Last convention my hubby snored so loud in one of the afternoon blah blah, that was the part i loved and will remember for a long time. And this other time, taking about the celebrations and christmas, one of the elders phone rang with the ring tone - Jingle bells jingle bells... ROFL. That was the best part too!!
JoinedPosts by MissConfused
Really enjoyed the CONvention....why?
by punkofnice ini remember when i was a mind cleansed(tm) jw i would listen to the talks when i wasn't napping.. on the long tiring drive home i'd say how i ''enjoyed(tm)'' the sessions and felt ''encouraged(tm)''.. .....and yet i couldn't recall a single ''point(tm)'' made.
i couldn't remember what it was that actually made me feel good.. on one occasion i asked the family what they found ''encouraging(tm)'' or interesting.. tumble weed.
no examples.
So very confused and scared!
by MissConfused ini am so nervous and waited for long to speak to someone on my faiths and beliefs!
i am from a non-christian background, a hindu.
i got to know 'the truth' (or myth) from my hubby while we were working.
Thanks for your comments friends... I had two study conductors and both were gossip mangers, one of which was elders wife... Both back stabbed me shortly after my baptism. Elder's wife so proud of her 'respectable' position and not very humble too. But she used to get major parts in every convention and most of the time on stage. I began thinking why do people like this get to present, because if it was led by Jesus, why would he choose stupid pretentious people to encourage others? Won't this be a bad example to those who know them? But y'all know they have reasons for every flaw.... The more I think of this more I regret baptism...
by lostinthought ini was told by a family member the other day "if you want to leave jehovah, go ahead.
but don't think you'll ever be happy.
all the people i know who have left got burned by the world and they come back to the truth".
Fading with in the organization, i realized there is so much more to life, other then the pretentious stuff that you are bound when being a JW. Now i have friends who like me as a person and not because i follow what they follow. I started going to gym instead of meetings and fs, feel happy and MORE relaxed with peace of mind and body. We have less fights at home :) [when we were active, it was always convincing my hubby to conduct family worships / come to field service with me - as every one used to ask for him, Prepare and go ON-TIME to all meetings, the peer pressure of answering or do assignments]. As some one here mentioned, its a great feeling to breakfree.. Life has challenges sometimes, but now you have a practical mind and practical people around you to get a way!
Former Unbaptized Publisher, New Here
by GloomySunday informer unbaptized publisher, here.. i'm new to the forums and have hesitated for months to join this forum.
i was raised in a jw family, and was never baptized, because one of my parents didn't think i should be baptized early.. my mother became inactive, but i eventually went back for social contact, eventually starting a study.
i raised a few questions, only to find that the conductor would get irritated and defensive when my questions would get deeper into the topic.
Gloomy Sunday - Welcome!
I am pretty new here too.. I had a lot of questions while i took up study too. Never heartfully felt those were answered. But thank God i took up Bible studies when i had a Good job and independent! Plus my mom is not from this religion - hence even i will fade / DF, i will never fear of her cutting me off from her life, as there is NO DISFELLOWSHIP in any other religion in this world! :D
All the best!
So very confused and scared!
by MissConfused ini am so nervous and waited for long to speak to someone on my faiths and beliefs!
i am from a non-christian background, a hindu.
i got to know 'the truth' (or myth) from my hubby while we were working.
I dont know how people can put up with these lies everytime that they change.. Why arent these lies exposed while taking up Bible studies? This will have people take in informed decision to go ahead with this religion fighting against all odds. They restrict any kinda research outside the WT publications... What an idiot i was!!!
So very confused and scared!
by MissConfused ini am so nervous and waited for long to speak to someone on my faiths and beliefs!
i am from a non-christian background, a hindu.
i got to know 'the truth' (or myth) from my hubby while we were working.
My hubby on the other hand, does not want to leave the org. He has not been regular to meeting, not once since i know him (for last 8 years) has he been to FS. But all he says is, we get to learn good things and lets just filter the ones we benifit and others ignore. He does really care for the brotherly love with in org, but i guess he is scared that Jehovah may take away all the blessings that has been bestowed upon us all these years :(
Today is my birthday
by Gojira_101 inwell so far it is a fantastic day!
i know my grandma isn't going to call me like she does every year to say she is happy i was born.
you know the jw form of wishing someone a happy birthday.
Happy birthday! First time I have wished some one in years :)
So very confused and scared!
by MissConfused ini am so nervous and waited for long to speak to someone on my faiths and beliefs!
i am from a non-christian background, a hindu.
i got to know 'the truth' (or myth) from my hubby while we were working.
Thanks Sammy / All.
Good to know that i am not alien . It was mental torture keeping these things inside me. Always a feeling of guilt that i murdered someone!!! The people as such are not bad at all... Its the org. structure & their modified principles that suck and dont give an option of so called - Freewill!
So very confused and scared!
by MissConfused ini am so nervous and waited for long to speak to someone on my faiths and beliefs!
i am from a non-christian background, a hindu.
i got to know 'the truth' (or myth) from my hubby while we were working.
But what about the people i will loose?
They speak so badly about the people who leave organisation, worst than what al-queda has done! They treat us like people with diseased minds. All this negetivity... I believe in Jehovah & Jesus. Not his earthly organization and their stupid beliefs (No 'Cheers', No Birthdays, No-blood, No mingling/partying with non-believers, hours in field service (why do they do it? did Jesus or Disciples do it?) and what not..).
Truth NEVER set me free, but went on making life more and more complex than before i was a JW. Has anyone felt this way?
So very confused and scared!
by MissConfused ini am so nervous and waited for long to speak to someone on my faiths and beliefs!
i am from a non-christian background, a hindu.
i got to know 'the truth' (or myth) from my hubby while we were working.
Hello All,
I am so nervous and waited for long to speak to someone on my faiths and beliefs! I am from a non-Christian Background, a Hindu. I got to know 'The Truth' (Or Myth) from my Hubby while we were working. Six months into study, was so 'filled' with Holy Spirit, i asked the elder that i am ready to be taken as un-baptized publisher. To my surprise he dis-agreed! He wanted me more regular to field service. I strayed from my Mom and brother even when we used to live together for 2.5 years as i was so strong in my beliefs! This caused a lot of fights and tensions at home and my mom (being from a religious Indian family) wasn’t getting any alliance to get me married (as they ALWAYS believed in arranged marriages).
Finally my mom gave up her wishes over mine, got me married with JW in a way that was approved by Elders. She had no say, absolutely anything!! <which i felt very disappointed about then, as she brought us up single handedly when i lost my Dad at a young age>.
During Engagement party, there was another family member, who by chance had got a beetle leaf and arecanut (which is considered pagan custom, and none of us were aware then) on the gift basket that I was given. Elders were notified when my study conductor saw my photo along with these and just 1 day before the wedding they had a meeting, already discussed among themselves to Dis-fellowship all of us. We were all disheartened, crying and begging, pleading mercy as it was pure ignorance on our part and someone else had done it. But it all fell into deaf ears. After 6 hours of pleading, the committee decided to save us but we need to ask sorry to all witnesses who have seen the photo.
This experience was the first one to make me and my hubby start having doubts about the so called ‘faithful and discreet slave’ class. I tried hard to be one among these people, taking up pioneering, answering regularly, and regular to the meeting but somewhere I feel I am being hypocrite. I guess the main reason is I don’t want to lose my good friends and in-laws who are active in the truth (at least I think so). More I ‘act’ more I am having doubts about this organization. Although Jesus said, that he has come to cause division in families, he never dishonored Jehovah, his family, his father, then why did I had to go through the bitter phase towards my loving mom and brother? Have shunned all the 'Wordly' practices. Told my baby Birthdays are not done by good people (she doesnt have a clue whys that.. she is just 2.5 years :(( )
Why is this love shown by them (org) is conditional? They don’t portray this while doing door to door. Just going through this bad phase of confusion.
BTW even after directly asking people all these questions, we don’t know the answer (with in the organization!!!)…