I am curious to see how many varieties of opinions there are on what it means to be spiritual.
Brad (I will post my interpretation at the end)
i am curious to see how many varieties of opinions there are on what it means to be spiritual.. brad (i will post my interpretation at the end)
I am curious to see how many varieties of opinions there are on what it means to be spiritual.
Brad (I will post my interpretation at the end)
my daughter is graduating from high school next month.
she has lived with me all her life.
her mother, a good and faithful dud, ran off with a 'worldly' co-worker five years ago.
Good for you, Maverick!!!!!! Kids teach us so much, don't they.
my daughter is graduating from high school next month.
she has lived with me all her life.
her mother, a good and faithful dud, ran off with a 'worldly' co-worker five years ago.
I honestly think that there is no such thing as being too nice, but then I read how you are willing to sit at the back and I have to remind myself of a few things that apply here.
Your ex has cheated your daughter out of the opportunity to have a pleasant experience. This changes the law of relativity in the situation. It is up to you to make it more balanced again. If you make a sacrifice (by sitting at the back.. never mind that she may not come even if you do) your wife and daughter will think that SHE(ex) is right. She is NOT RIGHT. She has put an unfair condition on her daughter's experience.
Your daughter should get UNCONDITIONAL LOVE from both of you. If your ex will not show it to her then you have to. I don't mean to sound preachy, but it seems as though you are making too many sacrifices.
Everything in life is relative except for liars, cheaters and thieves. Your ex has upset the balance. You are likely the only one who can right it. Your daughter will understand what you are doing, I think.
25 jan 1996 : column 1162to the noble baroness, lady faithfull, if this was a matter with which she had to deal.
i do so because it actually happened in oxford.
the child of two jehovah's witnesses aged eight was knocked down, severely injured and was bleeding to death.
What's the scripture??....... something like, 'to the extent that you do it to the least of these, my brothers, you do it to me also'. Don't JW's realize that the harm they inflict on their kids, etc is like they are doing it God? What am I saying, of course they don't!!!!
Whether this is an extreme case by a couple of looney tunes or not is irrelevant. The fact is that they would likely be praised by the GB for demonstrating such a strong faith to sacrifice their own son. The fact that the freaks that did it are allowed to still feel like "GOOD CHRISTIANS" by the GB is a testament to the danger and havoc that the WBTS creates.
There is no minimizing or rationalizing what they did!!!!!!!! They are bad excuses for human beings and will reap what they sow.
Also, although I am sure the eight year old had a hard time dealing with it, in the long run, hopefully he was better off. (Hopefully he wasn't taken in by OTHER witnesses)
i was listening to a talk on www.freeminds.org where this circuit overseer was discussing the impact that the events in n.y.c.
had on the brothers at bethel.
the major reason it was on the site was different than this point but i found this appalling enough for it to stand out in my mind.. it amazed me that this person, in discussing what happened, constantly encouraged the listeners to imagine the effects that the "brothers in bethel" must have felt to have to see such horrific events.
I was listening to a talk on www.freeminds.org where this circuit overseer was discussing the impact that the events in N.Y.C. had on the brothers at Bethel. The major reason it was on the site was different than this point but I found this appalling enough for it to stand out in my mind.
It amazed me that this person, in discussing what happened, constantly encouraged the listeners to imagine the effects that the "brothers in Bethel" must have felt to have to see such horrific events. Not once did he mention anything about the poor people that actually died or the loved ones that would miss them.
Just another example of the lack of empathy they show. To suggest that witnesses of a tragedy should deserve more concern than the people directly involved in the tragedy is extremely shallow-minded.
Anybody have any examples of a similar thing?
how's the holiday weekend going for y'all?
mrs ozzie and i are catching up with blissisignorance and her very handsome mr bliss.
anyone who can "brew" his own shiraz like mr bliss is real handsome in my books!!
self-righteous (which by the way I didn't like!!!) I was too nice of a human to have this rather arrogant feeling.
do you think that at least one active person on this board is working for the watchtower and trying desperately to get information on people here?
do you know who you can really trust on this site, or is everyone a potential watchtower spy?
I'm sure there are some JW's lurking. They can't help it. It goes along with their paranoia. What is interesting is that, once we are out, we lose that sort of paranoia and just want them to leave us alone.
there was once an elder in our congregation, he and his wife were regular pioneers, of course.
and of course, they cleaned windows for a living.. they lived in the basement of a decades old building, in what amounted to a studio apartment.
i think the square footage was about 8. church mice could've loaned these two money.. of course, being a young jw and believing most of the malarkey you are told, you tend to look up to these men as spiritual giants, even though most of what they talk about is pure, unadulterated bullshit.. let me give you an example.. k* and d* always enjoyed their coffee.
Yeah, I know a few mental midgets: Charles Taze Russell, Joseph Rutherford, Nathan Knorr, Fred Franz.....
well like i say, just got back from the memorial, have been going most years, but this year i went by chance (knew it was roughly at 7pm at the nearest kh) to my old congregation that i grew up in.
i didn't find the "evil" people spoke of here on this forum, or those too stupid to see.
all i did see was people i hadn't seen in years, and let me tell you, what lovely people they were.
Another thing that is amazing to me is how condescending and ignorant JW's tend to be when JUDGING others. Max Divergent and Donnie Drako prove this in their quotes.
It is TRULY HYPOCRITICAL of JW's to insult people who believe in war, when they are anxiously waiting (and have been for 120 years) for their interpretation of God to come down and KILL 6,000,000,000 people.
well like i say, just got back from the memorial, have been going most years, but this year i went by chance (knew it was roughly at 7pm at the nearest kh) to my old congregation that i grew up in.
i didn't find the "evil" people spoke of here on this forum, or those too stupid to see.
all i did see was people i hadn't seen in years, and let me tell you, what lovely people they were.
Wow scooby, I think you really have to deal with some issues in your life, dude.
One post you are saying that you are sorry for insulting anybody and the next minute you are lashing out at Maverick again, taking offence to something that you insinuate he meant.
I think the point that most people are making is that the individual people are not really jerks at the KH, the structure of it just causes them to do mean things they wouldn't normally do if they were separated from it. You, it seems, have proven that point very well. I'm sure you feel that you are not a sarcastic arrogant jerk, but your comments tend to prove otherwise. Go ahead and blame the organization like the rest of us. Once you do it will be the first step in realizing that you DO have an individual spirit, SEPARATE from the WTBS.
Trust me, IT IS better on the other side.