Live to fight another day, Umbertoecho.
Have another scotch.
this may sound insane but i literally have blood on my hands as i have just come home from a counselling session that went wrong...i wanted to collate all that has happened and record policy is against it.
i said "what am i alive for then if not to tell the truth" she tut tutted and i walked out sadly in despair.. when i got to the ground floor there was a young girl screaming her head off.
she was afraid, that is all she was...........afraid.
Live to fight another day, Umbertoecho.
Have another scotch.
the united nations will shortly announce global peace and security.
this will result in the attack on the true religion [ jehovah's witnesses ] lead by pope francis and intern will bring armageddon / paradise.
please brothers and sisters share this information with everyone!
Wasn't 1986 a whole UN year of peace and security?
The International Year of Peace
Although the Watchtower never made any dogmatic statements about the UN proclamation, they sure did talk about it a lot. Do a Watchtower CD Library search for: International Year of Peace
.. in institutions is needed.
it needs to be done as soon as possible.. and i need you to help me.. i need someone, maybe more than one person, to draft a template, for a letter to the white house.. it has to clearly state that the usa is falling way behind many other countries, in terms of protecting children in institutions nationwide.. it has to make this clear: .
both australia and the uk (independent inquiry into child sexual abuse in england and wales, see here: ) are currently investing large amounts of time and financial resources to research the best possible policies to protect children, across all institutions, religious and nonreligious.. they are working to expose the failures of various institutions, that have not reported child abuse, or have even covered it up... why are the united states of america not doing the same?!!.
defender of truth
If you are going to be a naysayer and put others off from even trying (there is always one or two that do this in any endeavour), please refrain from posting.
The only thing I would offer as a "naysayer" is that you not pin any hopes on a single letter to the White House. It will accomplish nothing. Even if it gets read by a live human, your letter will likely be perceived as coming from a disenfranchised fringe element (ex-JW) and tossed aside without consideration. Also, the White House gets tons of signed petitions every year. How will your single letter compete?
I'M NOT SUGGESTING THAT YOU NOT SEND IT! I am suggesting that you time your letter to be part of a groundswell on the issue - make it part of the choir of support from a variety of sources.
.. in institutions is needed.
it needs to be done as soon as possible.. and i need you to help me.. i need someone, maybe more than one person, to draft a template, for a letter to the white house.. it has to clearly state that the usa is falling way behind many other countries, in terms of protecting children in institutions nationwide.. it has to make this clear: .
both australia and the uk (independent inquiry into child sexual abuse in england and wales, see here: ) are currently investing large amounts of time and financial resources to research the best possible policies to protect children, across all institutions, religious and nonreligious.. they are working to expose the failures of various institutions, that have not reported child abuse, or have even covered it up... why are the united states of america not doing the same?!!.
Do you have a specific suggestion?
Such as which group to contact?
Would it not be a good idea to look at what led to the ARC being commissioned to do this investigation and who was key in doing this? Does anyone know or know how to find out? Perhaps email the ARC directly?
.. in institutions is needed.
it needs to be done as soon as possible.. and i need you to help me.. i need someone, maybe more than one person, to draft a template, for a letter to the white house.. it has to clearly state that the usa is falling way behind many other countries, in terms of protecting children in institutions nationwide.. it has to make this clear: .
both australia and the uk (independent inquiry into child sexual abuse in england and wales, see here: ) are currently investing large amounts of time and financial resources to research the best possible policies to protect children, across all institutions, religious and nonreligious.. they are working to expose the failures of various institutions, that have not reported child abuse, or have even covered it up... why are the united states of america not doing the same?!!.
there's a interesting situation emerging where i live and i want to share it all with you because its proof i think jehovah has pulled his holy spirit away.
when elders think they can steal from the government and pretend to be holy, than jehovah god has left us!.
yesterday a boe letter was published at the elders domain of about the new medical information @ the medical information is for hospitals and doctors and not for the rank-and-file witness, says the letter.. i found the medical information with google: medical information.
(the beo doesn't give the section).. gorby.
just see it advertised on tv--with photo of our friend from south wales
geoffrey jackson left school at the age of 15 and began pioneering , he never attended a university ,never studied ancient greek ,hebrew or aramaic at any recognized teaching academy , he has no certificates or credentials / qualifications from any place of learning that is approved by a competent body of religious instruction .. and by his own words at the australian royal commission , under oath he stated that was his primary role as a translator of scripture into other languages .. a 15 year old drop out from school in australia is the chief/ prime translator of the bible for jehovah`s witnesses world wide in their many languages that they preach in .. it would be very interesting to see his report cards for those few years he did attend school .. is it just me , or does anybody else see that his qualifications don`t come up to scratch to be a translator of the old testament or the new testament scriptures , and be taken seriously as a translator of either , into any language.. if i am wrong anywhere in this post feel free to correct me .. smiddy.
The JW response would be to cite Acts 4:13.
Now when they beheld the outspokenness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were men unlettered and ordinary, they got to wondering...