Call me picky, but to remove all doubt, I like to depict it as 0.23%
Let's punctuate it even further.
if recent intel is true, there is only a .23% increase worldwide in 2015. .
notice what is increasing is not the average publisher count, according to the above watchtower quote to spin the bethel downsizing, but the work.
"the little one will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation.
Call me picky, but to remove all doubt, I like to depict it as 0.23%
Let's punctuate it even further.
a recently published book, by best selling author eugene walker has started creating a buzz inside the jehovahs witness community.
in his new book, "jehovah's witnesses exposed - what really goes on inside the kingdom hall walls", eugene walker brings to light hidden issues that many jehovah's witnesses now face in the organisation.. .
it never has ceased to boggle my mind how twisted up jw thinking is.
when they see something like what happened in paris, in person they will express how sad and detestable it is quickly followed by "this is why we need the kingdom, and the desert god is gonna fix everything.
" here is where i get perplexed.
i'm not sure i understand your point, but i'm fairly certain that most JWs dont' think all worldly people are so bad that they must die at Armageddon.
Then, with all due respect, you weren't paying attention at meetings.
it never has ceased to boggle my mind how twisted up jw thinking is.
when they see something like what happened in paris, in person they will express how sad and detestable it is quickly followed by "this is why we need the kingdom, and the desert god is gonna fix everything.
" here is where i get perplexed.
If JWs viewed non-believers as fellow humans, the thought of 99.9% of them being mercilessly slaughtered by a "superior" being would be utterly revolting.
JW: But we DOO value non-believers as humans. Why else would we spend billions of hours a year trying to teach them Kingdom truths?
Are they still valuable even if they do not accept what you teach?
JW: Yes, of course. Don't be silly.
But they won't live if they don't convert to your religion.
JW: WE DON'T JUDGE! It's JEHOVAH who marks them as goats and destroys them.
You...uh... but they're still valued as humans.
JW: Not if Jehovah destroys them, which He will. Then they're just dead humans.
Not valuable?
JW: No, not really.
so ofs got to comment again this morning and thought the comment might bring a smile to someone.the second half question on par.
15 was, "we cannot actually see jesus, sohow can we look intently at him?".
ofs commented, "of course, we cannot literally see jesus as peter did.
Look to the governing body and you will see Jesus...
Brilliant. Some minds will be cemented by such a comment while other minds will go
i was watching the news about the french terrorist attacks.
not getting into that but i notice the media is churning it over a bit, now.
moving switly on; there were prayers for peace reported.. question: what do those praying for peace think that god will actually do about their prayers?.
What do people expect God to do?
Kiss it and make it feel better.
tonight (sat.
11/14/15) at 10pm eastern time -cult free radio with mad sweeney and special guest ivy craig.
the recording will be up on youtube some time tomorrow if you can't listen live.
Since you didn't trademark the name, you might want to find out if THEY have. You could be held in violation down the road if they decide to be jerks about it.
If it's still available, trademark it.
This exact scenario happened to a friend of mine who owned a small business for many years and lost his customers to the new kids on the block who had the foresight to protect their chosen name.
there appears to be several crises inflicting themselves upon the wtbts all at once.
the crises are likely difficulties - hence the increasing publicity given to contributing money.
reduced production - probably related to above (literature and building principally).
When my mother was a nurse she asked to work in pediatrics because she loved children. A few months later she asked to be transferred out because she couldn't handle the trauma of tending to abuse cases.
I imagine an elder goes into the position with a sincere desire to shepherd the flock, help people. But the reality of what they are called on to deal with these days is too much.
can you send me the quote where the watchtower said that the word includes the book vindication?
thanks a bunch!.
.. the quote is in the 1932 watchtower, april 1, pg.101, par.
With evidence like that, what prevents us from running back to Jehovah's organization?
my wife is a stubborn stubborn woman.
when we got the internet in 1998 i slowly faded due to trying to prove apostates are lairs and scum...only to find they told nothing but "the truth.
" every qoute was checked and re-checked.