Bttt. Love to hear more.
many of us i'm sure experienced embarrassing or comical moments as a witness.
some things we'd rather just forget , i'm sure, but some things helped us think on our feet, quickly in helping others .
here are a few of mine.
Bttt. Love to hear more.
i always was a critical jw, now df and agnost.
but still this religion fascinates me.
in my eyes most jw are very sincere, but dumb sheep.. this board is filled with ex-jw.
Frazzled: Thanks for your kind words. This is probably eye opening for you too. Is this board helping you understand your wife more? It is so hard to get out of the JW mind set.
i always was a critical jw, now df and agnost.
but still this religion fascinates me.
in my eyes most jw are very sincere, but dumb sheep.. this board is filled with ex-jw.
Adamah- Thanks for your thoughtful response to my post. I was indeed feeling I didn't belong anywhere. Your explanation about everyone being at different places coming and going made sense to me. I just need to go at my own pace.
Data dog: I never felt hated. I understand the need the need to vent. I related to alot of the feelings expressed on this board. Maybe you can tell me how to spot a troll. Is it just someone who refuses to see your viewpoint? OR is it more than that? I am new to posting so I dont know all the rules. I just try to follow the posting guidelines.
I didnt read the court transcript on the Conti case but i read the articles. That is one of the reasons I am here. I lived through the results of similar polices. After reading members accounts, I could see nothing had changed.
1009 - It must be hard to understand when you dont share the same experiences. Keep an open mind. The more you read the more you will see how similar these experiences are.
Except for the lying, two faced Elder dad who molested my sisters and beat us at home, I'm ?sure the JWs are nice an d loving. What did you get dfd for? Do you think it was worse than what he did? Does that seem fair?
He molested 2 girls for a long period of time. He was removed, but was only publicly reproved.
i always was a critical jw, now df and agnost.
but still this religion fascinates me.
in my eyes most jw are very sincere, but dumb sheep.. this board is filled with ex-jw.
I am typing on my phone. Excuse the mistakes. I wanted to say that I am rethinking a lot of things. I have noticed that when I read a post that goes against what I was taught-I have an automatic response...I catch myself and ask is that what I really think or was that what I was told to say?
But it is hard to focus on those things when I find myself getting defensive because of the name calling and ridicule. Some on this board say jws dont agree because they are brain dead...and are asleep.
I understand that I am not used to be able to say out loud maybe the org. Is wrong......I am not used to the idea...I know I had to always watch what I say or do to avoid stumbling someone or be accused of wrong thinking.
I would like to be able to come on here and put down how I feel without having to worry: am I sounding brain washed. I sounding like a troll because I dont agree? Maybe I am out of my depth.
I find if I wait , someone will post just what I was feeling or what I wanted to say only better. Or they will say something that will make me reconsider my views.
i always was a critical jw, now df and agnost.
but still this religion fascinates me.
in my eyes most jw are very sincere, but dumb sheep.. this board is filled with ex-jw.
Hello, as a newbie I would like to add my perspective.
I noticed more distain and contempt than bitterness..especially if someone doesn't jump on the jws are evil bandwagon. I noticed if someone takes the opposite view they are accused of being hypocrites, or trolls. When I saw this board on the web. I did not read any where that you had to hate JWs and everything they stand for in order to post. Maybe there should be a warning. I think it is important to have many perspectives represented.
Speaking for me personally: I am in conflict. I found this site accidently. I checked out a couple of innocent looking threads-something about the Brooklyn properties being sold. Someone mentioned Candance Coti. I was courious as to what she would have to do with it so I googled her.
It hit a nerve. I came back to your site to look around. I read some experiences that I could relate to, thoughts and emotions I thought I only had.
But I noticed the contempt some had for any JW. This was a shock because of course I was brought up to have respect for the org.
Soit was very jarring to see jws referred to as sheeples, Watchtower referred to as Washtowels, Bethel-Bethell, CONventions, going out in circus, jws-dubs........If I read something I didn't agree with I didn't want to say because all JWs are brainwashec
TIt took a lot of courage for me to even register.
I try not to take it personally.
i've been only out for about a year now, but still have some left-over superstitions, that i was hoping someone could help me get rid of.
firstly, i'd like to say that i don't think these are rational, but they keep bothering me, and i have some anxiety/paranoia problems that most likely are the cause.. i'm embarrassed by these silly things, and am young and have not been out long, so i'd assume this is to be an expected symptom.. what i usually keep doing is looking for patterns in everything, like if jws come to the door, i start interpreting it to mean that god sent them, or some such silliness.. or when watchtower or awake!
magazines come out, i keep applying the topics to what i've been thinking about, or what has happened recently.
Rebel: do you have a book or website recommendation for CBT? I saw some online treatment websites.
Do you know how I would find out about CBT treatments in my area? I live in the USA.
The on line therapy sessions ran $75.00 a session.
Any info would be appreciated.
i've been only out for about a year now, but still have some left-over superstitions, that i was hoping someone could help me get rid of.
firstly, i'd like to say that i don't think these are rational, but they keep bothering me, and i have some anxiety/paranoia problems that most likely are the cause.. i'm embarrassed by these silly things, and am young and have not been out long, so i'd assume this is to be an expected symptom.. what i usually keep doing is looking for patterns in everything, like if jws come to the door, i start interpreting it to mean that god sent them, or some such silliness.. or when watchtower or awake!
magazines come out, i keep applying the topics to what i've been thinking about, or what has happened recently.
GloomySunday: OMG. I look for patterns too. The other day I was online to this board and guess who knocked at my door?
Yep. 2 Sisters from the hall stopping to remind me about the CO Sundays talk.
Then my JW friend stops by my work to see how I am. Seems she's worried about me. She never just drops in.
So now I catch myself thinking : what if Jehovah is sending them?..
REBEL: thanks for the link. I really needed that. I booked marked it. I never heard of thought stopping before. Have tried it? Did it help?
i know this article has been discussed, re-hashed upside down in past threads.
but there were at least 2 points i discovered in here that i felt were pertinent and important to bring out concerning the total control and narcissistic tendencies that these wt leaders possess on the governing body, i.e.
alleged " faithful slave " .
Then in paragraph 10 it states, " Throughout the last days, the anointed brothers who make up the faithful slave HAVE SERVED TOGETHER AT HEADQUARTERS. In recent decades, that slave has been closely identified with the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. " O.K. Now isn't THAT convenient ? Just because they've served at WT headquarters they consider themselves the " faithful slave " ?
I was discussing the article and the new"understanding" with my JW friend.
She didn't know what I was talking about. She asked if we read the same article. She had to go home and reread it.
She told me afterwards that she always assumed that the GB was the FDS class. She couldn't understand why I had a problem with it.
I think many will feel the same way because they think God is directing the GB. I am uncomfortable with so few having so much power. Who is going to hold them accountable? You are right they just expect us to take their word for it.
I was taught to always listen to their direction because it was coming from god. I never thought to ask: who says? How do we know?
I find I am looking at things in a different way and it is scary.
forever began at the day of my birth, but, it turns out that it was a lie,.
i am who i am when nobody's watching, then nothing is there to deny.. .
Great job.
More please.
forever began at the day of my birth, but, it turns out that it was a lie,.
i am who i am when nobody's watching, then nothing is there to deny.. .