JW GoneBad43 minutes ago
It won't be long before they start putting restrictions on the use of the 'phone-in' feature for those who opt to stay home but for whatever reason have a need to phone in to listen to the meetings.
They already did this in our hall. We had a local needs about it but the direction come from the society. Basically said what you said, its for the shut in. Not people with short term illnesses. Said so many are phoning in that the ones that need it, can't get through the line because there is a limited no. of spot available on the conference call. They said they did an audit and even had callers from out of state calling. So they changed the pass code and only gave it to a select few.
It was interesting that they stressed that the direction was coming from the society. At first I was thinking the society was doing it keep apostates at bay, but i didn't notice postings about it here, so I assumed it must be more of a local issue.