How do we explain the trillion sets of instruction that make up our DNA???????
How the dickens did all that information get there??
Its things like this that goes around in my head very often!!.......
Other questions are.... ‘Is time forever?’...... ‘Is space endless?’...... and if it is,.... ‘is there such a thing as infinity?’
If I travel in a straight line out into space forever, would I ever come to the end of space?
There is so much man knows about, but doesn't understand..... for example there’s something called a Photon, it ignores time, distance and mater... Scientists have found that an identical twin can have an immediate reaction to the other twin emotions, despite the fact that they could be many thousands of miles apart......
Now, what they have noticed is an instant and simultaneous change in Photon’s around each twin when this happens.... so the Photon’s are a carrier of instant communications, and as they ignore time, distance and matter they can be found everywhere, right throughout the Universe...... so, in effect, this scientifically proves my thoughts or anyone's thoughts or prayers could be heard in Heaven wherever it may be.
Maybe I'm a deep thinker, but they are things that really intrigue me!
How about you?
Regards JC