Witness My Fury,
I'm checking out the links now, thank you.
will provide follow up response.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
Witness My Fury,
I'm checking out the links now, thank you.
will provide follow up response.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
This is but one of many paranormal experiences. If it were just one or two I might be inclined to say, I was hallucinating but I remember the feeling of fight or flight when I saw this thing. I still remember it happening as if it were yesterday.
many of these events are accompanied by an intense fear that is foreign and otherworldly.
i wish it were just hallucinations but it had a different quality to it.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
The prerequisites for hallucination weren't present at the event.
By the way, I hold a BA in English Literature which requires both reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
May I ask what your credentials are?
i know you would prefer I call my experience a hallucination because that doesn't challenge your ideas about the reality you live in.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
Something happened as a child that I still can't explain. My experience and others leads me to the conclusion that there are forces at work which by and large are unseen by the scientific community.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
And ladies and gentlemen,
I make the point again, that if you have seen or heard something that cannot be explained, you will be attacked by people who demand evidence of what you saw or else and you will be labelled mentally ill or that you were hallucinating.
These people cannot think outside the box of their limited scope of reality - in their limited imagination, if it can't be measured, it doesn't exist.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
I love the irony.
You were not present at my experience, yet you have the nerve to tell me: "How do you know you weren't hallucinating?"
I already said I was not asleep and was not ill.
But that doesn't cut it for you because of your limited preconceived notions.
Then you have the audacity to tell me I don't like your explanation for an experience that you weren't there to see.
That is the height of arrogance and you are by far, extremely arrogant to tell me what I did/did not see and what it was/was not.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
I think that's fair but I don't know how else it could be explained.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
This is but one experience. No, I wasn't ill or hallucinating.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
I never said demons. I don't know what it was. All I know is that it scared the heck out of me. And at the time, I was in another brother's house who was an elder.
I say forget preconceived ideas, the Bible, demons, ghosts, whatever you call it - you are still left with something that can't be expained.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
"Doubters" just use the same standards of evidence with the supernatural as they would with UFOs or new animals or new scientific breakthroughs or anything else. You SHOULD doubt by default. Default belief in things just because you want to believe in them are a problem area for humanity as a whole, and cause huge problems throughout human history.
I agree, and I wish my experience was me just wanting to believe in them, but it wasn't and I can't deny it. So I'm stuck. I can't prove my event because it only happened once. And I can't deny it happened.