I remember the bird story. I even thought the reason we had so many bugs was to give all the new birds something to eat in the meantime.
i never heard the un church story.
it must of been around 1992. i remember all the chatter among local wirnesses was about how the united nations was setting up there own churches around the world.
it seems like there was even a newspaper article to back this up.
it was obvious that this is how governments would finally turn on religion.
I remember the bird story. I even thought the reason we had so many bugs was to give all the new birds something to eat in the meantime.
i never heard the un church story.
i've noticed, partilcularly on instagram, a advertising blitz for jw.org by the dubs.
primarily its the younger ones 35 and under vs older ones.
i dont know if its just my friends or everyone but they are obsessed with jw.org.
DocHouse, you've been naughty. Go say 10 Hail Faithful Slaves and 5 Our Websites.
"when i was 14, i made the decision to present myself to the world as a homosexual.
i stayed that way for the next 11 years, even living with several different men during that time.".
-watchtower april 1, 2011 page 28.
"After that I went back into the closet where I continue to suppress and deny my true nature in order to live in harmony with the opinions of others. My internalized homophobia is irrelevant. The depth of my pain and emptiness is irrelevant. The length to which I must spin a story of how I became a heterosexual with the help of God is a burden I carry so that my family and their approved friends will like me."
a tragic, but honest, story.
well written, in my opinion.. i'd like to see how the local jw's would handle this being mentioned to them this saturday morning in the ministry.. it's just a shame it's only a local newspaper, not a national.. www.bucksherald.co.uk/news/more-news/former-jehovah-s-witness-leaves-memorial-to-family-who-shunned-her-1-6206648.
NewYork44M: Stories like this... may embarrass the organization sufficiently to change
Vidiot: ...any outside pressure to reform is met with further entrenchment and increasingly hard-line policies.
I realize there is a fine line in approach here, but NewYork44M is referring to change in response to an embarrassing situation as opposed to (what I perceive to be) Vidiot's position of direct, outside pressure for policy change. Any effort to directly confront the WTS to force policy change will absolutely fail. The GB is too haughty to bow before anyone.
However, they have certainly proven they are aware of the extensive reach of the internet and proactive in their efforts to develop a good reputation amongst the common folk. Like any business, corporate image is everything to them. While stories like this one might take a long time to wear them down - if they ever work at all - I don't think it is unreasonable to hope that public embarrassment piled on top of public embarrassment might someday illicit a change for the sake of public image.
i obviously have an active imagination.... i can just see the parallels between "the walking dead" and the masses of witnesses hyped up during the august campaign!.
big crowds of slow walking witnesses with no logical brain function, moving en-mass towards non-witnesses....with only one combined thought "must leave tract".....as they mumble to each other......dragging feet......like zombies..... when one person in the community accepts a tract, they are then the target of every witness who smells their 'interest' and is swamped with more and more visits...big crowds pile on top of them, stripping away at their very individuality and being....until they become one of them!.
The screaming in horror and ultimate blood loss will be about the same.
a tragic, but honest, story.
well written, in my opinion.. i'd like to see how the local jw's would handle this being mentioned to them this saturday morning in the ministry.. it's just a shame it's only a local newspaper, not a national.. www.bucksherald.co.uk/news/more-news/former-jehovah-s-witness-leaves-memorial-to-family-who-shunned-her-1-6206648.
Hopefully The Bucks Herald is a much read newspaper.
Too bad we can't read what the sign said. The local Witnesses will only see her as someone who was too lazy to carry the responsibility of earning her way into paradise.
i just spent 30 minutes writing this story and lost it all before i hit submit.
i'll try to be brief.. last night a former co-worker of my wife's called saying he was on his way to the house to drop off a job he would like her to do.
we haven't seen him in over 8 years.
And THAT, folks, is how it's done.
i guess it was bound to happen..... just saw a facebook post where the user updated their profile picture to be the blue square jw.org logo.. .
don't know whether to laugh or cry.
worship the borg, you people!!!
I had lunch with the only JW I'm still in contact with (covertly) and she made the comment yesterday, "We don't preach the good news of the kingdom anymore. We promote a website."
when i was still attending i almost single handedly took care of the outside grounds.
i actually enjoyed it - gardening being a hobby.
but i turned in the keys to the shed about three months before i made my official exit.. .
I have no doubt after 5 years the composition of that congregation may have changed slightly, but not enough that there are no qualified brothers to take a mower out for a walk. This is not a city environment. We ain't no sissy city slickers. We's rednecks... with trucks... and lawn mowers and trailers. You can't tell me there ain't no gooder opshuns than bringing in worldly people.
Fade to Black: perhaps one of the elders owns a lawn service business.
For a second I thought maybe... but I recognized the name of that landscape company and I've met the guy who owns it. Big 'ole nasty redneck with a big 'ole nasty white belly. And he has facial hair.
And he spits!
when i was still attending i almost single handedly took care of the outside grounds.
i actually enjoyed it - gardening being a hobby.
but i turned in the keys to the shed about three months before i made my official exit.. .
When I was still attending I almost single handedly took care of the outside grounds. I actually enjoyed it - gardening being a hobby. But I turned in the keys to the shed about three months before I made my official exit.
Since then I noticed various brothers and sisters taking care of the place. Every year they would have a big spring cleaning right before memorial. Yesterday I passed by the hall and noticed a local landscape company truck in the driveway and some guy with a beard (*gasp*) mowing the lawn. Now we all know bearded men will not inherit God's kingdom so it begs the question what kind of situation exists where a hall with three congregations of 90+ publishers each cannot come up with one person to cut the grass. Even if their mower is broken for the time being, I even used my personal mower a couple of times in a situation like that.
But to bring in worldly people... dead people walking - to cut the grass? What gives?