I wouldn't get off the sofa to go anywhere for their funeral... not that I would be notified of ther death anyway.
Posts by Zoos
If Your JW Parent Died Would YOU Go To The Kingdom Hall For The Talk?
by minimus ini would like your thoughts, please..
Another True Believer Dies Before Entering The Paradise
by minimus ina dear old man, 81 years of age died the other day.
my family studied with his family in 1969 and the entire family left their beloved catholic church and became jehovah's witnesses within 6 months.the man was illiterate and unschooled.
still, he believed "the truth" and even when some of his kids left or got disfellowshipped, he persevered.
thank GOD that Jesus examines hearts
There's the solution.
We fight to expose the lies and free the minds of JWs. Sometimes it works, often it doesn't. But our failure is not God's failure.
Another True Believer Dies Before Entering The Paradise
by minimus ina dear old man, 81 years of age died the other day.
my family studied with his family in 1969 and the entire family left their beloved catholic church and became jehovah's witnesses within 6 months.the man was illiterate and unschooled.
still, he believed "the truth" and even when some of his kids left or got disfellowshipped, he persevered.
MOUTHY - Thank you for being such a mainstay contributor on this forum. I've read so many of your posts from years back.
Hope you're in good health.
For Active Jehovah's Witnesses
by The Searcher inthis is a reminder for some, and fresh bible guidance for new arrivals to this site.. have you been "witnessing" today, or are you planning to?.
revelation 12:17 - ".......and have the work of bearing witness to jesus.".
acts 8:16 - ".......been baptized in the name of the lord jesus.".
Please do not feed or tease the Jehovah's Witness people.
The official requirement for salvation in the latest WT, nothing to do with Jesus......
by EndofMysteries in"those with the earthly hope who supported christs brothers in the preaching work will have been judged as sheep and will be granted the privilege of living in the earthly realm of the kingdom.
" 3/2015 study wt learn from illustration of talents par 13.. so there you have it, to get salvation you need to only obey the gb and if you obey and worship the gb, then you will be judged as a sheep.
truly those who listen and obey, will be blessed!.
Of course it will be argued by apologists that in order to support Christ's brothers in the preaching work one must be acceptable to God in the first place, becoming an approved associate, at the very least, and all that THAT entails.
Simply getting off the sofa and going therefore to preach won't cut it in Watchtower land. You must be approved, baptized, spiritually clean, well-studied, humble/meek/mild, and let's not forget...organized to accomplish in order to be worthy of supporting Christ's brothers. THIS, they will argue, is the entire package being referred to in the 3-2015 Watchtower. THIS is what will gain you salvation.
What were the calculations used to arrive at the 1874 date of Christ's return?
by Zoos inwe all know the calculations used by the wt to arrive at 1914. fall of babylon in 607 (false year), gentile times, no zero year, ta-da, 1914.. what did they use before that?
i know it wasn't russell who came up with it - he just adopted it.
i'm just curious what they had to explain away when they made the transition.. .
Thanks again. A lot of great information here.
Nephew going to bethel - seeking seed planting ideas
by azor ini have posted a handful of times so far.
i am seeking some ideas to plant some seeds with my nephew before he goes to patterson.. a little about me and the going away party where i will have an opportunity to plant these seeds.
i have a little freedom since i am the only relative that he is in communication with that spent some time at bethel.
Tell him it'll be a great place to meet his future husband.
What were the calculations used to arrive at the 1874 date of Christ's return?
by Zoos inwe all know the calculations used by the wt to arrive at 1914. fall of babylon in 607 (false year), gentile times, no zero year, ta-da, 1914.. what did they use before that?
i know it wasn't russell who came up with it - he just adopted it.
i'm just curious what they had to explain away when they made the transition.. .
Lots of great answers here. Thanks everyone.
The Watchtower explains the sheep and the goats
by runForever inthe march 2015 study watchtower finally solves the mystery of the sheep and the goats:.
" first, note that jesus is teaching bymeans of an illustration.
obviously, he isnot talking about separating literal sheepfrom literal goats.".
Obviously, he is
not talking about separating literal sheep
from literal goats.Ah... the deep things of God.
After Six Months of Hiatus, I can tell you the Watchtower is Starting to Crumble Faster than you think!
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker ini took a hiatus from jwn because the wall started to collapse because i lost several people ive known almost my entire life.
these were people i thought would never die, the lies told by the watchtower is unforgivable!
there was a party i attended keeping a low profile while documenting what was said.
The good news is this organization WILL fall apart, if only to become a fraction of what it is today. The bad news is, the human suffering by our families and former associates is only going to get worse in that cult