JHINE, VILLAGE IDIOT, TOESUP : Thanks. Feels good.
Posts by Zoos
"They trampled on my humility."
by Zoos init's rare that i bump into someone from the old hall.
but it happened yesterday with one of the nicest brothers i remember.. he came into my place of work not knowing i worked there.
my company is now on his delivery route.
"They trampled on my humility."
by Zoos init's rare that i bump into someone from the old hall.
but it happened yesterday with one of the nicest brothers i remember.. he came into my place of work not knowing i worked there.
my company is now on his delivery route.
COFTY : The elders are blind to what they do. So narrowly focussed on rules and regulations they can't see themselves or the trail of blood.
"They trampled on my humility."
by Zoos init's rare that i bump into someone from the old hall.
but it happened yesterday with one of the nicest brothers i remember.. he came into my place of work not knowing i worked there.
my company is now on his delivery route.
PALE.EMPEROR, LIEU : We talked about that. He told them that their behavior was not in line with scripture OR the literature. Yet the wolves went ahead and tore him apart anyway. He told me he appealed the DF verdict to no avail. I asked him, WHY, if elders are appointed by Holy Spirit and the entire judicial committee arrangement is overseen by Holy Spirit, WHY does there even exist an appeals process?
"They trampled on my humility."
by Zoos init's rare that i bump into someone from the old hall.
but it happened yesterday with one of the nicest brothers i remember.. he came into my place of work not knowing i worked there.
my company is now on his delivery route.
It's rare that I bump into someone from the old hall. But it happened yesterday with one of the nicest brothers I remember.
He came into my place of work not knowing I worked there. My company is now on his delivery route. I saw his new beard and knew immediately he was no longer active, because as we all know, bearded men will not inherit God's kingdom. His face lit up. I think mine did too, as I really did have genuine affection for this guy. His wife at the time was profoundly apposed to his participation in "that filthy cult" and she was hell bent on making his life miserable. She succeeded. He saw it as persecution, Satan's attempt to keep him from Jehovah, reinforced by all of us in the organization who loved him.
He shook my hand furiously with a big smile and... we caught up. He married a new girl who was "not in the truth." Had been inactive for a couple of years and then got a message through his mother that the PO from our old hall just wanted to contact him to provide encouragement.
My old friend told me he really missed the meetings, friends, etc... so he agreed to meet with PO. "[Zoos], I arrived with my tail tucked between my legs. I was contrite, admitted everything and told them I wanted to come back and make things right. THEY POUNCED! Turned out they only wanted me to appear before a committee so they could disfellowship me. They trampled ALL OVER my humility."
I could see the pain in his expressions as he related the story and it made me think of my own experiences and those of countless people on this forum who have shared their stories. We talked for awhile longer - he and I were both on our respective company clocks - but the good news is he is FULLY awake, FULLY out, and happier than I have ever seen him.
And I'll see him again.
Should all the JW`s who ever took part in a quick build/renovations take out a class action against the WTB&TS for compensation ?
by smiddy inlet`s face it , the people who took part in quick builds / renovations of kingdom halls , etc, never expected the wtb&ts to sell off the buildings they were so sure was for furthering kingdom interests in this system of things .. they gave their time, effort, money, labour ,free of charge , and then some years later the society sells it off for a profit ?
to the wt ?.
kingdom halls , assembly halls , etc.
What the WBTS is doing to people in this regard is unethical but not illegal. The property is theirs to do with what they please.
Someone anonymously tipped the elders?
by raven inso here an update on my current situation, in a nutshell i've been trying to quietly fade for the past 5 months.. well, my mom somehow found out that i am currently fading and that i live with my boyfriend (for more info on this check my previous posts) i told her yes i live with him and yes i no longer want to be a jw.
anyways, yesterday she met my boyfriend.. awkward.
and after lunch she pulled me aside to tell me that the po came up to her (he was part of my jc when i was reproved) he said to her "someone came to me and said - i cannot say who so they will remain anonymous- but that your daughter is living with someone" my mom confirmed and apparently he told her that i have one week to confess this, and if i don't my parents are obligated to tell them everything.. what kind of nonsense is that?
You are giving other people WAaaay too much power.
Let the PO ask his questions and make demands on your mother. Let your mother obey his orders. Let them summon you. Let your phone ring. Let all the little culties do what culties do best.
Grab yourself a Coke and a bag of popcorn and enjoy the show.
What were you never going to do in "This system" But did it?
by karter infinish school.. finish my apprenticeship (why are you doing that brother karter you will never finish it in this system).. buy a house.. pay the house off.. karter..
I was never going to wear...
Geoffrey Jackson - "Satan, don't take my hair!!!"
by OrphanCrow incars, plasma tvs, shopping malls...all come from satan.
I always thought my dog was very happy because he was ACTIVELY INVOLVED IN AN ENJOYABLE GAME. I swear, they take the most simple pleasures of life and pervert them into a tale of how sick this world is. -
To help our brothers displaced by the Fort McMurray wildfires you can donate to ...
by hoser inworldwide work fund.
yep they read a letter today after the sunday morning meeting.
they were also highly encouraging people to volunteer to go to the fort to clean up brothers houses.
Give to reputable charity organizations only.
The Canadian Red Cross has initiated a fund raising effort to help victims of this fire.
Nice weather this weekend. Made me think.....
by punkofnice inthere was a time when as a family, we'd host a bbq in our large back garden.
we'd have a small gazebo, tables and chairs.
the reggae music would be pumping out but not too loud.
So what are you going to do now?