Just read the posts above.
Ever feel late to the party?
battle over contamination at watchtower site in warwick.
by hema easley .
Just read the posts above.
Ever feel late to the party?
battle over contamination at watchtower site in warwick.
by hema easley .
but the organization's law suit smacks of amateur lawyering to recover costs and oozes incredible naivete.
Or could it be they bought the land knowing full well the condition, planning to sue down the line to help fund the whole damned project?
battle over contamination at watchtower site in warwick.
by hema easley .
Jehovah’s Witnesses, has agreed to dismiss the case against one of the companies, Vale Canada, because New York courts do not have jurisdiction over foreign businesses.
They had to agree to dismiss?....... because they didn't know in advance that NY courts didn't have jurisdiction over foreign companies?
I'm not a lawyer and EVEN I knew that!
Didn't they see the address on the paperwork while they were compiling it?
"Joe... this company is in Canada. Should we go ahead and file in New York City anyway?"
"Yes Bob, let's do that. And may Jehovah bless our efforts."
(2. after offering prayer without the disfellow-shipped person present, invite him into the room.
) i needed answers to as why the elders would not pray when they talked to me in the room.
3 letters have been sent to get reinstated and all denied and forgotten!
"Thrown out to the wolves!"
No... you were thrown out BY the wolves. In time you will see it for the blessing it is.
Take your time, study, research, ask all the questions you need to right here. You have the rest of your free life to explore the truth that makes sense to YOU!
'like you're touching someone covered in a lubricant': next generation condoms.
the melbourne age - december 09, 2015. better than nature - i cant wait ....
read more: http://www.theage.com.au/technology/sci-tech/brain-scans-test-pleasure-attributes-of-nextgen-condom-20151209-glj7aw.html#ixzz3trlg56vl.
are they just moving the goal posts now that 2016 is almost upon us?.
That looks like an air traffic control tower. Are the kings building a landing strip for their new Dreamliners?
i literally have 0 friends, actually i've never had any close friends.
its really started to get to me.
i homeschool and my parents keep me super isolated and all the other kids at my hall are complete a**holes!!
That struck a chord.
I was homeschooled too and felt very unplugged from the universe around me, including the people at the hall. You've got a ton of people here willing and ready to be there for you even if we're not in the same locale.
i was working one day, had a couple of male customers to serve when this lady walks in & offers me a track on her religion, my answer without thinking " i already know what the bible say's, i'm one of jw's".
she just threw me a dirty look & the two guy's just looked down & said nothing.
i just carried on, served them as nothing had happened.
I never did business territory. They kept trying to push it and even asked me directly to participate but I always had "other calls" to do.
Even as a kid I thought it was in poor taste to interrupt business like that. I was a regular auxiliary drone back in high school, always looking for hours. But I refused to do business work.
an entire store dedicated to men's sock fashion.
anthony morris would swivel in his executive leather office chair.. http://money.cnn.com/video/luxury/2015/11/25/gentlemans-guide-to-socks.cnnmoney/index.html?sr=cnnmoneybin120515gentlemans-guide-socks0900vid.
An entire store dedicated to men's sock fashion. Anthony Morris would swivel in his executive leather office chair.
the portuguese channel tvi in portugal, broadcast this documentary in october 2015 about jehovah's witnesses.
child abuse, shunning, blood transfusions and many other topics were mentioned in this report.the documentary makers asked for a response from the leadership of jehovahs witnesses to the damaging statements made by survivors of child abuse and domestic violence.