Posts by Zoos
Young Girl Exposes Jehovah's Witnesses at school video goes VIRAL last 2 days 273,000 views
by Watchtower-Free inoriginal thread here.
I put my money where my mouth is and have contacted my national newspaper with this information.and have a few more papers to contact.
Would you mind posting your letter so some of us can do a JW copy of it for our own local newspapers?
New Watchtower-- the End is coming in our lifetime again now??
by FusionTheism inthey just posted the simplified august study watchtower on paragraph 11 of the "expectation!
" article says this:.
"so even if we feel that we have been waiting a long time, this does not mean that the end is far away or that it is not coming in our lifetime.".
We won't be able to dangle this Watchtower tidbit in their face for another 80 years or so and say, "What about this lifetime?" By then the current JWs won't be even slightly interested in what was printed so long ago, waving it away as old light, narrowly focused on all the new spiritual gems they just downloaded on their 3D tablets from Watchtower International Salvation Corp., so they can Instagram this good news of the kingdom in all the digital world. -
Is 2034 the ultimate Watchtower date?
by cultswatter ina recent wacktower had hinted that the year 2034 would be the final date for armaggedon.
if armageddon has not arrived by 2035 then will the wts close shop for good or will they simply accuse the past presidents of apostacy and regroup to form another daughter of the tower offshoot baseless religion?.
('Only 41,193 years left till Armageddon!)
Ah! The last days.
Official List of Helpers to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses
by jwleaks inofficial current list as published by watchtower >>> here.
official list of governing body of jehovahs witnesses helpers.
list of governing body of jehovahs witnesses helpers.
Can you imagine how righteous these men must be in order to be hand selected by the sons of God to serve in such a lofty position? Oh, how the thought of it doth maketh me quiver.
If only I could reach out and touch the pant leg of one of these men, surely my flow of diarrhea would stop.
How much sediment would have been moved in Noah's flood?
by Zoos ini flew over this crate yesterday on my return home from las vegas.. .
they say this crater was created by an asteroid about 50,000 years ago.
then about 6000 years ago, presumably, god wiped out all life on earth with a global flood.. how much sediment would have been moved around during that flood.
Check out the Epic of Gilgamesh sometime. Babylon's side of the story for the great flood and many similarities and intersections with the Hebrew side.
I now have the Epic of Gilgamesh pdf.
How much sediment would have been moved in Noah's flood?
by Zoos ini flew over this crate yesterday on my return home from las vegas.. .
they say this crater was created by an asteroid about 50,000 years ago.
then about 6000 years ago, presumably, god wiped out all life on earth with a global flood.. how much sediment would have been moved around during that flood.
The bible version of the tale of a global flood comes complete with a date - it was only 4,400 years not 6,000 as the OP postulated.
You're right. I goofed.
How much sediment would have been moved in Noah's flood?
by Zoos ini flew over this crate yesterday on my return home from las vegas.. .
they say this crater was created by an asteroid about 50,000 years ago.
then about 6000 years ago, presumably, god wiped out all life on earth with a global flood.. how much sediment would have been moved around during that flood.
I flew over this crate yesterday on my return home from Las Vegas.
They say this crater was created by an asteroid about 50,000 years ago. Then about 6000 years ago, presumably, God wiped out all life on earth with a global flood.
How much sediment would have been moved around during that flood. Would this crater still be visible like this?
More info on crater:
The Watch Tower Society reveals itself
by Doug Mason inover time, the watch tower society has completely changed many of its beliefs.
for example, until recently, the wts said that the emblems of the memorial represented the church, the 144,000, that the emblems did not symbolize jesus.. at times, the wts changes the name of a belief while it continues the teaching, for example, the wts used to say that jesus and the 144,000 together were the "the christ".
today, the wts denies this teaching but the name "anointed" means "christ".. do you want to see what the watch tower reveals about these things and more?
I always enjoy sinking my teeth into your work Doug. You do a tremendous service.
The "Ice Cream Video" - is it real?
by freddo inthe "don't buy ice cream give us the money video" that is the subject of other threads.. i am not very good with computer stuff - would someone tell me where it is to be found on jworg please?
i can't find it.. thanks..
The lesson for kids is that they should give ALL their money to the WTS. There was no mention of 10% in that video.
No mention of budgeting, saving, a little here, a little there, a little for donations.
Nope! They show the girl dropping every coin she owns into the coffer as a way of making God happy..