Dr. Snuggles
Scooby Doo
Land of the Lost
Electric Company
Vegetable Soup
The Hilarious House of Frightenstien
Read All About It
Read along
Mr. Dressup
Tiny Talent Time
Looney Tunes
Thats all I can remember at the moment.
now, i'm not referring to sesame street, mr. rogers, or any of the educational kids' shows.
i'm talking about the ones for pure entertainment, cartoons and such.
however, i can't really classify this as purely cartoons since some of you might have watched things like hr pufnstuf.. i grew up in the 1980s, when the magic of saturday morning cartoons existed.
Dr. Snuggles
Scooby Doo
Land of the Lost
Electric Company
Vegetable Soup
The Hilarious House of Frightenstien
Read All About It
Read along
Mr. Dressup
Tiny Talent Time
Looney Tunes
Thats all I can remember at the moment.
i'm interested to hear whether any of you are in the antiques trade, and if so, specifically, within which sector?.
ourselves, the family business, we deal in antiquarian books, maps and prints, generally topographical english counties 1550-1860, although we do have a wider stock.
we do not deal in reproductions, only antiquarian stock.
I can tell you from my experiences with Ebay, as a seller and a buyer that shipping overseas can be expensive and difficult. Some Ebayers just do not want to bother with having to get quotes for things to be sent over seas. I have had people purchase (I ship anywhere, buyers pay the shipping) and refuse to pay for an item because they thought that the shipping was too much. They never asked first.
i have always found the topic of blood/hematology, fascinating, and even moreso, the discussions regarding: rh compatibility.. are you rh negative?
if so, do you know your alpha designation: o, a, b, or ab ?.
even if someone is not interested, nor willing to take a blood transfusion, if you are a woman, and you are rh negative, and your husband/partner is rh positive, you can bet your bottom dollar, it'll matter in the near future.
I am type O neg, but I can't give blood as I test positive for TB (mum was exposed when she was pregnant) though neither of us has had the disease, they don't want my blood!!! (Can't have hers, they don't take donations from the deceased, thank heavens!)
i got this from a web board that i am part of for asperger's kids, please, if you can, sign this petition.. please go to this and sign...disneyland has got rid of the pass for speacial needs kids.
I got this from a web board that I am part of for Asperger's kids, please, if you can, sign this petition.
Please go to this and sign...Disneyland has got rid of the pass for speacial needs kids
this may be a long read.... my old roommate and i made a "break" from the lie.
we moved away to another town.
i will not mention which town just incase he is lurking..... he was a nice guy.
Shamus, it sounds as if he may have suffered from some sort of mental problem. I am not trying to be funny or anything, but it sounds as if he may have suffered "illusions of granduer" or some sort of delusions.
Don't blame yourself, until he recieves help he may always be like that.
i recently spoke with a few new mothers who are adamantly against vaccination.
they went on and on about horrible dangers associated with vaccinating your children.. even after listening to their stories i am very doubtful of the validity of the claims.
what is your view on this if you have one?.
I had chickenpox 3 times (yes 3) and to date have not had shingles (thank heavens) I refused the chickenpox vaccine and the ear infection vaccine that the doctor wanted my daughter to have, I didn't tell hubby about them either so she has only had the basic vaccines.
2 of my 3 kids have a PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) called Asperger's Syndrome, which is in the same family as Autism. Did the vaccines cause it, I am not sure, but I certainly think that they enhanced what might have already been there. Perhaps my youngest son would not have had such a hard time of life so far if we had not given him the vaccines.
i recently spoke with a few new mothers who are adamantly against vaccination.
they went on and on about horrible dangers associated with vaccinating your children.. even after listening to their stories i am very doubtful of the validity of the claims.
what is your view on this if you have one?.
Ok, here goes. For many reasons I am anti vaccine. First off, lets think about where most vaccines come from, they are made with HORSE serum. Not all, but most are made with HORSE serum. Should we, as humans be injecting, into our bodies horse cells, animal cells that are not broken down by the digestive system. I think it is a bad idea. Second, vaccines don't always work. I as a child had all my vaccines, and I still got Measles, and Rubella. The vaccines don't work the way that they claim they do. I know that some vaccines have prevented some serious diseases (Polio for one) but I think that in many cases that when we vaccinate ourselves we are making the diseases stronger, because in order to infect us they must MUTATE!
Then comes the biggy for me, AUTISM. Some children develop AUTISM/PDD after they recieve their vaccines at 18 months.
My hubby and I had a huge fight when it came to the vaccines. He took our daughter because I refused.
yes, i did it.. after the thread in which i asked how i could possibly tell my jw mum that i'm pagan....i decided to take the bull by the horns and tell her.. her reaction made me wonder if she reads this board.. firstly, to "ease" her in, i mentioned that i'm doing a course in reiki.
reiki is a complimentary therapy - basically hands on healing.
well, she said she knew a little about reiki and thought it was a good idea.
Congratulations for making a good transition out of the broom closet!
Diana (A fellow Witch!)
i was just wondering who on this board is married or a couple.
my second question is, what is everybodys first name.. .
just trying to get familiar with you guys
Oh, yes, forgot to say, needs_lots is sort of my cousin/niece
i was just wondering who on this board is married or a couple.
my second question is, what is everybodys first name.. .
just trying to get familiar with you guys
Hi Stephanie,
I am married and my name is Diana, since I myself was never in the borg I am not worried about posting it! On other boards I am OneWitchLady!