I am sorry for your loss. 🌹
JoinedPosts by KiddingMe
My Mom died last week.
by Still Totally ADD inlast wednesday my elder brother called me to let me know mom had died.
she was 97 years old and was in a nursing home for the last 7 years.
her mind had left her many years ago to the point she didn't recognize any of us.
READ: Watchtower's SCOTUS petition
by Corney inon june 25, 2019 watchtower ny filed petition for a writ of certiorari in the u.s. supreme court.
the society asks to reconsider a $4 million judgment against it in a california child abuse case.
docket: https://www.supremecourt.gov/search.aspx?filename=/docket/docketfiles/html/public/19-40.html .
Thanks for the update!
Review: revised Elder's manual, part 4 (final part)
by neat blue dog inhere's the cruel, uncomfortable and dehumanizing description of transport for disfellowshipped ones:.
in cases of real need, the elders can determine wheth-er some assistance may be provided.
such assistance would be viewed as similar to public transportation in that there should be no conversing with the disfellowshipped or disassociated person.
2019 Elders Manual and a Whole Lot More!
by Atlantis insingle zipped folderhttps://we.tl/t-uiqj87wimd.
2019-02-02-musical preludeshttps://we.tl/t-zyfpnodizd.
s-21-e congregation's publisher record (2018-12).pdfhttps://we.tl/t-i9qamx3s0q.
Thank you!!
by blondie inblondie’s first thoughts wt study on 2/3/2019 (november 2018, pages 23-27(jehovah’s thoughts).
excellent general website: www.jwfacts.com .
Thanks Blonde for your comments. As I sat through this WT study this past Sunday I wondering if there was talk on this board about it and was glad to see you had it covered.
Reminder:Leah Remini Expose on J.W.'s airs Tuesday Nov.13 on A&E channel.
by StoneWall inthought i'd post this since the date is almost upon us for those who want to see it as it premieres.hope it turns out really good and that she can help many to see the watchtower for what it really is like she did about the scientologists.here's a link to a small preview of it:https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/video/leah-remini-scientology-aftermath-jehovah-s-witnesses-special-event-trailer-1153594
Looking forward to seeing it.
Here You Go, Folks! - Leah Remini
by sparky1 innational television exposure.............. www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/leah-remini-scientology-and-the-aftermath-season-3-teaser-.
It’s all good when the coverage is about the Catholics, Scientologist or any other religion...and it’s a shame what they are doing. But when it’s about JW’s, the victims must be at fault.
Here You Go, Folks! - Leah Remini
by sparky1 innational television exposure.............. www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/leah-remini-scientology-and-the-aftermath-season-3-teaser-.
I’m looking forward to seeing how they cover this.
I heard a group of JW’s talking about the King of the North being identified, then they started talking about the recent news re to the handling of the clergy/catholic’s molesting children. Another jumps in and start talking about seeing the trailer Leah Remini and how there are saying they are similarities with Scientology. They were somewhat dismissive, saying it’s probably a bunch of apostates she talked to. Then another in the group starts talking about a case in their hall in which an elder was molesting his own children and his current wife didn’t know that was why the previous wife divorced him. Apparently the brothers waited until the authorities handled it and put him on the sex offender registry to disfellowship him.
I added that part of the problem with the Catholics was the internal handling of these cases instead of reporting to authority. I’m hoping this coverage highlights more of the internal policy flaws of JW’s and how
First year with baby!
by Darkknight757 ini wanted to share a few recent pics of izabella with everyone.
this week marks her one year since her coming home from nicu.
she has been growing and changing so much these last few months in particular.
Hatred From My Children for Not Leaving the Organization Earlier
by new boy ini'm not proud of the fact that it took me over 50 years to realized what the organization really was and to finally leave it.
not proud at all, i feel pretty stupid.
however i didn't lose my children.
As parents sometimes the best thing we can do is listen. It’s big that he feels comfortable enough to be open about his feelings with you.
Hopefully getting things off his chest is part of his healing and growth. Overtime hopefully he we get to understand why you did things your way and that you did the best with what you had.
It was a gamble, you placed your bets where you thought the odds were in you and your family’s favor.
Thanks for sharing. Reading the OP feels like reading about my life now. I started waking up about 5 years ago. My youngest is 21 now. All three of my children were having regular bible studies on the path to baptism, going out in field service regularly. My oldest was ready to get baptized just because of the pressure from family and “knowing it was the right thing to do”.
As of today, none are baptized, the two oldest are working full time and attending college part time, one is living with their significant other and doesn’t attend, the other is still with us. The youngest (21 yrs) is going into their senior year in college.
To me, this is good and seems to be worth it, as I’m not sure I could’ve helped from outside the organization. I feel that by staying in, I was able to help soften the blow, be more of an advocate for them and divert the pressure put on them by family members.
At the same time, I know, and I’m reminded after reading the OP and some of the others’ posts that each day I stay in and allow them to stay in mentally, no matter how well my intentions are may not be viewed the same as I do and could possibly be resented by them.