That struck a chord.
I was homeschooled too and felt very unplugged from the universe around me, including the people at the hall. You've got a ton of people here willing and ready to be there for you even if we're not in the same locale.
i literally have 0 friends, actually i've never had any close friends.
its really started to get to me.
i homeschool and my parents keep me super isolated and all the other kids at my hall are complete a**holes!!
That struck a chord.
I was homeschooled too and felt very unplugged from the universe around me, including the people at the hall. You've got a ton of people here willing and ready to be there for you even if we're not in the same locale.
i was working one day, had a couple of male customers to serve when this lady walks in & offers me a track on her religion, my answer without thinking " i already know what the bible say's, i'm one of jw's".
she just threw me a dirty look & the two guy's just looked down & said nothing.
i just carried on, served them as nothing had happened.
I never did business territory. They kept trying to push it and even asked me directly to participate but I always had "other calls" to do.
Even as a kid I thought it was in poor taste to interrupt business like that. I was a regular auxiliary drone back in high school, always looking for hours. But I refused to do business work.
an entire store dedicated to men's sock fashion.
anthony morris would swivel in his executive leather office chair..
An entire store dedicated to men's sock fashion. Anthony Morris would swivel in his executive leather office chair.
the portuguese channel tvi in portugal, broadcast this documentary in october 2015 about jehovah's witnesses.
child abuse, shunning, blood transfusions and many other topics were mentioned in this report.the documentary makers asked for a response from the leadership of jehovahs witnesses to the damaging statements made by survivors of child abuse and domestic violence.
delete if already posted.. .
2015-november 19, boe.
.. re: review of circuit account balances.
If the total circuit funds at the end of the assembly exceed the target balance, the excess should be donated to the worldwide work.
If they are mandating that the excess money be handed over, how can they call it a donation?
Isn't if just ... uhm, a fee?
from a story in the jewish press:.
quote: "the city of david excavations of the jerusalem hebrew university on mount ophel, at the foot of the southern wall of the temple mount compound, have yielded a sensational discovery: a seal (bulla) with the name of king hezekiah (727-698 bce).".
"king hezekiahs bulla was discovered in a garbage heap that was dumped during or shortly after hezekiahs time, from a royal building that was used to store food.
I FREAK'N LOVE archeology.
It would be fascinating to explore places that have not been seen in thousands of years, dig up old relics.
I watch documentaries on this stuff all the time. That ring is such a cool find.
so what scriptures do you think will never make the cut?i will start off with one to warm you all up.. 1 corinthians 4:6 - do not go beyond the things that are written,.
i've quickly read through watchtower's submission to the royal commission.
seems like they aren't planning to change policy anytime soon.
they are critical of how the royal commission handled the situation.. the tone is of the submission is shear arrogance.
... the Jehovah’s Witnesses were totally devoid of artifice.
The rank & file will twist this into, "See? We are unlettered just like Christ's disciples."
and with it the language in the w.t loosing its authority?.
i ask the question because, with the g.b now appearing before members on their social media, and reluctantly on royal commissions my opinion is :-.
a) the g.b can no longer hide like wells's invisible man.
I think they're definitely loosing their grip, slowly. I think people's perception of the GB's elevated spiritual authority is dangling by a thread. But I don't think the GB's perception of themselves has changed one iota. Example: Tony's recent OBEY video.
I was pondering this just yesterday. I can foresee COs or groups of elders begin to question the GB and demand answers for all the mess going on (particularly money matters). Eventually the GB will be backed into a corner with no defense. They will come out swinging with all the elevated bluster they can manage, "HOW DARE you question Jehovah's authority!"
i think it was punkofnice who came up with the phrase, "apathy carts".
how apropos.. yesterday i encountered a car group of witnesses in my community as i was coming home from the gym.
actually, their van was blocking me from entering my driveway.
Oh, and if he smiled, then looked away, and smiled again at you, that was "a return visit"!