JoinedPosts by KiddingMe
The most disturbing Watchtower quote in 2013.
by never a jw ini am trying to put together the worst of 2013. the first quote that comes to mind is possibly your "favorite" too.
do you have any other disturbing quotes from the publications in the wt?.
elders who are reading this article can draw some useful conclusions from the account we have just considered: (1) the most practical step that we can take to prepare for the coming attack of the assyrian is that of strengthening our faith in god and helping our brothers to do the same.
BOE letter: New lights new changes
by pixel inre: adjustments to draw close to jehovah.
dear brothers:.
some changes involving our understanding of the meaning of gods name and what it re p- resents have been made to the first chapter of draw close to jehovah.
New here
by winnie12 inhey i'm new here, i've been reading up so much here and on other sites about tatt and it has really settled a nagging feeling of doubt within me.
truly i have been lied to and have been trapped in this cult.
i've been suffering with depression, anxiety, attempted suicide, hospitalization, anti depressants, loneliness all this while being in supposedly surrounded by "the happiest people" on earth.
Welcome!! You've come to the right place!
Thx. Cheers to you all!
Ray Franz
by thedog1 inam reading coc at the moment, about half way through.
just finished reading some of the details of what happened in malawi and mexico years ago.
which reminded me that in the early 80's a very well known elder in the country i was then living in went to new york as he had discovered all the discrepencies between what had happened in malawi and in mexico and wanted to know what the gb had to say about it.
Thedog1- I am very interested to hear why you disagree with Ray Franz on certain doctrinal points. I hope you will share your perspective once you've completed the book.
Ever consider joining The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?
by rawe inhas anyone here left jehovah's witnesses to join the churuch of jesus christ of latter-day saints?
what was your motivation for doing so and how has it worked out?.
if you haven't joined the lds or considered it, as an ex-jw, what is your general view of the lds faith?.
The BEST way to "wake up" a JW
by Phizzy inwe have debated this over many years and in many threads, as all of us have family and/or former friends still in.
it seems that there is no "best" way to wake up a jw, it is as elusive as the "true" religion it seems.. but a comment made by poster "emery" on another thread stood out to me, he/she said :.
"what i have gathered is that most witnesses seem to be in it for emotional reasons.
Ray Franz
by thedog1 inam reading coc at the moment, about half way through.
just finished reading some of the details of what happened in malawi and mexico years ago.
which reminded me that in the early 80's a very well known elder in the country i was then living in went to new york as he had discovered all the discrepencies between what had happened in malawi and in mexico and wanted to know what the gb had to say about it.
Thedog1 - reading COC, I was in a roller coaster ride of emotions. Many parts I read in tears. The part about Mexico/Malawi had me sick to my stomach. I'd never heard anything about it before.
The question you ask, "what would be wrong with honesty?", is what's really doing it for me. It tells me that they care about the organization first. It saddens me that like the elder you refer to, when I first started studying, I was told about these evil apostates, picketing and many in Bethel being kicked out. They were all demonized. It came off to me like they were people that brains just snapped one day and satan or some mental illness took control. Like an exorcism or something. Now I know that many were probably just doing what they felt best to bring injustices to light.
Even this was a selling point, "Jehovah" cleans out his organization from the top down. It reinforced to me that this had to be the true religion because there was no favortism unlike the Catholic Church I grew up in, that at the time was going all of the child molestation issues.
There's a pattern of shifting the blame to the victim. When wrongs are admitted, it's due to imperfection or new light. Reading CoC helped me to opened my eyes to seeing the process that goes on and how they may be well aware of issue but choose to ignore them.
by the org forbidding us to read this material it allows them to portray the history of the organization however they want. It's very hurtful that the one organization we thought we could put our trust in, that teaches us to be honest in our dealings, is not honest with its members and allow those that call them on it to hang out to dry for the sake of the org.
Experiences: CAA needs to emotionally vomit... catharsis... release ... etc.
by confusedandalone inok, so i have been on this journey for about a year or so.
i feel like i am no longer a part of this whacked out religion, however at the same time after spending so many years in it there have been a huge array of things that have happened to me that i feel i need to talk about.
not because they will help anyone who reads them, not because they are the slightest bit interesting, but because i can no longer keep them bottled up and expect to move on.. alot of things i have experienced hurt me deeply... although i was able to move forward with my life these things tend to hang around in my mind because i have never been able to tell anyone outside of my wife.
I am not finish reading this threat yet but have to chime in.
C & A - you and Mrs C & A need to call Sister Slutface (I love you KateWild!!) and give her a big THANK YOU!! Thank her for being the sneaky conniving deceitful person that she was. If it wasn't for her you both may not be together and have your wonderful children. Thank her for helping to create this experience because the way it was unjustly handled may have unknowingly started you on the road to being open to learning TTATT. It's things like this that don't settle well in the back of our mind even after many years have past.
Oh and LOL at how you "magically" appeared at her job! To funny. The things we do when we are young and in love.