday night and loved it!
it was funny, sentimental and never dragged.
there were two theaters full of women.
Of course the characters are shallow, after all it is a comedy. That's to be expected with any comedy TV series or movie.
One thing I loved about the series was the girls camaraderie. If you'd have watched the show long enough you'd realize there was more to it than fashion and girls bitching about men. They were close and always honest with one another even when their opinions were critical of one another. -
Sex and the City Movie
by lonelysheep ini saw it on friday night and loved it!
it was funny, sentimental and never dragged.
there were two theaters full of women.
"sandy and lonelysheep, what are you talking about? What was there to explain? After all she had been through with him? I think I would have reacted the same way. It was so totally realistic to me that my heart sank. I was so into the movie I wanted to jump into screen."
I'll have to watch the movie again on DVD and see if I still feel the same way about the wedding scene. I did love it overall but I still feel there was something off w/ that wedding scene. Something was lost and I can't put my finger on it. I don't think it was interpreted very well, I guess that is what I mean to say. Maybe the writing was bad. I don't know . . .
And Charlotte was not funny to me at all during that scene. I guess I am not really too big of a fan of the Charlotte character. -
Sex and the City Movie
by lonelysheep ini saw it on friday night and loved it!
it was funny, sentimental and never dragged.
there were two theaters full of women.
I loved the series, still do. I could watch the reruns forever. I thought the movie was pretty good. A lot of laughs.
I didn't care for the Wedding scene. It seemed a little to dramatic for me. I thought the writing here was a little week for the point I think the movie was trying to make. IMOP Carrie overreacted and should have allowed Big to explain himself. I think it would have been a better movie and more of a sad scene if he had not showed up at all. The scene in the street with her fighting with Big was not moving to me at all. Her not letting him explain himself did not make sense to me.
I'll have to finish this thought in a few minutes.