Even though the vaccine is made from one of the fractions now deemed acceptable, James Harrison would still be disfellowshipped for donating his blood.
Well OF COURSE that makes sense.
james harrison is australian and is known as the man with the golden arm.
i've neither researched nor inquired of his religious disposition, but i feel safe assuming he's not now and never has been associated formally with the watchtower organization.
this man is a national treasure and hero of the first order.
Even though the vaccine is made from one of the fractions now deemed acceptable, James Harrison would still be disfellowshipped for donating his blood.
Well OF COURSE that makes sense.
thanks to bu2b and splash who mentioned this quote in another thread!.
but i thought it deserved a thread all of its own, such is the impact of this:.
the very best example of going beyond the things written comes from a 2008 watchtower.
thanks to bu2b and splash who mentioned this quote in another thread!.
but i thought it deserved a thread all of its own, such is the impact of this:.
the very best example of going beyond the things written comes from a 2008 watchtower.
There was a video posted here a few years back where a reporter jumped into one of the GB's face while he was exiting a convention stage and asked a couple of questions.
I'm fuzzy on the details.
The GB member, referring to something that had been written in society's literature said, "We're not to go beyond the things written."
If someone remembers this video can you please post it? It would fit perfectly in this thread.
mr. geoffrey jackson hosts this month's propaganda-fest, and uses a favourite catchphrase of the org - "by extension" - to get out of the dead-end which the scriptwriters had put him in.
he quotes matthew 10:22 - "and you will be objects of hatred by all people on account of my [jesus'] name; but he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved.".
mr. jackson knows only too well that probably no j.w.
original thread here.
Smiddy, many of us have no time to compose letters or spend time in any meaningful activist activities. However, we often feel the desire to do something.
Often on this forum, people have posted their letters to editors for others to copy and send to their own local papers. I have taken advantage of that arrangement in the past and felt good that I was able to play some kind of role, if only minimal.
Nevertheless, I respect your opinion on the matter.
My request stands, however, for anyone who would like to post a well written letter that may be used by others to further expand the reach of this video.
can't say too much without spoiling the ending.
but this entire video is very interesting as it highlights wwii and puts the death toll in visual perspective.. https://vimeo.com/128373915.
Does this mean the WTS editotal writers only extrapolated select information that supported their own end times doctrines ? then used that information in forwarding propaganda to support the sales and proliferation of their own publications ?
[gasp] Say it isn't so!
can't say too much without spoiling the ending.
but this entire video is very interesting as it highlights wwii and puts the death toll in visual perspective.. https://vimeo.com/128373915.
i don't know if i have shared this with everyone, but there seems to be a new theocratic term, at least in my circuit.. the term is "final push.
" wtf does it mean?
well, an eldub said that the gb are "all in" with warwick and they might spend all their money on the project.
Well, an Eldub said that the GB are "all in" with Warwick and they might spend ALL their money on the project.
All WHOSE money?
can't say too much without spoiling the ending.
but this entire video is very interesting as it highlights wwii and puts the death toll in visual perspective.. https://vimeo.com/128373915.
Can't say too much without spoiling the ending. But this entire video is very interesting as it highlights WWII and puts the death toll in visual perspective.
ive been here less than a year, but ive notice that the majority of us have faded for various reasons.
we also read the stories of those who got disfellowshipped or disassociated themselves.
in the majority of the cases, their parents will not talk to the children for years and the children will not talk to the parents even if they are dying.
If I had to lose everything I ever cared for so I could look at myself in the mirror without vomiting, then those rat bastards living off the nickels of 8 million mentally blind victims should act like they have a pair and do SOMETHING to ease the pain for those left in their wake of their destruction.
.... if they were, in fact, awake.