Dumplin, you heard it correct.
He also tried to throw in at one point, that that healing process, used to be the "law of the land". Boy can they twist things for their benefit. like they really care about the law of the land.
Dumplin, you heard it correct.
He also tried to throw in at one point, that that healing process, used to be the "law of the land". Boy can they twist things for their benefit. like they really care about the law of the land.
So in addition to victims' testimony, the judicial committee gets a confession from the wrongdoer and they choose not believe it, because they are not sure if the wrongdoer really means to confess. How crazy is that?
The commission has got to be banging their heads listening to this.
this interview was posted april 16, 2015 on youtube.
lorenz reibling's replies to the reporter in argentina are in english.. lorenz reibling is intimately connected to the watchtower society and, according to some sources, is a jw himself.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3ssa-9yvii.
so who is lorenz reibling?
warning: this is rather lengthy.
i thought i would post this information that i took with me to my judicial committee.
the elders promised that we would talk about everything that was bothering me, yet, we ended up talking about less than 10% of it.
let the merging begin!!!.
to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory.
re: fully utilizing kingdom hall auditoriums.
i am not sure if this guy is really from bethel, or walkill, but if he is....this poor guy really tells it like it is from the heart.
he was surprised.. at the 'oh so fast, pack your bags, get your stuff outta here' layoff !.
She is very courageous and brave. I was in tears listening.
Teenagers can be cruel. I'm glad they had the chance to hear what many JW youths go through.
This week at the meeting they played a video of Sophia and it focussed on her being teased some for her religious beliefs and encouraged her to muster up boldness and bravery to witness to her classmates.
Hopefully this will help deter students from accepting a witness or bible study from a JW classmate but at the same help them to understand what their JW peer may be going through.
I hate that they pressure JW children to witness to others in school, as if it's not hard and awkward enough for them. School is for learning not witnessing.
ok, so i went ahead and got a tattoo.
well more than a tattoo, it is a half sleeve.
my parents haven't seen it, thanks to the chilly weather i've been wearing a sweater around them.
I know someone who was publicly reproved for getting a tattoo. I assume if they kept getting more it could've led to disfellowshipping.
My kids are not baptized and snuck out and got tattoos before I "woke up" and I was disappointed by it, but I got over it. Thinking back, it had more to do with how it would make us look to the other JW's, as if we allowed them to go out and get them.
Now my kids seem like they are addicted to it, they are going crazy with several tattoos. I don't like this too much either because I feel that later in life they may regret getting so many.
I hope it goes over well for you.
i find it hard sometimes to get a good idea has to how to communicate with my wife when it come to this stupid cult.. she is born in and stopped attending for many years and got baptized later in life.
i truely believe she suffers from cognitive dissonance and other things this stupid cult causes.. here is a breakdown of what i gather to be where she is mentally.. * she calls the borg her faith.
here are actions that she does that go against her thoughts:.
Same boat here. My husband does just about all the same actions as your wife. There's a lot of contradictory. They seem do just enough for Jah to get the guilt off of their back. This could be used to an advantage as they are a little more free thinking than the average JW.
I think part of it is being a lazy thinker as it pertains to JW stuff. Maybe because it's too much to handle mentally and allows them to slack off some without as much guilt or cognitive dissonance.
It gets frustrating at times, such as we may miss three weekends of field service then it's the most important thing in the world and he says y'all (the family) act like you don't know what we do on Saturday mornings...blah blah blah...I want to say really?..but we are use to the drill now. I'll just say I don't feel well and he'll go by hisself, then return as if it's nothing complaining about everything that happen during field service.
He complains anout JW injustices inflicted upon us or any one else for that matter. It seems like the writing is on the wall or as my mother says it, "if you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen." But no, there's something keeping him trapped.
I'm not sure if it will help but I've been trying to subtly help him to see for himself that the GB are at the root of a lot of the many unnecessary things we deal with. I point out when appropriate, when the GB are not in harmony with the bible. Then I say something like, but of course the GB are just Human and trying to maintain control of things. I want to make this a reoccurring theme so that hopefully something will click and he will get sick of them. I just keep reiterating as appropriate for something we are going through or to help relieve him of some guilt for missing a meeting, service, etc.
A few days ago, he was speaking to a brother about another brother that was complaining about someone speaking to their disfellowshipped child. I overheard my husband say, everyone has do what they are comfortable with. There is nothing in the bible that say you absolutely shouldn't help your disfellowshipped child, the GB are men and it's their opinion, they mean well, but we all have something to work on.
This shocked me, because over a month ago he said I had a problem with the governing body because of something I said and to clean it up, I said no I don't, I know they are human and mean well, that's why they keep changing stuff but at the end of the day we all have to answer for ourself.
I'm sorry for being long winded but my point is to try to keep encouraging independent thinking based on the bible. This could be a start. Hopefully they will start to recognize a pattern with th GB and can eventually break free.