I keep hearing how great the "faithful and discreet slave" is. When I first started going to their meetings I assumed this phrase was somehow referring to Jesus, but I've since learned they're talking about the governing body, and therefore the organization itself!!
Posts by bk62
WHOM DOES THE BETHEL WORSHIP ???????????????????????
by nightwarrior inmetatron.
i stole this thought from one of your threads, ok. whom do the society worship.????.
1) anything in the shape of............( money.
New to the group - I have a couple questions to get started with!!
by bk62 ini'm not, have never been, nor will i ever be a jw.
unfortunately, i've become caught up in the cult because of my wife.
she's not yet a witness, but many in her family are.
I want to thank everybody who has taken the time to resond to my dilemma. You have given me a lot to think about, as I've already mentioned in a reply to Francois' post.
First off I'd like to mention what happened at our most recent Bible Study. My wife brought up the issue of me being divorced, and asked what it meant to the JW's. She was told that, since we were both "ignorant" before, we will be forgiven and can stay married (as long as we pray and don't make the same mistake again). My wife (Alma) then commented that she was relieved, b/c she was thinking she would have to divorce me. That concerns me even more - if the JW couple had told her to, I really believe she would have told me she wanted a divorce.
She then told the couple that I had questions about the Bible, and that I had claimed they did their own translation (I never went as far as to say they "translated" it to suit them, as I felt that would have been crossing the line). They were a little surprised, but of course had an answer to my questions. They said that theirs is the only TRUE translation, and that it was translated directly from the original scriptures. Of course they can't prove that any more that I can prove any other translation is accurate, so it didn't really go any further than that. They did make one comment that surprised me though; they told me that the "Reasoning Book" tells JW's to keep many different Bibles handy, so they can look it up and see different teachings. Is this true? I had always heard that the GB insists they read only WTBS literature and writings.
Another comment I would like to add before I start addressing your individual responses...one of my biggest weaknesses is that, although I was brought up a Catholic, I never really learned the Scriptures as well as I should have. So when the JW's comment about how stupid the Trinity is, and how there's no such thing as Heaven, I have a difficult time refuting it. (Only a few examples, of course).
Thanks so much for your commentary. Yours (in a way) opposes what the others have been suggesting, but it's well worth taking note of. I guess one of the most important factors would be, if I'm able to keep them (my kids) away from the JW's. Everything I've read seems to indicate that if I allow them to get their grips on my children, they will grow up to be very unhappy. So I'm reasoning that if I decide to have kids, I had better be pretty confident that I can control who influences them. Thanks, and congratulations on your grandbaby!!!
Your post made me really stop and think, for several reasons. For one, I can totally understand your reservations about "feeding" the trolls and giving them a reason to continue (instead of ignorning them until they go away). I can assure you that I'm not one of them. I am being very candid with our situation, in the hopes that somebody will relay their experience and thereby help me to choose an approach in opening Alma's eyes. After my first post, I've already received an abundance of responses (such as yours) and resources which I'm sure will be *very* helpful. As I said earlier, I'm just trying to gather facts right now. Once I feel I have enough knowledge, I will start trying to slowly "plant the seeds" as somebody else has described, in order to get Alma to start thinking on her own. I'm very glad that you were able to see that I'm being very sincere. Yes - I can see that Francois is very much respected here. I haven't yet had time to read his quotes on other issues, but I will definitely do that.
I am curious - what did you mean when you said I don't have access to WTBS's own publications? I do get the Watchtower (which I consider a huge waste of time), and I've considered ordering the same publication on CD so I can research their inconsistencies. Is there something else that would help with my situation? Or is it only available to certified...I mean baptised JW's? Yes I do love Alma very much and intend to do whatever I can to open her eyes, regardless of what that takes. It's very encouraging to read situations such as yours and CJ's, where you were both very much committed to the organization. If you can "get out", I'm sure I can find a way to get her out as well. Thanks!!
Their agenda is so apparent (to me, at least) it's pathetic. Right now they're just so nice, and seem to be able to come up with a logical answer to everything my wife asks. It seems so funny to me - my divorce was ok to them (and of course to Jehovah) b/c I was ignorant. I bet that, if they knew that they have no chance to "get" me, they would have probably told Alma that Jehovah requires her to divorce me. Thanks!!
Big Tex
Thanks for the links - I will definitely take a look and see what else there is that I can "file away"!!!
I like the way you worded "Plant little seeds" - I will definitely do that.
You describe exactly the way I've been looking at it. I feel that if I let her go alone, they'll eventually convince her that I'm not there because I don't care, don't want to know "the Truth" with her. She's only really started seriously studying with them for about the past 6 months or so. She does want to become baptised, so I feel there's an urgency there. The only thing I've refused to attend with her is the 2-hour deal on Tuesday Nights - Theocratic Ministry I think? I already feel like I waste too much time going to the other meetings, and don't want it to consume all our time. The good thing is - she only goes on some Tuesdays - probably about 50/50.
Sure - give me the easy way out!!! :) Yes I'm ready for a long road. I don't even know how to begin, other than gathering as much information as possible and filing it for easy access at a later time. Crisis Of Conscience must be a really good book - you're one of many who have recommended it. I will say that I'm a little hesitant to just leave it lying around the house right now. I don't want her to know (yet) how diligently I am digging for information which I can eventually use to change her mind. Thank you for your comment and prayers!
You suggested exactly what I'm doing - hopefully that means I'm starting off on the right foot. I'm only asking little questions right now, and acting like I'm satisfied with their answers. But then I'm researching the answer, finding a way to refute *it*, and then asking another "innocent" question at the next meeting with them. So far no major advances, but I think they're starting to get to a point where they realize it's going to take more than a simple answer out of their reasoning book. Thanks for your comment about wives with "unbelieving" husbands. At least that means, unless I screw up with her big-time, I still have a chance!
I have several responses left, but I need to send this and do some work!! Sadi, OutNFree, Nowisee, CruzanHeart, HappySunshine, OzziePost and Mouthy, I want to thank you as well for your time and opinions. I will be answering your posts later today.
Thank you all!!
New to the group - I have a couple questions to get started with!!
by bk62 ini'm not, have never been, nor will i ever be a jw.
unfortunately, i've become caught up in the cult because of my wife.
she's not yet a witness, but many in her family are.
Thanks for your warning - I have no intention of closing my eyes for even a moment!! I only ask about the divorce issue, because I was previously married.
If it's true what they told her (that they see it as wrong to remarry after divorce) then my fear is that, knowing they will not be able to "convert" me, they will then go after my wife and try to turn her against me. Will they try telling her she's sinning by being married to me, a divorced man?
New to the group - I have a couple questions to get started with!!
by bk62 ini'm not, have never been, nor will i ever be a jw.
unfortunately, i've become caught up in the cult because of my wife.
she's not yet a witness, but many in her family are.
You raise a very good point, and one that I meant to bring up in my original post. Having kids is already a big issue. I would like to have a child, but she is being persuaded (by...guess who) that now would not be a good time to bring kids into the world. You know - end being so near and all. I ask about the bible saying "be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth" but Jehovah's "True Students" tell me that was only intended for earlier generations - not now that we're so close to the end of "this system of things". I get quite angry at these people for telling her (and me by association) how to run our lives, but yet I realize they're doing what they are being told.
I do appreciate your point, and I will definitely give it some thought. We're in our 30's, and have time. I can already picture her trying to keep me from celebrating Christmas with the kid(s)!!!
New to the group - I have a couple questions to get started with!!
by bk62 ini'm not, have never been, nor will i ever be a jw.
unfortunately, i've become caught up in the cult because of my wife.
she's not yet a witness, but many in her family are.
One other question I forgot to ask...........
My wife was told that JW's don't believe in marriage after divorce. I'm divorced - not looking so good for me anymore!! :) Can you tell me if this is a true statement?
Thanks Again! /Brian
Brooklyn recommends the internet
by BluesBrother infor immediate release .
february 20, 2003
highlights of 2002 include using the web to spread the word
They just LOVE quoting numbers (published in this many countries, this many languages, this many copies) - I wonder if they can count how many copies of their beloved WT are laying in a landfill somewhere???
New to the group - I have a couple questions to get started with!!
by bk62 ini'm not, have never been, nor will i ever be a jw.
unfortunately, i've become caught up in the cult because of my wife.
she's not yet a witness, but many in her family are.
Hi CJ!
I guess I should explain our wedding a little more...
It took place in Mexico, at my wife's mother's house. At the time I didn't know what a Kingdom Hall was, but chances are they wouldn't have allowed it either. It was definitely a JW's affair though. He quoted many scriptures from the NWT (and they were then interpreted into English by another brother from the KH). Many Witnesses from Arizona came to the wedding, including another elder at a KH in Phoenix and his family. So I don't think they saw it as a problem, but I can't even begin to count how many questions I got (dealing with my intention to become a JH). I never lied - just told them I would try to learn more (which I'm doing). But now that I've done so I'm very convinced I will never be swayed.
One thing struck me as odd at our wedding reception...it didn't take long for the guest list to thin out (as soon as the partying began!!) I was very surprised, but my wife explained that JW's don't agree with some of the customs we were participating in, such as throwing the boquet to the unmarried women??? (Sorry I don't know the official name of that custom!)
So are you still with the witnesses? I would assume not, since you mention getting caught up in the lies. Any regrets? I'm sure it's incredibly dfficult having to part with so many of your close friends. That's what I'm hoping to spare my wife of, but yet I don't want to "rush in" before I am ready. (I mean ready to dispel her / their beliefs).
Can i get Watchtower library 1999 for research anywhere
by thetruthaboutjws inis there anywhere i can download watchtower 99 or any version for that matter for research.
"Extreme Newby here...."
Please tell me - what's the harm in providing this (or other librarys) to newbys? I'm trying to gather as much information as humanly possible in order to be able to convince my wife of the lies / deceit handed down by the GB and WT Association. It seems to me that "more is better". Am I missing out on something (an earlier post said it only took common sense to know why you guys don't want to share this information with just anybody). I promise I'm not trying to be critical - I only want to understand! I just stumbled on to this forum today, after receiving The free Minds Journal.
(Btw I put my name on the list to receive the latest and greatest Watchtower CD - direct from New York!) :) I'm not sure what time-span it covers, but it will definitely be some interesting reading!
New to the group - I have a couple questions to get started with!!
by bk62 ini'm not, have never been, nor will i ever be a jw.
unfortunately, i've become caught up in the cult because of my wife.
she's not yet a witness, but many in her family are.
Hello all,
I'm not, have never been, nor will I ever be a JW. Unfortunately, I've become caught up in the cult because of my wife. She's not yet a Witness, but many in her family are. This includes several elders - one of who performed our marriage!! When I first learned she believed in the JW's doctrines I thought "So what - we both believe in God so what's the harm?". But the more I read, the more afraid I become.
I've started attending meetings in order to learn more about these beliefs. I've even allowed a witness couple to come to our house for a weekly study. I insist on keeping a copy of my own (NIV) bible handy, which they don't understand. The thing is though - they're very nice people, and truly believe what they're teaching. Now I'm finding that my wife accepts everything they say as the absolute truth - this scares me!! If she has a problem at work she'll ask them, and won't question the response they give. She has also commented that (based on their actions, attitudes, appearance) JW's are obviously the "best" people (ie. - "Godly"). She's from Mexico, so sometimes I'm not sure I am understanding exactly what she's saying! :)
She also questions my skepticism of the religion. She tells me "I hope you will open your mind" but when I say the same to her, her response is something like "I already know the truth...". :-Þ
Ok a few quick questions....in "Refuting Jehovah's Witnesses" by Randall Watters, it says that Jesus started out as Michael the Arch-Angel, came to earth as Jesus, and then went back to heaven as Michael. Is this currently believed / taught by them? I have not yet heard it. I mentioned it to my wife, and she thinks I'm making it up. I've also mentioned the fact that they "Wrote their own bible" but she doesn't believe me there either.
Since they don't believe in Hell, how can they explain Revelations and that it mentions "Eternal Punishment"?
I have lots more, but will save them for a future post. I look forward to hearing your responses!
Teen Near Death After Receiving Organs With Wrong Blood Type
by betweenworlds in.
well this is just plain depressing :( can't believe stuff like this still happens..
Another thought occured to me...the first set of organs could have quite possibly saved another life as well.