That's a Pythagorean symbol, also used in Western Estoteric tradition.
JoinedPosts by gitasatsangha
What Do All Of The Following Have In Common?
by Celtic inphilosophers stone .
gordonstoun .
Should JWs consume dairy products?
by Pleasuredome in
with milk being contaminated with blood components such as albumen and white blood cells, should jws consume dairy products?
I believe the Masai do this, and they seem pretty healthy, what with living as nomadics and all.
What Do All Of The Following Have In Common?
by Celtic inphilosophers stone .
gordonstoun .
pax profundis et LVX
She's baaaaaaak.........StinkyPantz!
by bikerchic inso lets give her a great big jwd welcome back to the legendary stinkypantz eh?.
stinkypantzlocationunited states, floridamembership2 y 30 d .
average 4.67 posts per day.
hello and welcome back stinkypantz
So What The Hell Are You?
by shamus inaccording to dubdom, what are you?
i am a lame weakass lamb who goes on apostate websites who faded.
in the real world i am free from mind control.
I dont know what I am, but "I yam what I yam" -Popeye.
I CAN tell you when I am:
Movies worth Seeing
by Yerusalyim in.
no, not farhenheit 911...geesh, i was talking about the remake of the stepford wives...i really enjoyed it.. also, tnt is doing a remake of salem's lot airing this sunday and monday...should be good.. .
anymore i need to be aware of?
"Osama" the first modern movie made by an Afghan director. Its not about Osama BIn Laudin, it's about a woman who has to make her girl dress like a boy to get any schooling.
What Are You READING?
by patio34 inokay, it seems it's high time we had another thread like this!.
for serious reading, i have exceptions to the rulers by amy goodman (goes great with fahrenheit 911!
)the curse of adam by bryan skyles (i think) (it predicts the extinction of males.
"Highlights of Tarot" by Paul Case, "House Harkonnen" by Brian Herbert and Keven Anderson, and "Heart of Buddha's Teaching" by Thich Nhat Hanh.
by patio34 in"god, save us from them!!".
that was the most profound moment in the must-see movie:.
fahrenheit 911. it was said by a wailing iraqi woman who had had her family's home bombed.
Bradbury said he wouldnt sue provided that Moore change the name of his movie and offer an apology and shake his hand. A new version of the movie Farenheit 451 is coming out in a year or two and Ray Bradmury may have not wanted confusion.
Turns out liquor store in my neighborhood is owned by JW's
by run dont walk ini was very surprised, here in alberta, canada, they privatized the liquour stores about 10-15 years ago, and the amount of stores tripled, practically one on every corner now, .
well, it turns out, that one store in my neighborhood isowned and operated by this family that are jehovah's witnesses, belong to a chinese congregation, .
i would think this would not be allowed, or show poor judgement, they say its wrong to have a store and sell cigarettes, but maybe alcohol is ok, .
friend of mine that's a Buddhist owns a liquor store She doesn't drink it, doesn't mind selling it. People are adults, they can decide waht they want to buy.
The reason I joined your forum...
by SwampThing inthanks for the kind welcome, everyone.
you all know how to make a guy feel right at home.
thanks.. i guess i should tell you a little bit about myself.
Its hard for Jdubs to make really lasting friendships with non-Jdubs when they get it hammered into their ears four or five times a week that non-jdubs are going to be destroyed gruesomely pretty soon by their god (and that they are to rejoyce at this).