I'll have to watch this later.
in this jc the couple accused of apostasy, lay down some inconvenient and incontestable truths about the organization's teachings that leave the elders speechless - as far as them mustering any efforts to refute them.
oh and by the way, do you remember what geoffrey jackson said at the australian royal commission when he was asked about an inactive jw being called to account if the elders stopped by and find him celebrating the holiday?
don't worry if you've forgotten because the couple mentions it to the elders, you know, seeing as it's the very same reason why they're being accused of apostasy, thus proving geoffrey jackson's statements to be false!.
I'll have to watch this later.
here's the backstory: a jw posted a thread in /r/debatereligion basically allowing the community to ask him anything.
things got realer than he expected, i think.
someone brought up the failed predictions and asked if they would qualify as false prophecy(1 john 4:1).
Let's assume for a moment that the bible IS the inerrant word of God. He used imperfect men to write it just like the governing body claims to be used (directed) by God (holy spirit) when it writes the literature.
Inspired, directed... whatever. The claim of "truth from God" is the same.
How many times, then, has the bible needed to be updated, changed, flip-flopped or adjusted due to new light?
According to the scriptures, when God uses men to write something, He sees to it they get it right the first time.
Welcome to the forum, SINCERELYMINE. Looking forward to your participation.
have you got a cow that you could sell for the gb they really really need the money
Farm animals for salvation is not unheard of in JW land. This story from the 2011 Yearbook, p.117 (Papua New Guinea)
▪ WHILE staying with a friend, I saw a copy of the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life. I read a few chapters and asked him if I could have it. “Give me a chicken, and it’s yours,” he replied. The exchange was made, and I took the book home and read it carefully. Before long, I was telling others about the wonderful things I had learned...
hi everybody, 1st post here.
20 years jw, elder for 6 years, regular pioneer for 3 years, have always been following the 2012 candace conti abuse case with much interest, especially since the case suddenly disappeared from www.watchtower.com's news section (thanks brother j. r. brown, office of public information, because it led me to "worldly" websites for more info), leading to more and more dissatisfaction , leading to jwfacts, jwsurvey, ad1914, wtdocuments etc., leading to my awakening about 4 months ago, now fading faster and faster to zero meetings and zero field service...and you know what?
it feels good!.
SOoo, Watchtower's desire to withhold information on their website is what caused them to lose yet another.... That probably didn't work out the way they envisioned.
Welcome to the forum.
hello people.. i'm tired and a bit sick at the moment but i can't let anyone think that this is going to go away.... i am able to tell you a few things in order to prevent any confusion in the minds of those who are thinking that nothing will come of this arc;that nothing will effect the wtbts in america and other places.. i have been there and given my testimony.
helen milroy and her assistants were there along with another group of people who are there to lend assistance if you crack up at any time during or after the hearing.
i did not crack up but can see how this happens.. security is tight and anonymity is sacred to them as they want to protect all who come forward.
HOW ARE YOU RIGHT NOW, Umber? Are you settled? Healthy? Stable? You've been through a lot. Are you okay?
... and thank you, for what you did.
i have been lurking here for about 6 months, and being the last day of the year, and ready to start the new one afresh, i want to share the story of our exit from the org.
i have found the personal experiences of others of immeasurable value, (and its been a while since a good exit story has been posted) that i hope this can be of benefit to at least someone.. .
my mother became a jehovahs witness when i was about 9 or 10. i remember initially hating all of the new sanctions put on our lives (no birthdays and christmas anymore) but for some reason i soon after joined her in attending the meetings and eventually got baptized at the age of 14. my staunch catholic father converted a couple of years later.
i spent some time here awhile back as an unbelieving mate of a jw wife.
i learned a lot, and was able to be supportive and understanding when she decided to leave the jw.. unfortunately, my son seems to have internalized many of the jw teachings.
so, this week's sm has extracts from the yearbook.. the [police] chief turned to his assistant and said, in all my 32years of serving on the force, i have never heard anyonethank us for our work!.
in our area, people thank the police daily, never mind in 32 years..
32 years of helping people and not one person said thank you?
Think it through.
...trying hard not to forget them .
...not knowing how to write them down because i don't know musical notes .... ...postponing recording them .
...ending up forgetting them.
...not knowing how to write them down because I don't know musical notes ...
Learning the basics of music theory is not difficult. Go to your local music (not record) store and ask the clerk to select a beginners book for you. You can learn the notes easily and then write down, if nothing else, just the melody. The accompaniment can come later.
now what is your stance?
Watchtower purchases CoC for undisclosed amount! Now what is your stance?
I would announce on every social media outlet I could get my computer on that I possess a PDF of Ray's book (which I do), that I am willing to dispense it free of charge (which I am) and that they should send me a private message to discuss it (which they should).
.... if the Watchtower purchased the copyright for CoC.