I'd say "F*CK YOU"
JoinedPosts by worldlygirl
Elder's Visit -- What do you say
by CaptK ini have been d'f for over a year and two elders came by to see me for a breif visit.
what do you say when they arrive ?
are they making an inspection of your place of residence or you ?
by worldlygirl inwell, it has finally happened.
my jw husband came home last week and told me he is moving out.
it seems he has been talking to the elders, and they feel his spirituality is being threatened (even though i have not insisted he stop going to meetings, i won't allow any jw material in my home because of my children from a previous marriage - i don't want them exposed to it.
Once the elders see these pictures
and whack off over them,LMAO - Mary, you are DEFINITELY the wittiest person on this board!
Worldlygirl (picturing three decrepit elders in a circle-jerk ... )
by worldlygirl inwell, it has finally happened.
my jw husband came home last week and told me he is moving out.
it seems he has been talking to the elders, and they feel his spirituality is being threatened (even though i have not insisted he stop going to meetings, i won't allow any jw material in my home because of my children from a previous marriage - i don't want them exposed to it.
Since he's made his intentions known, I only wish she were in a position to throw his ass out immediately. Since she's done nothing except support his wimpy ass and exercise her rights as equal spousal partner, why should he have the luxury of a departure at his convenience.
He's out already. His sorry a$$ took off the very next day. I've already changed the locks and I'm thinking about having a really big, cheap yard sale with some of the things he left behind.
by worldlygirl inwell, it has finally happened.
my jw husband came home last week and told me he is moving out.
it seems he has been talking to the elders, and they feel his spirituality is being threatened (even though i have not insisted he stop going to meetings, i won't allow any jw material in my home because of my children from a previous marriage - i don't want them exposed to it.
After he leaves, attend a few meetings at his Kingdom Hall. That oughtta fvck him up. If you do that, he'll have no scriptural ground for leaving. It's a bit of a price to pay (sitting for 2 hours, listening to garbage), but he can't say you've been slowing him down spiritually. Still change the locks on the doors so he can't come back to you.... and let the elders know who you are.
I love this idea, but could you do it ???No.
by worldlygirl inwell, it has finally happened.
my jw husband came home last week and told me he is moving out.
it seems he has been talking to the elders, and they feel his spirituality is being threatened (even though i have not insisted he stop going to meetings, i won't allow any jw material in my home because of my children from a previous marriage - i don't want them exposed to it.
it's none of our business, but why did he have to be re-instated, maybe you can use his past ???
He cheated on his first wife after 20 years of marriage. Apparently, they got this quickie scam of a divorce so she could marry another guy on the rebound (I'm talking serious rebound - like 6 days later.) Charming model JW family. He wasn't "in" when I met him - he was already df'd.
Would you call police on the JW's , if door to door was banned ???
by run dont walk incourt: jehovah's witnesses can knock on doors .
canadian press .
montreal the quebec court of appeal upheld a lower-court decision wednesday, striking down a municipal bylaw restricting when jehovah's witnesses can go door-to-door to promote their religion.
Well, somebody would need to come over and chalk the outlines...
by worldlygirl inwell, it has finally happened.
my jw husband came home last week and told me he is moving out.
it seems he has been talking to the elders, and they feel his spirituality is being threatened (even though i have not insisted he stop going to meetings, i won't allow any jw material in my home because of my children from a previous marriage - i don't want them exposed to it.
Thank God we do not have children together! The two I mentioned are mine from a previous marriage. (And just for the record, they are happy to see him go. They are 10 and 13 and are old enough to realize what a loser he is.)
by worldlygirl inwell, it has finally happened.
my jw husband came home last week and told me he is moving out.
it seems he has been talking to the elders, and they feel his spirituality is being threatened (even though i have not insisted he stop going to meetings, i won't allow any jw material in my home because of my children from a previous marriage - i don't want them exposed to it.
The bigamy thing may be useful for the courts, but I wouldn't mention it in any letter to the elders. He may try turning it to his advantage, in claiming that his leaving is demonstration of "works of repentance".
I understand this point, but I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, they could look at it like this. But would they really be ready to take the position that he is right if I actually have CRIMINAL CHARGES of bigamy filed against him? It is a criminal offense. His ex-wife is also a JW who is now married to yet another JW, so this affects a lot of their "sheep". Unfortunately for them, the law says they are "estopped" or forbidden from challenging the validity of their Mexican divorce because they were parties to the fraud. I am the only one who can challenge it (or her current husband). Wouldn't this be a high-profile scandal that the elders would want to stay away from? Imagine the publicity it could generate!
by worldlygirl inwell, it has finally happened.
my jw husband came home last week and told me he is moving out.
it seems he has been talking to the elders, and they feel his spirituality is being threatened (even though i have not insisted he stop going to meetings, i won't allow any jw material in my home because of my children from a previous marriage - i don't want them exposed to it.
Ravyn, funny you should mention fraud. I do have another angle --- he and his crazy first wife got a 24-hour internet Mexican divorce before we were married. He and I married in Nevada, and they don't require you to show proof of prior divorce, so everything went through. I had assumed when he said he was divorced that he was legally divorced. I just checked this out since he left and I have found that it is completely invalid. Neither of them even went to Mexico, just ordered the divorce online - Mexico had no jurisdiction - its all a scam. Technically, he is guilty of bigamy and I intend to use that against him as well.
by worldlygirl inwell, it has finally happened.
my jw husband came home last week and told me he is moving out.
it seems he has been talking to the elders, and they feel his spirituality is being threatened (even though i have not insisted he stop going to meetings, i won't allow any jw material in my home because of my children from a previous marriage - i don't want them exposed to it.
Remind him that according to JW rules, he is NOT "scripturally free to remarry" until YOU go out and get laid (ie, "commit adultery"). Tell him he will never have sex again for as long as he lives, with you or without you.
That brings up another point. Unless I remarry (not gonna happen), how would he ever know if I had sex with anyone else? I've seen the stuff about "spending the night alone with a member of the opposite sex" being grounds for this assumption, but if someone is discreet about it - then what?
In the future, would he even be able to "date"? Doesn't he have to be free to remarry in order to date a Sister in the congregation? If he wanted to do that, would he or the elders have to contact me and ask me if I had "fornicated"? How does that work? I would never confess, but would they just assume that since I am "worldly" I am out screwing everyone?
What about if he commits adultery? Wouldn't I still have the opportunity to say "I forgive you"? Then he STILL wouldn't be free, right???