That was a great letter and excellent read.
How many of the 150 recipients responded and favourably?
it's been quite a while since i lasted posted anything on jwn.
i was in hiding previously, but only because i wanted to avoid the shun gun until i had the opportunity to tell my former congregation what i think about the org./gb.
i last attended a meeting over 2.5 years ago but it wasn't until june--when i earned my bachelor's degree--that i finally had the time to collect my thoughts and get them down on paper...i decided to write my letter in a style i felt would be most appealing to my target audience--jw's still under gb mind control --in the hope that at least a few would read it and actually "think".
That was a great letter and excellent read.
How many of the 150 recipients responded and favourably?
the influx of new posters made me wonder if the push to view jw.org is helping curious ones find this support site?.
please post whether you found jwn during an internet search or if someone told you about it.. i myself was directed here by a df'd family member once i shared my doubts with that person..
I found it a few months after the site went live, around July 2000.
That was where I found the "Daniel's Prophecy" bookmarker with the study schedule on the back.
not that long ago, the gay community had a campaign called "it gets better", i was thinking why not have a website like this for exjws who have left, particularly young people who may have been kicked out of their homes by their jw parents.. .
i think this idea has a lot of potential if done right?.
anyone have any comments?.
Not that long ago, the gay community had a campaign called "It Gets Better", I was thinking why not have a website like this for exJWs who have left, particularly young people who may have been kicked out of their homes by their JW parents.
I think this idea has a lot of potential if done right?
Anyone have any comments?
if there was a pill you could give to your jw family members that would awaken their eyes to the truth about the cult, would you give it to them?.
most would probably say yes.. but what about those who are completely institutionalized, the elderly, the super zealous, the geeky kids who have no friends, the misfits?.
some people need "boundaries", they need someone to lead and give them directions, they need a sense of belonging, even in an organization that has no social programs.
Yada yada,
Thanks for your insightful comments.
I agree, that for the majority of JWs, giving them a wake-up pill could be beneficial. The younger you are, the better. Not sure if those still living with parents and are minors would immediately benefit, but it could give them the impetus to start planning their exit.
"But what about those who are completely institutionalized, the elderly, the super zealous, the geeky kids who have no friends, the misfits?" As above, i must answer YES, for the benefit of the majority of JWs for the long-term. The short-term suffering of a few elderly or misfit JW's is not as important as the greater, long-term moral good gained from snapping JW's and the Watchtower Society out of it's moral and ethical BLINDNESS in disgustingly believing that 'Jehovah' essentially approves of child-sacrifice for fanatical adherence to erroneous interpretations of ancient scriptural passages on blood and a strict and totally unrealistic requirement for 'two witnesses' to child rape before ousting a paedophile from the congregation, for example. Our moral duty as Christians is to mitigate the worst forms of suffering as much as possible and build up from there. The Watchtower Society is BLOODGUILTY for the deaths of babies, children and adults because of blindly fanatical and legalistic, and erroneous immoral interpretations of ancient and entirely debateable scriptures.
This is a difficult one. Some JWs would lose it - but does the good of the many outweighh the good of the one or the few?
If it meant dismantling the entire stucture so that the JWs could never again recruit another person, I am of the opinion that some sacrifice would have to be made, but again, this is an ethical dilemma.
if there was a pill you could give to your jw family members that would awaken their eyes to the truth about the cult, would you give it to them?.
most would probably say yes.. but what about those who are completely institutionalized, the elderly, the super zealous, the geeky kids who have no friends, the misfits?.
some people need "boundaries", they need someone to lead and give them directions, they need a sense of belonging, even in an organization that has no social programs.
From the comments on here, which are they good by the way, it seems that those who have the most to gain from leaving should be woken up, those who need the WT crutch should be left alone.
if there was a pill you could give to your jw family members that would awaken their eyes to the truth about the cult, would you give it to them?.
most would probably say yes.. but what about those who are completely institutionalized, the elderly, the super zealous, the geeky kids who have no friends, the misfits?.
some people need "boundaries", they need someone to lead and give them directions, they need a sense of belonging, even in an organization that has no social programs.
If there was a pill you could give to your JW family members that would awaken their eyes to the truth about the cult, would you give it to them?
Most would probably say yes.
But what about those who are completely institutionalized, the elderly, the super zealous, the geeky kids who have no friends, the misfits?
Some people need "boundaries", they need someone to lead and give them directions, they need a sense of belonging, even in an organization that has no social programs. Some are hooked on the idea that they are Jehovah's name people and there is nowhere else to go. Others could not function without the "brotherhood" and have limited or no social skills to survive outside the organization.
Sometimes, the wolf is not necessary - the sheep are happy to build their own pen.
Freedom comes with a price and not all can handle it.
i have had this document for some time.
i think it was either given out at pioneer school or at one of the pioneer meetings with the circuit overseer.. .
how things have changed in 15 years.
I have had this document for some time. I think it was either given out at Pioneer School or at one of the Pioneer meetings with the Circuit Overseer.
How things have changed in 15 years. The box called "Faithful & Discreet Slave" never existed. It is the Governing Body.
They fooled all 7 million of us into thinking that there was this mysterious group of anointed Christians providing spiritual truths to the Governing Body when all along, none of the anointed outside of Bethel had any meaningful input.
What a crock.
i , and my wife had probably left about 12 months prior to this magazine coming out , and i never at that time had any knowledge of it till many years later when i joined this site.. when i did see it , i was appalled that they could put out such an article , in a magazine they would distribute throughout the world .. to me it smacked of child abuse .
these were kids , who had no life experiences , who were far too young to make life or death choices of their own , were influenced by religous leaders who had their own agenda , and sadly by family , relatives and freinds who were indoctrinated by a man made religion that has its roots in america in the late 1800`s .. so my question is , did this episode of child abuse go under the radar of mainstream media ?
did it escape child protection agencies of the time ?.
You know, I remember offering this magazine in the preaching work and it always bothered me.
when i read coc, i was stunned that the 2 elders (theotis french & rob dibble) were on ray franz judcial committee.
i have known these men for over 20 years having done rbc and convention work with them.
they are still elders today which means they were in their early 30's(which is unheard of for a case of this importance to have inexperienced elders to sit on) on this committee.. without revealing myself, i have never tried(but have wanted to), ask them about their on having to judge a former gb member.. then out of the blue, about a year ago, i was mentioning how hard it is trying to get younger ones to volunteer to one of these elders, and he says"this is nothing compared to to sitting on the committee that had to disfellowship ray franz".
In defense of James Jackson, and on the assumption he is speaking the truth, it is none of our business to judge him as to why he waited so long to disclose this information or why he gives public talks.
for everything there is a time and a season. I know for myself, when I had doubts and found this website, part of me still wanted to believe the Society had the truth, and I wrestled with my mind for a long time before I left.
From the perspective of others, it can be a mystery why people who know TTABT stay in, but usually one reaches a point where they know it's time to leave
under the cover illustration, click "preview".
a preview screen will appear.
Looks good Terry, job well done.