Posts by Zoos
The story of my exit
by mrsObfuscate ini have been lurking here for about 6 months, and being the last day of the year, and ready to start the new one afresh, i want to share the story of our exit from the org.
i have found the personal experiences of others of immeasurable value, (and its been a while since a good exit story has been posted) that i hope this can be of benefit to at least someone.. .
my mother became a jehovahs witness when i was about 9 or 10. i remember initially hating all of the new sanctions put on our lives (no birthdays and christmas anymore) but for some reason i soon after joined her in attending the meetings and eventually got baptized at the age of 14. my staunch catholic father converted a couple of years later.
Just want to add my welcome to the choir. Glad you found your way out and your life is on course for the better as you search for your own truth. -
Years ago son raised a few years as a JW. Now struggles with depression
by Check_Your_Premises inbackground:.
i spent some time here awhile back as an unbelieving mate of a jw wife.
i learned a lot, and was able to be supportive and understanding when she decided to leave the jw.. unfortunately, my son seems to have internalized many of the jw teachings.
Have him read Crisis of Conscience so he can see how a former governing body member dealt with the same issues he's dealing with. -
No One Ever Thanks Police ??
by berrygerry inso, this week's sm has extracts from the yearbook.. the [police] chief turned to his assistant and said, in all my 32years of serving on the force, i have never heard anyonethank us for our work!.
in our area, people thank the police daily, never mind in 32 years..
32 years of helping people and not one person said thank you?
Think it through.
Waking up with unsung songs...
by Tempest in a Teacup in...trying hard not to forget them .
...not knowing how to write them down because i don't know musical notes .... ...postponing recording them .
...ending up forgetting them.
...not knowing how to write them down because I don't know musical notes ...
Learning the basics of music theory is not difficult. Go to your local music (not record) store and ask the clerk to select a beginners book for you. You can learn the notes easily and then write down, if nothing else, just the melody. The accompaniment can come later.
Watchtower purchases CoC copyright for undisclosed amount!
by the girl next door innow what is your stance?
Watchtower purchases CoC for undisclosed amount! Now what is your stance?
I would announce on every social media outlet I could get my computer on that I possess a PDF of Ray's book (which I do), that I am willing to dispense it free of charge (which I am) and that they should send me a private message to discuss it (which they should).
.... if the Watchtower purchased the copyright for CoC.
Going to see Star Wars:The Force Awakens - What are you seeing?
by fulltimestudent inthis is not an attempt to 'straightjacket' anyone into a fixed interpretative perspective.
so set your mind free and see satan and his demons if you reallynwant to adopt a possible jw perspective.
or, just sit back and watch the show and the trick affects if you want.. or like the uk guardian you could see the movie in terms of dysfunction (personal and family).. quote: the original movies were always based on the most extraordinary nexus of personal and family dysfunction: a motor of guilt, shame and conflict.
Morning all! Just here to say hi and join in the discussion
by park ave boy ini'm happy to join every ex-jw.borg site i can and support in whatever way i can.
i now regularly donate to these sites when available.
i'm bitter but i don't hate jws because they were brainwashed like we all were.
Battle over contamination at Watchtower site in Warwick
by OrphanCrow in
battle over contamination at watchtower site in warwick.
by hema easley .
Perhaps INCO should just let the story die. -
Battle over contamination at Watchtower site in Warwick
by OrphanCrow in
battle over contamination at watchtower site in warwick.
by hema easley .
Just read the posts above.
Ever feel late to the party?
Battle over contamination at Watchtower site in Warwick
by OrphanCrow in
battle over contamination at watchtower site in warwick.
by hema easley .
but the organization's law suit smacks of amateur lawyering to recover costs and oozes incredible naivete.
Or could it be they bought the land knowing full well the condition, planning to sue down the line to help fund the whole damned project?