Posts by Zoos
3 words to describe.....
by punkofnice in..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
Dissonance, exclamation mark. -
EPIC!#%* NOVEMBER 2015 WT VIDEO "Welcome Home My Friend, Now Your Life Can Start Again"
by NoMoreHustle inwell i just watched this "epic" video, i would have to say this is probably the most disturbing video yet.
there campaign to get people back is just pathetic in the most mind-manipulating way.
"welcome home" or "come back home" are they serious?
I'm not a dog, I'm not returning, and I don't like vomit. -
Being interviewed by police tomorrow
by moley inwell tomorrow is a big day for me.
i'm finally going to be interviewed by the police about what happened to me as a kid.. im running the whole gamut of emotions at the moment.
sad, anxious, angry, guilt, fear and many more that cannot be quantified.. i feel physically sick, cannot sleep, have lost my appetite and i am desperately trying not to self harm.. i've got my sister to thank for getting this far.
Add my voice to the choir of support. We all admire your courage. -
Facial recognition for churches
by krejames ini'm currently at a privacy conference and one of the speakers mentioned this creepy facial recognition tool for churches to track their parishioners.
surprised the jdubs aren't on it already ;) enjoy!
Before long, all baptismal candidates will have a chip implanted in their neck that will be uploaded with all your current publisher card information and donation history. We will then be required to buy a small hand-held scanner from the organization (for a modest fee to cover the cost of materials) so we can determine the spiritual worthiness of a person before even talking to him.
What a loving arrangement.
Latest Letter
by Coded Logic indear mentally diseased apostates,.
we are happy to report to you that we are tired of waiting around for jehovah to do his his whole "armageddon thing" and have instead taken steps to expedite the end ourselves.
we are very confident as "guardians of the doctrine" that we can accomplish this by dismantling the wtbts and its subsidiaries which will, in turn, force god's hand and bring about the coming of jesus riding on a white horse out of the clouds with a sword - or skulls - or scales - err, whatever .
Okay... well, if you insist. -
Has anyone tried using gold and metal detectors?
by EdenOne ini'm thinking about trying out a new hobby.
in my country there are plenty of places that are geologically suitable for the presence of gold nuggets.
in fact, several gold mines have been historically explored from the days of the romans until present day.. at the same time, i love archaeology and history and there are many possible unexplored archaeological sites near me that might merit a superficial survey.
In fact, several gold mines have been historically explored from the days of the Romans until present day.
Do they have any places that have been explored from the days of 1st and 2nd Timothy?
Besides all that, I love being in the wild. All things considered, I'm thinking it might be fun to get a gold/metal detector and give it a try.
This is all the reason you need.
In my corner of the world there is a lot of placer gold. I went out and bought a panning kit and have tried it out in a few streams while I'm hiking. Found a little bit. I won't be buying my dream double wide anytime soon.
Handing out candy
by mikeypants ingrowing up my parents would barricade our home off by parking vehicles bumper to bumper - you would have to crawl under the cars or over the bumpers to get to our door.
also, we would turn off all the lights and hide in the back room away from the street.. that was the norm for me.
isnt that insane?
Wow! I'm in good company. Handed out candy for the first time last night also.
Kids with stupid grins and hilarious costumes beats "lights out and hide in the basement."
I bought property, not that far from Watchtower land in Warrwick NY.
by Dunedain ini wound up buying 26 acres of land in upstate ny, a few years ago.
i bought it strictly as an investment, due to rumors of there going to be huge development of the area.
it seems like casinos, walmart, and tons of building have started in the area, or are now breaking ground, since i purchased it.
I don't suppose your land borders a highway/interstate. I could see a lovely billboard message directed at our friends traveling to visit the new Watchtower Country Club. -
Where are you from?
by BeautifulMind ini know we are all anonymous for our own personal reasons, so i understand if you would rather not say.
but if you don't mind sharing that would be cool.
i currently live in georgia, usa.
Beautiful Mind, I'm just up the road from you in South Carolina. -
CO Comes Up With A New Way To Be Judgemental...
by JW_Rogue inat the latest co visit something very strange happened.
during the meeting with the elders and servants he passed out a copy of a hypothetical publisher card and asked us what we could learn from it.
upon receiving it i saw that the average hours were pretty good, it had return visits and quite a few bible studies.
You may recall how we used to have our own cards handed out to us in the CO-Elders meeting and it would be scrutinised before all present. And you would sit there and whip yourself with lashes of guilt !
Wow! They really did that? I guess I shouldn't be surprised but I kinda am. That's pretty hard core.
Was that SOP or just a rogue CO?
Do they still do this?