Hello Borgfree,
My spiritual journey is a long one and it is not over. Before i was a witness i had experienced what people call today being born again which means if i am correct. At one time i prayed until i cried that i accept the lord as my savior and i felt a few second lator a force that strike me twice like that i could describe as a pleasant electric force. Remind you at the time which was 17 years ago i did not know anything about doctricnes what so ever for years i never talk about this to anyone because i did not know if it was demonic force. Still today i don't know what to make of it. However the experience was real.
Why did i join the witnesses since i heard a lot of comment that the spirit would guide the cristians since it is a false religion. Why did i spent my valuable time my best time in that religion.
I do not have the answer and i am still searching. How much in the bible is inspired i don't know, sometimes i can read Paul's giving his own opinion on matters is he there inspired. I still don't know. Should we stick only to Jesus word and ignore all the others just to be on the safe side.
Things are not as clear as i thought it would be. Many occasions i think it is clear but not so to be honest with me. Jesus has left a legacy here on earth to all especially those who profess to be cristians, will he find faith when he'll come back.
That's everyone to answer that question. That's why i conclude to my previous post.